Questions and I need all the information anyone can give me - Please!

on 8/9/11 5:07 am - Reinbeck, IA
I am so confused and miserable.  I had a VBG 7-15-99 and then not even 5 months later my first of 3 back surgeries.  My 1st back surgery 12-7-99, 2nd - 01-04-00 and third 05-01-01.  Because of these back surgeries and I'm sure I'm to blame also my VBG didn't work.  I went to a surgeon last summer and was turned down because he said I still had some restriction and I was to stressful.  Since I gained weight and have two more co-morbidities to add to my list that is growing I called his office to see if they would look at me again.  They told me that once I went through their committee and was turned down then no they wouldn't see me again.  I then found another doctor 2 hours away from me and contacted them.  That office asked for me to have my records sent from my original VBG and the doctor that turned me down and of course a referral and letter from my family doctor for which they received.  Several weeks later I received an email from them saying "

Upon review of your medical records by the bariatric surgery committee today, your request for surgery at our center has been denied.  Thank you for your interest in our program.  I emailed them back and asked them why - there response was

Based on the information provided, it was determined that you are not a candidate for our program.  We review past surgical history and past medical history and risk factors and felt you were too high risk for our program.  

My question is how can a person be too High risk when they weight 236 lbs at 5'2".  Yes I have had a few back surgeries but without a revision I will not have a life at all.  I am a chronic pain patient because of my 3 failed back surgeries and with the added weight (I weight over 15 lbs more than ever now) it makes my pain even worse.  I live on morphine daily and hate it.  I'm in bed most of the time because of pain and medication that makes me sleepy.

I have one more doctor closer to home to try but I decided that before I go to him I am going through all the loops to have my back checked out to be sure there is nothing wrong with it before I see him.  If he turns me down does anyone have any information that might help me.  Maybe a surgeon that is known to do High Risk Patients for whatever reason that makes me High Risk.  I will sell everything I own to get a revision to whatever will help me lose weight so the pain will let up and then I can go shopping again or just go for a walk. 

I cannot continue to live the way I am now - I need to find a surgeon that will give me a chance at a half way normal life.  I'm 55 y/o and not quite ready to give up yet.  Please and advice you have, I will gladly read it and be so appreciative. 

kim W.
on 8/10/11 7:47 am - west des moines, IA
Have you tried Dr. Anthone in Omaha? He is a great surgeon, only down fall is his staff have communication issues (my opinion) Another would be Minn. I know you said you tried Grinnell and they said No, right?
Not sure on your location in Iowa but I do know that no one in Des Moines will do a revision unless you try Dr. Tibes He might since he was once part of Grinnell.
Good luck, I am trying to get revision from RNY to ERny from Grinnell because they did my original. I did try Omaha but butted heads too much with his staff and getting approved insurance. So I gave up and now back to Grinnell, running threw there games for there program. The best thing is that they did not have all the rules set back in 04' when I first had the surgery.

Wish you luck!

Start-Revision RNY 02/17/2012- 402#, 2 months- down 55 #, 3 months-339


(deactivated member)
on 8/11/11 5:03 am
Okay, tough love time.  It sounds to me  that you are very high risk for surgery right now.  You are taking morphine for chronic pain and state you rarely get out of bed.  I know it seems stupid but you have to get your health in order before you can have surgery to get your health in order.  The worst thing for a surgery patient is to be immobile.  Your risk of PE and DVT goes through the roof. 

Find a pain clinic, see another surgeon for your back - do what you have to do to get that taken care of.  I don't know if there are other things in your history that contributes to your being assessed as "high risk" but have a heart to heart with your current doctor. 

THEN appeal like hell.  Find a new surgeon and do what you need to do get your surgery.  When you are healthy enough to withstand MAJOR surgery (which revision is) I'm sure things will be different.

Just my opinion, you are welcome to disagree. 
on 8/11/11 9:38 am - Reinbeck, IA
I have just went through a CAT scan to have my back checked out to be sure there isn't anything wrong - they diagnose me as failed back surgeries but between the 1st and 2nd back surgery (4 weeks apart) I reruptured my disk somehow and ended up with nerve damage down my left leg and foot.  Not only is there pain in my leg and foot it is partially numb.  I have been through 4 pain clinics had every procedure there is and nothing helps only pain medication.  I have been on several different pain medications and morphine is what I'm on now and my pain has been increasing over the past couple of years and just this past 6 months I have become pretty much bedridden.  Not by choice!  I can't even go to the grocery store without hurting so bad I almost end up in tears.

I want the rivision to drop this weigh I have put back on plus 15 more lbs because when I did lose weight my back did not ever hurt as bad as is does.  I want off all pain meds and all the other medication I have to take for High Blood pressure, depression, bad heartburn, etc.

I am going to make an appointment with my family doctor after receiving the medical records the last doctor that turned me down received from him to have a chat.  For some stupid reason whomever was in charge of sending records sent 24 pages of appointment over the past 10 years and repeats of medication lists and diagnosis' and even appt's I had with the podiatrist.  After looking at all these files I can see why with one look anyone would turn me down.

I have to find someone to help me otherwise just to handle my pain I am going to have to have my morphine increased and that's something I have been saying NO to for over a year now.  I want off all this medication.  I take three different meds for High Blood pressure and now that my cholesterol is all messed up without surgery I'm sure they will be putting me on yet another RX.  My list of prescription drugs has a total of 11 and at 55 y/o that is way too much to live on.

I understand tough love but why was I allowed to get this bad - and why did I have to ask for help in the only way I see that will help me.  I can't lose weight just laying around so I need help with getting it started so I can start walking again.  I have one more doctor in Cedar Falls, IA - Dr. Glass**** that I am planning on trying but first I need a one on one with my family doctor.  My insurance compay already said that with prior approval I am covered.  I just need to find someone willing to help me.
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