Gastric Realize Band over RNY?
Anyone have this done or know a lot about it. I am currently in the research phase and had a consultation with a Surgeon (North Jersey) that does revisions and he said he would give me the Gastric Sleeve and believes that my prior surgeon did not do the proedcure accturately and that is why I didn't lose enough and am having gaining issues.
I had RNY in 2002. I was 375 pounds at 23 and It saved my life, for sure. I got down to about 240 on my own and then had to work at it by one year out... South beach and WW and all that jazz. and my lowes weight was at about 210 at 2 years out and then I got pregnant and had a baby and then another one 21 months after and I gained about 50 pounds between both those pregnancies. I never had dumping or reactions to sugar (my weakness) and was always crazy hungry
I've battled with this my entire life. My metabolism is a curse...I am seeing a Nutrionist and a Metabolic specialist too and also have an apointment with an endocronologist, since I did gain 50 pounds in 5 months time, right after I lost 60 pounds in 18 months by working out 2 hours a day every single day with a trainer, etc...and calorie counting. II was at my lowest adult weight in March 196 and so damn proud of myself and it marked a 180 loss from 2002, but I don't attribute anytthing past Jan 2004 related to my RNY. I could eat normal amounts by then
. I worked my ass off literally for that weight loss and then BAM, I blined and it was back. I did everything right, but the minute I stopped exercising at that intensity, the weight just flew back on and I'm so sick of this being such a constant battle, so I think I need to get something else done. I'm gonig for an endoscopy on Friday to see the "state" of my pouch.
Any insight/information would be great! TIA
My name is Sophia and its almost like you were telling my story only I was much larger than you. I started out at 455 and lost down to about 282 and that was exercising 2 hours per day as you had stated. The second I wasn't able to maintain that level of activity the weight slow started creeping back up. I now weigh between 337-442 and my old surgeon call me a success!! Any way do yourself a favor and research all of your options that are out there. Personally I went to see three surgeons (one was the original surgeon) for a possible revision to my RNY. Two out of the three wanted to do a band over bypass but as I completed my research I found that most lose about 50 pounds and then it stops. You seem to be very good a counting calories so this route might work for you. I on the other hand need something that is going to incorporate my metabolism issues and so I will be have the DS. You can learn more about that surgery on I was just approved this week and hope to have a date today. Anyway just make sure you do your research because the decision is yours not anyones elses. Please seek out more than just one surgeon for a consultation to obtain the best information out there. I have a wonderful surgeon.
Good luck on your journey,
My goal weight is 180. Always has been. I was so close. I don't care if the band works slower, I just don't want to gain anymore or worry that the scale won't stop moving up.
But I'm also going to see what the Endocronologist says too, because I have had a lot of other hormonal based issues that have come witht the weight loss in the last 6 months. And the Nutrionist I am seeing via the Surgeon's office is great too and will continue with her regardless. She had WLS herself and is very supportive...pretty much encouraging me to just do it "on my own" but also not discouraging me either. I will get a 2nd opinion, becasue I really don't know much about this surgeon and he did seem like he was trying to "sell" me it.
CS-what was your recovery time?
~What other options does someone have besides the ROSE procedure for a failed bypass?~
There are other options! VSG, DS. The ROSE does have a terrible success rate, AS DOES THE BAND!
Why do u think so many ppl revise FROM the band???
I've lost 6 pounds or so on my own since I posted this and that is keeping my hopeful for now. As long as the scale has stopped going up, I'm not in panic mode.
I have the Metabolic Dr. on the 10th and just did all my labs for that. 10 viles of blood worth and the Endo on the 1st, so I'm still going to see all those specialists before deciding on the Realize Band or not. That is really the only option I would consider in terms of a revision, given my research and my needs (as far as limited recovery), etc.. I only would like to lose about 60 pounds anyway.
My overall experience with WLS has been good, I would still recommend RNY but never the BOB. BOB has had me sick for too long. Vomiting publically and privately has been too much. No one at work will eat with me for fear I will get sick. My husband refuses to go out to eat after one public display of how inadequate this band has been for me. I merely need to be able to eat normal post op solid, mushy proteins without vomiting after two bites (yes, I chew well; yes, I don't drink with meals etc etc).
God willing this revision will be approved and will be the success I am hoping for. I just want to eat like a normal Post-op and to lose the weight I regained. I look forward to no vomiting (which i never had after RNY) and the re-establishment of a restriction and appropriate feeling of fullness.
If you are seriously considering a revision, seriously consider options other than a band over bypass; I did not last year and have regretted it ever since.