XP: So undecided Band vs. VSG. So many concerns...

Crunchy As Can Be
on 4/18/11 12:14 am - NY

Ok, here's the quick and dirty of it:

I'm one month shy of 30 years old, female, 5'7'' and weigh about 250lbs, don't have children yet but plan on starting a family in the next 3-4 years. I've been on the fence about having weight loss surgery for years... know that I need help losing the weight but thus far have been unable to make a decision. Two years ago I started workup for WLS and did 6 months of nutritional education at the surgeon's office, after thinking hard and talking with surgeon decided that surgery wasn't for me.

Fast forward two years to now and I'm even heavier than I was then, and at this point am all done with pre-consultations and am ready to submit for insurance approval if I could just decide on a procedure. Surgeon suggests the VSG because of insulin resistance and hormonal benefits, but I also wonder if it's partly because they do 60% VSG and 40% other WLS combined, it's a research hospital and statistics are taken into account... though risks of band were brought up (erosion, slippage, potentially less weight loss than with VSG, etc.).

I guess I'm just wondering what people think-- I've talked with my best friend who's been banded and has lost all the weight she needed to... she's dead-set on the band, I've talked to a few MDs *****ally like the sleeve, and I've talked to some of my family and friends *****ally don't know much about either and who just want me to be healthy and comfortable inside my own body again.

As far as my lifestyle, I'm a volume eater for the most part, mostly at night when I'm at home, or on days off when I'm not being active and am mindlessly eating at home. At work (12+ hour shifts) I don't have time to take breaks except for my one lunch hour, and I don't have time to sip water/fluids throughout the day (barely time to go pee!), nor can I leave a bottle of water at any particular area in the work station (I work in healthcare and it's a violation of state health codes). So I worry with the VSG about not being able to get the proper hydration, though I'd hate to discount a good surgery and possibly the better choice for me just because of my work environment three or four days per week.

And then I think about the band, which would make it easy for me to stay hydrated, and I know that during pregnancy (sometime off in the future) you can have it unfilled for ease and comfort, but I worry about erosion and slippage, and about strictures that might develop where the band is compressing on the gastric pouch.

Sigh, I think I'm just nervous, and would appreciate any words of advice or suggestions people might have. I'm going to be emailing the nurse director of the program my surgical decision today so that she can submit for insurance approval this afternoon... I'd like to have surgery early in May when I have some planned time off from work, so that I don't use up all my sick time. I'm just so undecided and frustrated with myself over my indecision!

Thanks for listening and commenting,

on 4/18/11 1:52 am - Morrisville, PA
I was just revised from the band to the sleeve on 4/12.  The band never worked for me and does not work for most people. 

The revision was very hard and took a long time due to the scar tissue left from the band...thank God I had a stilled surgeon.

With the band I spent many, many days throwing up my food...some days I could not even swallow my own spit. 

The band is crap!
            No longer a slave to hunger!                        
Crunchy As Can Be
on 4/18/11 5:21 am - NY
Thank you very much for your reply, CKB. I appreciate the input!
Holly O.
on 4/18/11 6:06 am - FL
I had the lapband 4 1/2 yrs ago and am in the process of a revision.  Initially I started at 225 lbs.  -  lowet I got 190 lbs. The band either was to full so they would takesome fluid out so that I wouldn't slime or vomit........then I gained..........so I would go back for a tweek.  The band failed me miserbly.  Now at 235 lbs. here I am again deciding on a surgery.  I am going with the RNY after many consults with my surgeon............the restriction thing with the band didn't work for me.  Constantly getting fills, unfills...........never did find that sweet spot for me to be comfortable.  I wish you the best.........just trust your own gut feeling.  -Holly
on 4/24/11 2:53 am

hey ckb. im having bonanni do my vsg in june...i had my band out a year now so im hoping the scar tissue isnt too terrible. wanted to ask you a lil about your experience add me as a friend if you want!! 

- nancy 

Height 5'4.5 Age 28  

on 4/18/11 8:32 am

suggest going on the band and vsg forum, reading posts, asking questions.  basically you will have to do a pros and cons to both surgical procedures.  I would also suggest looking at all available wls procedures not just band and sleeve so you can say, I did all the research and I am comfortable with XXXX  Every surgery will have pos and negs no way around that one.  It is normal to be nervous, keep asking questions, readaing, etc, but no one can make the decision but you, only you know what you are willing to live with...good luck in your information gathering

on 4/18/11 10:47 am
I have a DS, so I basically have a Sleeved stomach plus an intestinal bypass. I've NEVER had any trouble staying hydrated---I can chug-alug when I'm thirsty.

And I see Bandsters talk about their Band getting so tight they can't even swallow their own spit.

I would recommend the Sleeve over the Band any day of the week, and twice on Sunday.
on 4/18/11 10:38 pm - Lake, MS
I am having a revision from Band to RNY next Monday.  The band worked great in the beginning and then the problems began.  I keep reading the same stories as mine.  I wouldn't go thru that again or really recommend it to anyone.
HW: 274  PreOp Diet: 271  Surgery: APRIL 25, 2011   
LilySlim - (6Jve)
I love my new life!!!
on 4/19/11 12:48 am - NY
I was revised from the band to the RNY 4-4-2011.I wouldn't suggest the band for anyone.It never worked for me and for those that did lose,unfortunetly they gained it right back.Either way there are certain lifestyle changes that are really hard with wls and you really need to commit.From what I have seen on the boards the the vsg is good but I don't know to much about it.So far Im doing good with the RNY.I would really discuss your best option with your doc as they would know wich is better and safer for future pregnancy.Best of luck to you.
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