Obesity - The Last Discrimination Stronghold

Teena A.
on 11/22/09 1:58 am, edited 11/22/09 1:59 am - Mesquite, TX


Obesity – The Last Discrimination Stronghold

Author: Ron Merk

orangeribbonWLS110x150Obesity – The Last Discrimination Stronghold

I feel discriminated against. Why? Because I’m fat or was fat. Yes, I’ve already had weight loss surgery and lost more than 145 lbs, but I still see myself as being fat. I still think of myself as one of my brothers and sisters of the new “In" discrimination crowd known as “Fat People" and frankly, I’m pissed!

For some time now society has viewed people who discriminate against others of  different gender, colour,  ethnic groups or religion as the lowest of low, slimy and red neck like, but it’s perfectly ok if a person is fat. In fact it appears that we’re one of the last minority groups that still faces intolerable bigotry. I’d even go so far as to say we’ve replaced most of the other minority groups that are no longer “fashionable" for bigots to show their discrimination and prejudice against.  At least in the past, we were one of many groups. Now we’ve risen to the top of the list. The last Discrimination Stronghold!

discrimination4“Fatty, fatty 2×4!, couldn’t get through the bathroom door!" wasn’t so bad when we were just one of many. We could get lost with the others. When we heard the bigots yelling the “N" word or jeering about “cheap (add in the nationality of your choice here)" or Lazy “whoever’s", we were just another of a vast number of groups that bigots targeted. Now it seems we’re the only politically correct group left for bigots to bully. What’s with that?

If you’re fat, you’re a member of one of the last and largest unrecognized minorities who face constant  everyday discrimination. They don’t call rats – fat for nothing. If you’re fat, many people consider you a self inflicted glutton or slob, lazy, worthless, weak willed, pathetic, slothful, indulgent and those are just the nice terms they use.

Bigotry is defined as a stubborn irrational animosity towards others, like “That person is lust a fat slob! Why don’t they control their eating?"  Discrimination behaviours take many forms, but they all involve some form of exclusion or rejection; like reducing or eliminating health options because a person is fat or rejecting a person’s needs because they are fat.

Looking back  50 years ago, the Civil Rights Movement generated traction on so may discrimination fronts. Who knew  that one bigotry would defy all the positive inroads made in such diverse  qualities as race, colour, gender, creed or religion?

Today most of us celebrate the wide diversities of culture, race and freedom of choice. Thoughtful people everywhere accept and embrace anything that enhances equality for all minority groups – except for us fatties!

Well, I for one, am darn sick and tired of being discriminated against because of my weight. I’m tired of hanging my head down in taking another beating from the bullying bigots. I’m tired of feeling self loathing and having feelings of low self-esteem .

Here’s a description of prohibit grounds of discrimination for disabilities from McGill University:EveryHumanHasRights-Badge

Disability: An actual or presumed personal condition arising from a physical or mental impairment of some kind, including loss, malformation, or abnormality of an anatomical organ or of a mental, psychological or physiological structure or function. This ground also refers to the means used to palliate a disability such as a wheelchair, guide dog, or prosthesis.

In plain and simple terms, I believe obesity to be a disability. Do you agree with me? If so, it’s time to stand up and be counted. Time to stop being bullied. Time to take action.

Call to Action:

This journey has been taken before. The map has been drawn for us be others who have met the challenge and overcome discrimination. Like all good human rights activists before us, here’s what we can do -

  • When we hear or see people discrimination against our disability of Obesity, don’t make excuses for your disability. Tell the person responsible  that they are behaving like a bigot and call them on their discrimination.
  • Don`t fall into the trap of describing all the things you`ve tried to eliminate your disability.
  • Always refer to Obesity as a “disability" – in your discussions with others, but most importantly in any talks, or letters to Government or Health Authorities.
  • Human rights activists are NOT quiet, but they also are NOT physically aggressive. That means you need to start writing, talking and advocating for “Obesity Equal Rights Now" everywhere. NOW!

Here are some key words and phrases for your own personal advocacy program:

Obesity = Disability

Human Rights = No Discrimination for disabled

Discrimination = exclusion and rejection

Bigotry = irrational animosity or loathing

OERN = Obesity Equal Rights Now

Cacomorphobia – Fear of Fat people (also the word for Obesity bigots)

Where is YOUR voice? Lets her from you! Post your comments and experiences here.

Teena Adler
Facebook Contact Info/Email address:Skyedan[email protected]
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