best revision for RNY?
I am almost 8 yrs out from my RNY surgery and have gained back all my weight plus. Multiple attempts to lose it, but it comes right back. Im embarrassed, feel like a failure, and struggle daily with this.
so my question is, as Im starting to truly research the whole revision idea, what is the best choice? It looks like most go with the DS, but i thought that the gastric sleeve was another revision option that worked well?? Can anyone tell me which is better and why?? I am obviously doing my own research on all of this, but I am always looking for peer opinions on it. thanks in advance!
so my question is, as Im starting to truly research the whole revision idea, what is the best choice? It looks like most go with the DS, but i thought that the gastric sleeve was another revision option that worked well?? Can anyone tell me which is better and why?? I am obviously doing my own research on all of this, but I am always looking for peer opinions on it. thanks in advance!
The journey never ends, it only chooses a new direction
I had rny 3/2008 and I have gained all my weight back. I am hungry all the time and if I could just not eat when I was hungry I would have never needed surgery to begin with. I had an upper endoscopy done and the bottom of my pouch is dilated so I have little to no restriction anymore.
6/12/12 RNY to DS revision with Dr.Roslin
It's not a stupid question, in my case, I stopped following the rules and the weight slowly came back, but once my pcp put me on antidepressants, I quickly gained about 65 lbs or so, I went from a size 14 to a 24 in less than a year. = ( So,I guess you could say there are alot of factors as to how you could regain..just stay on track, excercise and just follow the rules.
Have you thought about getting Banded? Its called a Band over Bypass (BOB). The recovery is quick and you get restriction back. I had it in June, Im down a little over 40lbs. Its more like a diet. Its safer than the DS and if you had an Open RNY like I had, a DS might not even be a possability.