Preparing for Revision Surgery Sept. 6 w/Dr. Buchwald

on 8/18/11 5:46 am - Green Bay, WI
Hi Everyone,

I'm new to this forum. I've been posting on the DS forum but just recently decided to check this out as well. I'm revising from a RNY to an open DS surgery on Sept. 6 with Dr. Henry Buchwald in Minneapolis, MN. I'd be interested in hearing more from other RNY to DS'ers about their experiences pre and post op. Also, would love to hear from more of Dr. Buchwald's patients.

I'd like to hear about others' experiences with NG tubes after surgery. I'm really hoping I won't have to have one in for an extended period of time. I had a rather traumatic experience after my RNY with an NG tube and it was only in for a short while....while I was in the recovery room. I"ve heard from others that I may possibly need to keep this tube in for 1-3 days or more after the revision surgery. Does anyone know if there's any other way around it? If they absolutely have to use it, is it possible to use a pediatric-sized tube, so it wouldn't create such a choking sensation? I can handle the surgical pain, complications, etc, but that darn NG tube will drive me crazy. But I will tolerate it if I absolutely have to. I'd just like to know if I have any other options. Thanks for your input and advice!

on 8/18/11 9:56 am - Adrian, MN
I cant blame you for being nervous about the NG tube. I may have even had my panic attack from that. My nurse that night said some patients do have panic attacks from them. They drive you crazy! I was always coughing because it felt like a ball of flem was in my throat. It just plain sucked.
Have you talked to Dr. B about it? If there is no way around it, definitely get the suppository asap. Dont let them give you a fleet enema, like they did to me on ACCIDENT--it didnt cause any harm, just that nothing every came out from it. LOL

Lap band 4 years ago. Revised to DS 8-2-11
on 8/18/11 10:33 am - Green Bay, WI
That's what I'm afraid of, Amy. After my RNY surgery, they had the NG tube in while I was in recovery. When I came to, I started having flashbacks and was trying to scream "get the penis out of my mouth," and trying to yank the darn tube out. I have history as a sexual abuse survivor but never expected to have that kind of reaction. The anesthesia serves as a sort of chemical induced form of dissociation, which can then open the floodgates for old memories, traumas, etc. that lurk beneath the surface. I'm afraid of having a repeat occurrence with the NG tube after this surgery, and if it has to remain in for a long period of time, I'm just not sure how I'll handle it. Honestly, they may have to sedate me or restrain me to keep it  in. It's not so much the psychological impact that concerns me, as I can get myself grounded and remind myself that I'm not being abused currently. It's that horrible, choking feeling in my throat that I can't stand. 

I put a call into Danette and she said she was going to have Dr. B. call me back this week to discuss it but I haven't heard back from him yet. I'm hoping there's a way around it. I'll do jumping jacks or cartwheels for him, put up with more tubes in my gut, etc. just to avoid that darn NG tube! You get the picture. I will definitely heed your advice about having them get a suppository in me asap...immediately post op if they can! And if I can remember to ask while I'm under the influence of heavy sedation and pain meds! Hee, hee!

I appreciate your understanding. I don't think anyone finds those tubes tolerable. I'm glad you didn't have to have yours in any longer than necessary....and that was probably long enough for you!
on 8/18/11 11:02 pm
Hi Iwoznick,
sorry to hear of your issues. I hope they can work something out for you.  Can I ask why you are having the revision? did you have problems with your RNY or weight gain?
on 8/19/11 12:14 am - Green Bay, WI
Hi! Actually, it's a bit of both. I've had some regain...about 25 pounds in the past year. I lost about 95 pounds that actually stayed off after my RNY. Was over 105 at one point, but my weight then settled in around a 95 pound weight loss for about 1 1/2 years. Then this past year I regained 25. But that wasn't the main reason I sought a revision. I've been having abdominal pain and nausea since about last Nov. It felt like my plumbing had changed because I could feel food dropping through into my intestine and no longer had any restriction. But it would make me feel sick when it would happen. I had an endoscopy and we found out that my stoma was "excessively large" due to being dilated so many times for stricture problems. In addition, I'd developed a gastric fistula. I'm revising to the DS on Sept. 6, so those problems will be rectified. I'm interested to see what Dr. B. discovers in the transected portion of my stomach when he opens it up during surgery. I'm wondering if it's been ulcerated because the pain I feel in my abdomen is similar to when I've had ulcers in the past. I guess I'll find out once he gets in there.

Are you considering having a revision yourself? If so, what type of surgery did you have initially and would you like to revise to? I'd definitely recommend Dr. Buchwald if you're considering a revision. You'll be in the hands of one of the best bariatric surgeons who is world-renowned.

Warmest wishes,

on 8/19/11 12:17 am
Hi Lisa,
I would like to add you as a friend on here so i can privately email you if that is ok.
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