Good News Bad News
Well I went to see my doctor yesterday and he looked at my ct scan ( I went to go see him for hernia repair ) Well he looked at the ct scans and everything looks good but.... when I has my GBS in 2002 the doctor never did the RYN he only stapled right down the middle of my stomach and that was it so I lost wait and then it stretched back out so no I am going to go in for a revision / corrective surgery going in for a upper GI then I'm on my way.
In some states, you have 2 years from the date of discovery of the malpractice to sue, or you lose your right to sue. The clock is running. Go talk to a lawyer NOW. You will need to get documentation of what was supposed to be done vs. what WAS done, and that could take some time.
The RNY is a sucky enough tool, but a stomach stapling is next to worthless.
The RNY is a sucky enough tool, but a stomach stapling is next to worthless.