RNY to DS Lap
I know someone who had it done lap by Dr Gagner even though the original surgery was done open, but good luck finding Dr. G, as he seems to be MIA for some time now. I had a consult with Dr. Pomp at NYU who worked with Dr. Gagner, he says the revision can be approached lap, but may or course turn into an open procedure. In any event it would be a staged procedure, with the first surgery to take down the pouch and create the sleeve, and the second to complete the switch. It is his opinion that doing it all at once is just too much operative time for most patients. Since he is one of the most experienced lap DS surgeons in the country, I'd put considerable value in his opinion. Most surgeons I have researched will only approach this revision open. Any way you look at it, it is extensive surgery, and much more likely to have complications than a virgin procedure. Best of luck with everything.
yep....had my revision done lap on May 7th......doing GREAT and completly back to normal life. If you have anymore specific questions just let me know I'll help ya if I can!! Mine was all done in one surgery and only took about 4 1/2 hours....had zero complications and everything went extremly smoothly.