Extremely nervous
I had gastric bypass 12/2002. I lost 88 lbs. then gained about 20 back over the years. But recently in November I was having pain in my pouch area and gaining weight. Dr. did an upper GI with contrast and found a fistual and a kink in my bowel. I had the kink fixed. After I had to drink the barium for the test my pain in my pouch went away. But after the kink in my bowel was fixed I started having pain in that area right after surgery and it was getting worse. So I am scheduled for a revision in May. The Dr. will fix my fistual and take away part of my old stomach and he will also do exploritory surgery to see what's up with my bowel pain.
I am kind of concerned about metabolic bone disease that I have been reading about. I take calcium and iron together and have read that I shouldn't be taking them together. The iron nullifies the calcium. I am having bone problems in my pelvic area. I will be going to the dr. for a physical before my surgery and have some blood tests run.
Has anyone else experienced this?
I am kind of concerned about metabolic bone disease that I have been reading about. I take calcium and iron together and have read that I shouldn't be taking them together. The iron nullifies the calcium. I am having bone problems in my pelvic area. I will be going to the dr. for a physical before my surgery and have some blood tests run.
Has anyone else experienced this?
You are going to be so much happier with t he RNY! I'm 17 mo.s out and the RNY was much easier surgery than the band. I do suggest a heating pad for the muscle pain over the incision where they take the port out. Take your medicine with just sips of liquid for best effect. Too much fluid makes the pain medicine work too quick and not last the 4 hr.s Also a binder helps alot for support when you need to sit up for extended periods. I got one at Target in the exercise section. I also drank fluids with vitamins and no sugar in them to give me more energy on the clear liquid phase. On the morning of your surgery take a pair of your pants and say Good Bye to your Fat life and put them up in your closet . Next year on your surgiversary take them down and say WOW! My friends would tell me how good I was looking but I couldn't realize it until I held these pants up and could fit in one leg and my gr. daughter in the other. I had lost a gr. child! I am now half the woman I was and much happier and healthier. I wish you much happiness on your Journey and will keep the seat on the Losers Bench warm for you. See you over on the other side!