Band to Sleeve revision
on 11/5/10 2:10 am, edited 11/5/10 2:33 am
on 11/5/10 2:34 am
on 11/9/10 12:33 am
this question is not as easy to answer as it seems. there are so many factors, but one of the most important is your post lap ban esophogeal health. if you have suffered permanent irreversible damages that interfer with the mechanics of the esophogus then your outcome will be very different than someone who had no long term permanenet complications, even if they were severe (ex lap band eroded-is easily fixed with time, and surgey and is not a permanent damage issue) how successful were you with the band, what issues do you have? how much do you have to lose, your bmi, age, gender, every surgery has its thing. no one surgery is best for all. this is a very difficult choice, keep looking asking questions, especially to 5+ year sleeve patients (if you chose this road)