Frustrated - pc doc will not write letter
I have been working towards a revision from my band to a sleeve. I have met with the new surgeon (yes - i switched surgeons). new dietitian, did sleep study, bloodwork etc. Thought it would be easy to get my primary care doctor t write a letter. He did the last time when i wanted the band. He said now that i have a complete un fill i should wait six months and go through the fill process again and see what happens then he would think about a yr from now. I have ahd reflux and difficulty swallowing for the past year and been vomitting on a regular basis - I do not want to go through that again. I can sort of understand waiting a bit to see if the unfill makes a difference but i cannot see going through the misery again;
Just venting and need to regroup and see where i can go from here. Any suggestions?
Get a new DR.!
Also you might want to join the FB Failed Band Group: