seeking advice...

Teresa C.
on 5/1/12 11:16 pm - New Zealand
Hi there, i was hoping to get some advice about revision surgery...
I'll try to keep my story short and sweet!

2009 i was 175 kgs or about 380ish pounds, before my surgery i lost about 20kgs so i was down to 155 I think...sorry memory is a little hazy now lol

2010 i got down to about 115-112kgs my doctor who did my surgery said my goal weight should be about 95...he said i will still be cudly...thanks doc! i am 6'0 ^^ during that that  time i got fills and unfills felt like a yoyo...still hadn't readched the 'golden number'

Aug. 2010 i moved to koreao teach english  ...i researched surgeons and places to get fills and found a clinic in seoul which is also one stop plastic surgery first teaching job in korea was based in the outskirts  of seoul, so going to this clinic was easy feat. i had travel  1hour and half by bus and subway each i started going there...determined to get to goal weight as it was a new beginning all that seemed to going all right...i was learning to negate the korean subway system and the languagre barrier..the doctor trained in usa...diaster strikes
june 2011...i was admitted to one o f seouls biggest hospitas by the doctor in the privatate clinic for a prolapsed? band i honestly thought i was going to die! it was a scary feeling, living in a small town where not many people spoke english...i got in touch with the doctor telling him i needed an unfil and he was like its ok i will do one next week...i told him i throwing up..couldnt stomach anything not even he finnally realised it was serious...the following monday he refered me to the hospital where i was admitted and i had the surgery fix  the band.

from june -----until now...its been a slow process of taking it slowly healing the band and getting back to normal which i thought i was...i hadnt had any episodes but weight loss has been so slow

the last weekend of April, i visited my doctor...he is now not in seoul...he lives a 3 hour train ride away and i can only see hicm on his open clinic day which is once a month!  which is a tad bad was at 6.5cc he gave me 1cc which brought me 7.5cc NOW this is where the fun stuff happend...for the past 4 days all i did was throw up...i did the water test in the office...i felt fine..but as soon as i got home i didnt feel great at all...he told me to go back to the private clinic in seoul which is where i went yesterday..the doctor didnt speak much english...and he told me i should go back to see the "hospital doctor" and he also said...i can eat well now...and basically said i can get fat again ha! They also took out 3cc so now im down to 4.5cc THe private clinic said that if i keep my weight down...i wont need a fill but if i gain weight i will...which had me worried...if i gain weight and get a worried i will stop vomiting which brings, when i saw my doctor that operated on me, i asked him, if its advisable to get revision surgery, but he said i should wait and try to lose weight...but if i can't get a fill without throwing up, isnt that sort of redudant...

PLEASE DON'T GET ME WRONG....i love excercise i do it 4-6 times a week i'm down for it...but when i was recovering from the  surgery in was so hard cravings cameback with a vengence...and it was hard!!! even with the excercise 

so please can you offer me some advice should i consider getting rid of the lapband and look at other options, or should i do what the doctor says and try to lose weight the natural way...

any advice appreciated...
*sorry for the long post...but this has been weighing on my mind and living in a country which doesnt speak english is very hard to communicate!

Turtle Lynn
on 5/2/12 12:18 am - New Castle, DE
RNY on 05/29/12 with

Hi Teresa,

You poor thing, you are really being put through the ringer!  I can only imagine how difficult and scary it is being in a foreign country and having issues with your Band.

Based on my personal experience, I would say yes, definitely try to get rid of the Band and if you can have a revision surgery (not sure where or how you would even go about trying to accomplish this), than that is what I would try for. 

Once you're on that fill/unfill roller coaster, throwing up, etc, it is hard to get off of it and it is a miserable cycle.  You don't want to continue to feel crappy every day and worry about everything you put in your mouth coming back up. . .been there, done that, never want to do it again! 

The bottom line here is that you have to do what is best for YOU.  I know that I personally "dieted" myself up to 280+ lbs at my heaviest, so that did not work for me.
I'm sure some others will see your message and give you advice; hopefully, it will be someone who has better answers or more information for you than I do.  :)

Take care and best of luck to you!

  HW 287, GW 150,  CW 168   ** Band to RNY 05/29/12 **

Starting BMI between 35 and 40ish? Join us-Lightweights Board


on 5/2/12 10:54 am - Vancouver, WA
If we could do this on our own we wouldn't have gotten WLS in  the first place. Unfortunately the band has proven to be a disaster for many, many people. If at all possible I would get rid of the band as soon as possible. Once you've had a slip or prolapse you are going to continue to have problems, not to mention the fill, unfill roller coaster. It just never gets better once this all starts. I'd say revise as soon as possible! Good luck to you. Few doctors are experienced enough to realize when a revision is needed. Do what you feel is right for you!
Teresa C.
on 5/2/12 11:00 pm - New Zealand
thanks ladies for your kind words!

I know of one lady that got  ryn done by the doctor who fixed my prolasped band in seoul! she has lost over 100lbs or 40kgs in the last 4-5 months...she recomended me to get the ryn because she speaks so highly of i only have to convince our doctor who did it do  to her do it to me :D hahah i must find the evidence and make an informed choice and state my case...

overall it's the gastic bypass which has .the most success rate right? My doctor in nz recomended the lapband to me hmmm.

thanks for the input and they say in Korea....FIGHTING!!!!!!!!!!! ^.^
on 5/16/12 2:25 pm - United Kingdom
Hey Teresa,

I was banded in Korea 2 years ago and I live in Itaewon. Where do you live?

I can recommend my band doctor. He speaks fluent English as do all his staff. He would be able to help you with fills etc. His name is Dr Kang and his hospital is SKY hospital near National Police Hospital towards the end of line 3. The website is here:

If you're seriously thinking about revision there is a good bariatric doctor based at SoonChangHyang hospital in Hannam dong. He can perform gastric sleeve surgery. It's probably best if you contact the international clinic at the hospital: [email protected]

I'm also at the same point as you in terms of fills. The last 3 or 4 times i've been for a fill I haven't been able to keep water down so I've had to have an unfill. I have restriction and I PB way more than I should, but I haven't managed to deal with my head hunger. I'm currently about 30lbs from my goal. It would be really great to have some support from someone also living in Korea!
Teresa C.
on 6/19/12 8:54 pm - New Zealand
hey Korea! if you are still around, i sent you a message you can add me on facebook :D 

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