
on 10/11/10 10:42 am - spring city, PA

I had RNY gastric bypass in 2003. I had lost 140lbs.  I have gained over the past 3 years and my BMI is 35 now. I am wondering about a revision to a d/s or lap band, I live in Chester county Pa (philadelphia area) and have Aetna insurance.

any suggestions? advice??? I am 41 and 4'9 and 165lbs after surgery my lowest wt was 114.

on 10/12/10 5:51 am
Do you have any co-morbs? Most insurance companies require two co-morbs with a BMI of 35.

If you've had regain with the RNY, I sure as hell wouldn't revise to a Band. The Band is the LEAST effective form of WLS out there. If you think restriction alone would work, you should be researching the VSG/Sleeve.
on 10/12/10 6:58 am - Vancouver, WA
I agree skip the band and go straight for VSG.
on 10/14/10 8:20 am - Mexico
On October 12, 2010 at 1:58 PM Pacific Time, Hislady wrote:
I agree skip the band and go straight for VSG.
Going from bypass to VSG would be really major surgery, she would have to have her entire bypass taken down.  It would probably make more sense to go with DS because she's already metabolically challenged just from having bypass.  She's likely to need more than restriction alone.

Previously Midwesterngirl

The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.

See  my blog for newbies:
on 10/12/10 10:41 am - Loveland, OH
revise to DS is what i am doing sense I am anemic it will allow for me to eat more veggies and meats but I have malnutrition issues as well. The doctor I am going through is in LA he is highly recommended and got my approved through medicare and AARP medicare suppliment from secure horizens in less than one week. I am gather all my tests together to email him. once he gets that he scheduals a plan to get the blood upto surgery level and schedual consult and one week later surgery. I hate being away from my boys for a week but my parents will watch them and I need to give my boys back there Mama the one who plays ball and dances which i can not hardly walk atm. If you want info for him let me know.

Good luck
MamaMary 1974    
on 10/13/10 5:39 pm - San Diego, CA
    I am a lap band person in the process of getting a revision to VSG and I would NOT recommend the lap band.  I got the lap band 3 years ago and initially lost about 60 pounds, have put about 20 back on.  My problem with the lap band appear to be a common complaint that I hear.  I can't eat any vegetables, hardly any fruit, no chicken and the only beef I can eat is ground beef.  I struggle with discomfort and pain with feelings like things are getting caught.  It has damaged my social life because I no longer like to eat out with friends and now mostly pass on invitations (in fact, many friends have even quit inviting me because they assume I will pass).  I don't like to eat out because it is extra difficult and very embarassing if I have problem out in public.  The problem with lack of food choices that I can eat without pain/discomfort caused me to revert to bad food choices and the gradual weight gain I have been experiencing.

Also, you have to have fills for the lap band and at least my surgeon charged $150 for each fill and I had a lot of fills and 2 times the band was deflated due to problems.  So I have invested a lot of additional money in lap band adjustments.  Of all the people I know that had the lap band, there are only a few that had good results (meaning no problems with pain/discomfort and also met their weight goal), the majority have not met their goal and have had problems with the band.

Therefore, I would not recommend the lap band, but ultimately you need to do what is right for you.  I wish you good luck in your decision and outcome. 

on 10/14/10 8:25 am - Mexico
On October 11, 2010 at 5:42 PM Pacific Time, Jadesmommom wrote:

I had RNY gastric bypass in 2003. I had lost 140lbs.  I have gained over the past 3 years and my BMI is 35 now. I am wondering about a revision to a d/s or lap band, I live in Chester county Pa (philadelphia area) and have Aetna insurance.

any suggestions? advice??? I am 41 and 4'9 and 165lbs after surgery my lowest wt was 114.

I'd forget the band, that's like putting a bandage on a gunshot wound.  I only know one person that got to goal with a band after bypass.

DS is a better bet.

Ins... it depends on if you still have WLS benefits,  if they are one of the companies that will cover one WLS in a lifetime as many are changing to that policy, and what they require for comorbids and BMI.

Previously Midwesterngirl

The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there.

See  my blog for newbies:
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