11 years out

(deactivated member)
on 11/30/09 11:51 pm - Phx, AZ
Hi Janie:

First of all, how are YOU!?  Want you to know I think of you often.  You went to Mexico???  Man.  I am so jealous!  I don't care if I can only go to the campground in Rocky Point...I want to go bask in the sun like a walrus!  Aarrf.

They are just going to lengthen the CC.  Too many malabsorptive issues.  Just got a call from the hosp too...I have to be there WAY too early...told the surgeon to just put a little caffeine in the IV...he chuckled but I know he won't do it.  He's a party pooper. 

Well, PM me...I'll drop you a line too.  Look for my new posting re: Mexico...you'll split your old stitches....

on 12/1/09 3:49 am - St. George, UT
Your a crack up Lizzie....I actually already read your Mexico post and I loved it...Hilarious!!!

So they're lengthening your CC....Sounds like your issues have everything to do with the ERNY?

Man oh man I hope this gets your system back in working order and you get to feeling better real soon.....

Good Luck to you kiddo! I'll be praying...I know you will do great!

on 11/26/09 12:18 pm
 "The metabolic and physiology of the distal RNY, or ERNY is nothing like that of the DS. This is why patient's with the distal RNY (ERNY) have significantly higher incidence of nutritional deficiencies that the DS patients, for the same bowel percentages (lengths)."

THANK YOU, Dr. K, for making that point.   I've watched for a couple of years now, people posting that they are getting the ERNY because their doctors have convinced them that it is "just as good" as the DS - and then they post on here and on other boards about all of their nutritional deficiencies and bad lab results.   One woman got so sick with deficiencies that she is reversing her surgery (and, she just it it within the last year!). 

It is so refreshing to see a doctor who is not trying to deceive  people (or hustle for patients), post correct information on this board!  BRAVO!!
(deactivated member)
on 11/27/09 1:49 am - Phx, AZ
Maybe you are speaking of ME.  Yes, I am suffering terribly.  Docs say that w/the amount of illness I have subsequently experienced since the ERNY of LAST NOV, that they (docs) question any quality of life I will have if I wait another year.   It's affected my red blood cell production (and destruction)...and there is NO sign of improvement... my last week's blood labs showed that my RBCs/HGB/HCT have all DROPPED since August, for no apparent reason.  I'm not losing blood.  I'm now suffering with vascular problems, and subsuently cannot tolerate even an air conditioned room!  Since August, I am now diagnosed with another organ problem.  I do NOT wish to wait until it affects my heart. 

What really perturbs me (don't get me started, because I could type on this ALL DAY  :)  ) is that there are people out there who insist that I must not be getting in all the foods and/or vitamins that I ought to.  Well... it's been 5 years since my RNY, and I knew how to eat after that, even continuing to do so until my ERNY.  I eat proper portions.  I take my prescribed bariatric vitamins.  I even get some supplements via injection and IV.  Yet some have stated that I must not be taking the right kind--and to "wait it out and see how it goes".  Let me set the record straight...Waiting it out will only result in serious implications in this case.  I am so angry I could spit! 

I have stated this before, and just stress it more...there are lots of docs out there who say that we must take our vitamins.  This is so true.  They say that we must beware of vitamin deficiencies.  But BUT BUT..... what do all these deficiencies cause???   NEVER was I informed of this.  I only know now because of research on the other side. 

I liked your post... keep it up.

on 11/27/09 2:47 am - Norwich, CT
On November 27, 2009 at 9:49 AM Pacific Time, Lizzie wrote:
Maybe you are speaking of ME.  Yes, I am suffering terribly.  Docs say that w/the amount of illness I have subsequently experienced since the ERNY of LAST NOV, that they (docs) question any quality of life I will have if I wait another year.   It's affected my red blood cell production (and destruction)...and there is NO sign of improvement... my last week's blood labs showed that my RBCs/HGB/HCT have all DROPPED since August, for no apparent reason.  I'm not losing blood.  I'm now suffering with vascular problems, and subsuently cannot tolerate even an air conditioned room!  Since August, I am now diagnosed with another organ problem.  I do NOT wish to wait until it affects my heart. 

What really perturbs me (don't get me started, because I could type on this ALL DAY  :)  ) is that there are people out there who insist that I must not be getting in all the foods and/or vitamins that I ought to.  Well... it's been 5 years since my RNY, and I knew how to eat after that, even continuing to do so until my ERNY.  I eat proper portions.  I take my prescribed bariatric vitamins.  I even get some supplements via injection and IV.  Yet some have stated that I must not be taking the right kind--and to "wait it out and see how it goes".  Let me set the record straight...Waiting it out will only result in serious implications in this case.  I am so angry I could spit! 

I have stated this before, and just stress it more...there are lots of docs out there who say that we must take our vitamins.  This is so true.  They say that we must beware of vitamin deficiencies.  But BUT BUT..... what do all these deficiencies cause???   NEVER was I informed of this.  I only know now because of research on the other side. 

I liked your post... keep it up.

You are a very courageous woman and I feel so bad about how bad you feel.  Who did your ERNY?  What has he/she said about your poor health?  Did you ever feel good after the ERNY or has it been downhill since the beginning?  How much weight did you have to lose when you got the ERNY?  Don't mean to grill you, just interested and hoping you SOON get some help!!

 "The Joy of the Lord is your strength."  Nehemiah 8:10

START:  330         CURRENT:  274.5 lbs         GOAL:  190          TOTAL:  55.5 lbs


on 11/27/09 5:34 pm
 Lizzie,  the best thing you can do to inform other potential ERNY patients is to make your profile public and tell your whole story in the essay section there.    For others to mention that there's a patient in trouble is less effective then hearing it from "the horse's mouth", so to speak.   If you tell your story on your profile, then you can link to it from a board posting and others can as well.  (You won't have to repeat the same stuff over and over again!).   That's what this guy did (ironically, you share the same surgeon):  www.obesityhelp.com/member/tjwood/

In 2008 there were some people who hijacked the revisions board to push their surgeon and the surgery (ERNY) that he does.   Many were convinced by them that the ERNY was the "safer" surgery than the DS.   Maybe it is less risky because it involves less surgical maneuvering, but the aftermath and cascade of deficiencies (and resulting symptoms) has proven to be devastating for some.  

I wonder if you had some indication of these issues before getting the ERNY and/or if you were tested for these potentialities?  IMO, that's what a prudent surgeon should do before going "gung ho" and just operating.  Maybe there were warning signs that this would happen, but no one bothered to look for them?   I also wonder who discovered the problems and figured out that it was related to the vitamin deficiencies.

Pepsi has asked what your surgeon has to say about all of this and I am curious too.   Has the doctor who did this to you been sympathetic?   Or did he avoid your calls and/or try to blame you for the problem?  

I hope you have an uneventful reversal and a safe recovery.  
(deactivated member)
on 11/28/09 1:40 am - Phx, AZ
I have added more updates to my profile and it is now once again public.  I was supposed to have surgery last week, but came down with bronchitis, rescheduled but may need to reschedule again... 

Kerry J.
on 11/27/09 10:49 pm - Santa Clara, UT
Hi Bill,

Just want to add my $.02 to what's been said here. I also lived and struggled with an old RNY / Gastric Bypass for a very long time. I had my stomach stapled into a pouch back in 1980; lost my excess weight, then fought the re-gain. I was pretty successful  because I dieted and exercised like a madman for 15 years until I got sick and couldn't exercise. When that happened, I lost control of the weight and gradually gained it all back in the classic yo yo of losing 10-15 and then gaining back 20-25. This dieting and yo yo gaining went on for about 10 years; during which time I also developed Hypertension, Sleep Apnea and Gout. I was miserable, completely inactive and headed toward an early grave; I was a mess.

During the summer of 2007, I finally decided I had to do something serious about my weight and started looking into what was wrong with my anatomy and what my options were. I was sick to death of the dumping and food sticking, the constant feelings of deprivation and of being morbid obese; I wanted a change, a major change.

At first it seemed that my only option was to get a revision to a modern RNY, that was the only option I was told about from the GI Doc I saw and all the local hospital had was a few brochures on Lap Band and RNY. But I just could not accept the thoughts of living the rest of my life like I had for the prior 28 years so I started looking around on the Internet eventually finding the OH site. 

I posted on the Main Board, Men's Board and here, but no one seemed to have any ideas; then Karen invited me to check out the DS Forum. I didn't know what the DS was; never heard of it, but I decided to check it out. The more I learned the more I liked and before too long, I could see that it was just what I was looking for and what would work for me. I had some difficulty finding a surgeon who would or could revise me; most told me it would be too dangerous and that I should settle for a revision to a modern RNY. I came to realize that a revision like mine would be a difficult and tedious surgery and only a very few surgeons have the skills and patients to do it safely. Decided to go with Dr. Rabkin in San Francisco, but there are a few others who could do it; Dr. K that posts here is one and there are a few others scattered around the country, but it's absolutely imperative that you consult with a DS surgeon of this caliber if you really want to get your RNY revised into something that really works. There are far too many surgeons who would gladly take your money and do a surgery on you that will be nothing more than more of the same thing you already have.

I had the revision surgery on Sept. 17, 2008, it took 8 1/2 hours; (this is a tough surgery) I has so much scar tissue and so many adhesion's it just took that long to get through them all and to take everything apart and put it back together again. Even after all that, there was a small scar tissue flap inside my old pouch that Dr. R didn't see and it would plug up my new stomach / sleeve so nothing could get through, So, three days later, it was back to the OR for me for another 4 1/2 hours to fix that problem. Did I mention that this is a tough surgery? I don't want to scare you about it because it can be done and done safely, but you have to find the right surgeon, this isn't a surgery just any surgeon can do.

The recovery was a bit more difficult than I had planned on, but after about 6 weeks, I started feeling human again and things just got better and better. I'm now in heaven and have been for some time, I eat like a normal person, nothing makes me dump, nothing sticks, I do not have a pouch; I've lost my excess weight; I feel like I'm 30 again. I'm living and loving life like I never have before; I'm 57 years old and for the first time in my entire life, I don't feel guilty about eating. I eat what I want to, being mindful of getting plenty of protein in and keeping the carbs down. I take a handful of vitamins and Iron every day and I get blood drawn and labs done every 6 months to make sure I'm not getting deficient in anything and then tweak my supplements to match what the labs are saying.

I was self pay, so with the complications of the second surgery and extended hospital stay it cost me about $40,000.00. Seems like a lot of money; but compared to what I've gained, it's the best investment I've ever made and I would do it all over again in a heartbeat. My only regret is that I didn't do this 10 years ago.

You can read more about my experiences on my profile if you want more details; it's public. You can also read and see some of my experiences here in my 1 year out post:

www.obesityhelp.com/forums/DS/4024505/One-year-ago-today-who -could-have-known/action,replies/topic_id,4024505/page,1/ 

And here's a few pictures from when I got my commercial pilot's license:


It's a wonderful life once you get out of fat & pouch prison. My advise is to do what ever you have to do so solve the problem and get out. You only have so many years to live no matter what and living life happy and without the fat and guilt is worth more than I can communicate. Git er done.


(deactivated member)
on 11/29/09 11:51 pm - Phx, AZ
Kerry.......I read your profile... you have been thru the mill and come out successful.  I'm happy for you.  Will post more "on the other side"...my surg is Wed.
Kerry J.
on 11/30/09 1:01 am - Santa Clara, UT
Thanks Lizzie,

Please disregard the PM I sent you; I had missed reading your post where you say you're getting the ERNY reversed at MAYO. You have done well to manage to get where you are despite an incompetent surgeon.

Kudos to you and best of luck to you on Wednesday; you deserve some luck.

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