Has anyone had a STENT placement so that a leak could heal??
I had one placed in my pouch so that a small leak could heal.. I hate it.. It scares me.. I had my surgery on the 3rd of Nov and this was placed in towards the end of Nov. and needs to stay in for 6-8 weeks.. My stomach hurts and all I drink in Ensure and vitiamin water.. Please share your experience.. This has made me severally depressed.
The band caused me to have narrowing so no food was getting through my stomach.I went back into surgery Friday night to remove scar tissue and adhesion's. It was very bad. My stomach is beat up. They put a slit on the narrowing to give it some elasticity. I have a feeding tube down my nose and the hose is to keep everything straight and in place.We do not want anything to twist. I will be in the hospital for a week. I need to be able to eat on my own without vomiting.
OMG!!!!.. I am so sorry to hear that.. That is horrible.. I will keep you in my prayers.. I am just hoping that I will get this stent out soon.. I hate not being able to eat.. All I have for food is Optisource or Ensure.. It horrible,, I sometimes chew on food and spit it out just so I can have taste in my mouth.
Im sorry to hear you had to have a stent placed. I had myrevision on Nov 29 and had a leak. I had a drain in place for 3 weeks. It was just removed yesterday. I wish you a quick recovery.
He who finds diamonds must grapple in mud and mire because diamonds are not found in polished stones. They are made.