Anyone else changed from LAPBAND(2001) to REALIZE

(deactivated member)
on 5/23/11 11:41 pm - San Jose, CA
Not gonna sugarcoat it: I think you're ******g NUTS to consider another band, and even MORE nuts to be having any sort of bariatric surgery at a BMI of 29 - and I think any doctor who would operate on you is unethical.
on 5/29/11 10:22 am
 I feel for you. I also have the Inamed lap band and have not had a good time with it. I've suffered from terrible GERD with little weight loss. I now have found out that I have a slip. My doctor wants to fix it by placing a newer band (possibly Realize), but I'm hesitant because I doubt I will have much more success than I've had with the one I had. On the other hand, I have a hard time justifying something more "drastic", although I'm leaning toward the sleeve, given that I too am a lightweight. I still don't know what to do. Have you decided?
on 5/29/11 11:19 am
 I have the Realize Band and have not had success.  I'm just now looking into revision but my insurance will only cover RNY.   If looking into a surgery that is less "drastic" think about this... you have a foreign object in your body now....... 

Good luck in whatever you decide. 

 Realize Band 11/2009 ... revision to RNY 12/27/11. 


on 5/29/11 12:07 pm - GA
Hi Rani,
I'm so sorry for your problems with the lapband and I am soooo glad I saw this forum. My advice for you would be to NOT get another lapband. So very many people that have replied along with your story all sound the same. Plus, my sugeon recently told me that he came back recently from a bariactric surgical conference and they were informed that the most frequently performed bariactric surgery over the next 10 years is going to be removing lapbands of ALL kinds. He said his office is very busy every week with folks like me and you of always struggle with restriction, pain, obstruction and vomiting.

To make a very long and miserable story short I got my original lapband in 2004, lost 85 lbs. through vomiting 6 - 10 times per day and in pain and discomfort, had a slip, got revised in 2008 to an AP more cushiony band that "supposedly" would work better, same problems only worse, I've regained 45 lbs. and have spent thousands and thousands of dollars driving back and forth to Atlanta, GA for fill, unfill, fill, unfill. Upper gi's, flouroscopy, one port revision. I only wish I could have talked to so many people in 2004 prior to my revision that I have now that have revised from band to sleeve. For me there is no good restriction, I'm either wide open and hungry able to eat too much, or too tight and vomiting from 2 - 10 times per day, No In Between. My esophagus is dilating and I'm getting a small extra pouch as mentioned in the other post. I'm begging you not to do it! If you are having problems now I think you still will. My surgeon told me the vertical sleeve is the answer to a "natural band" that provides a feeling of restriction, not obstruction. There are many, many pros to it. I am a 31 bmi but now that I'm 50 I do not intend to let all the weight related health problems start to cave in on me the older I get.  Believe me carrying an extra 30 -50 lbs. at age 40 is very, very different at age 50 and above. More than likely the obstruction, reflux, and esophagus problems will continue.  I hate to be so negative and pushy but this has been my experience and the experience of many others I have talked to. I wouldn't care how far I had to drive or fly to get as my surgeon put it, a better, permanent, and more viable solution for me.

Best of luck to you, but remember you may only have 1 more chance. I approved and will be revising to sleeve this month.

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