2 Questions?? Answers please
Hi all,
I am going in for surgery next Monday - I am having a revision to ryn from (not sure what it was called back then) gastric bypass , which I had 26 years ago.
I have 2 questions
1. For thos who have had this type of revision what was your average weight lose?
2. How many of you had an open surgery vs. laperscopic surgery?
I can't answer for others but my revision was different from yours and I was warned that I may not lose any weight. It is said that revisions lose slower because our metabolism has been messed with but I lost even better then my first surgery and a hell of a lot more, too much in fact. And my revision was to reduce malabsorption. Go figure.
My revision was open, as are a lot it seems. There are a few surgeons that will do a revision lap but many do it open. It wasn't really that much different then any other surgery I have had. I was pretty sick going into it and took a long time to recover but I probably would have taken a long time even if it had been lap.
I am sure you know this but they do the surgery a lot differently then they did even 5 years ago. I am sure you will have a lot of success.
WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010
High Weight (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.
I am not in the process of revision I just stopped by looking for information. I am only guessing but because of the years involved you will probably be like a first timer. I am not sure but I think 20+ years ago they called it stomach stapling. If that be the case you will probably be like all the rest who start off and drop a lot the first 6 months. Again guessing it will probably be open as the surgeon would want to seel all that he has to deal with.
I am by no means an expert in this area. Have you asked your surgeon. He probably knows what his plan is and should share it with you. Try and have a chat with him before you go.
I'm a Revision "newbie," so I can't answer much as to the expected weight loss. I was told that Revision patients lose more slowly and encounter more frequent and longer plateaus. Ugh! I lost 33 pounds in 6 weeks, and my weight loss has now STOPPED! I know it's a plateau, but it's been almost 3 weeks with no weight loss, which is very frustrating. I am told that exercise and water can help, but neither has done the trick for me just yet.
As for the surgery itself, I initially had an open SRVG (stomach stapling with the Ring at the top). My revision was laproscopic! I was so pleased that it didn't have to be open, although my surgeon informed me that it would be a possibility, depending on scar tissue, just as you were told.
Hope this helps! Good luck to you next week!
I had a revision in 2008. It was Lap. Nothing remained of old surgery except scar tissue. I lost 160 during the first 18 months! I have gained some back but have discovered I have a fistula. I feel lucky to have success this time.
So , Yes you can lose the second time around.
Good luck.