rebecca W.
on 11/17/09 3:37 am - KY
My pancreatitis had nothing to due with wls. They found the problem with my pancreatitis, while doing blood test and X-ray,exactly what test I was out of it, because of the pain. As soon as my test came back in the ER,they rushed me up to ICU. Yes they gave me pain meds. My pancreaitis, started about 3-4 weeks before I ended up in the ER. I first started eating less,and less,then i just could not bare to eat anything.  The week before I ended up in the ER,I could only keep liquid down, the last 2 days I didn,t want to move out of bed, and the only thing I keep down was water, the next day I could only puke,the more I puked the sicker I became,It felt like I was really dieing,this was the worst pain one can indure.  And I have not had Rny, I,ll be getting the duodenal switch date soon, all my pre-op is done, this is what the Dr,s feel is best with my problems. Thats why I didn,t know if I could help you,with the Rny part. But Pancreatitis is going to all act the same, basically. And have you had your blood levels check for a vitmin def.?
on 11/17/09 3:59 am - St. George, UT
I just got my blood tests done today...I was told to wait and have the blood drawn when I was having a pain attack...I got one this morning after I got to work and I rushed to the lab so they could draw it...I'm anxious to find out if my Lipase levels are elevated or if it shows anything that is related to having pancreatitis because it sure seems like the pain I'm experiencing is closely related to this illness...

~ Mar ~
on 12/2/09 12:37 am - San Antonio, TX
I haven't had pancreatitis after my surgery, but my fiance did in fact die because of it and he had never had WLS. He thought he had a major gastritis attack and didn't go to the doctor and in less than 24 hours he died in front of me on the day I was scheduled to have a revision from my RNY to a ERNY.

Please, please, please, if you suspect you have pancreatitis and get an attack don't wait for it to go away. Sometimes it will.. like it did for him a few times (now I know it wasn't his gastritis but pancreatitis that was acting up those times), but there can always be that ONE time that it can become severe enough to kill you. His pancreas went into necrosis making it hemmorhage and caused his body to go into shock killing him almost instantly. One minute I was with him and he was awake, the next I went to the bathroom, heard him moan, came back and he was gone.

The medical examiner did tell me she found no evidence that it was related to his gallbladder, so even if you don't have one you can still get pancreatitis. She told me that if he would have gone to the hospital as soon as he started feeling sick he might have made it. Of course, with the severity of his pancreatitis his treatment would most likely have been very long... first keeping him alive in the ICU for weeks, then surgeries to remove the dead tissue once he stabilized, therapy, ect. A lot of studies I read say that only about 50% of people with severe pancreatitis attacks survive.

So overall, I think the best thing is to not let it go and just worry about it when you feel the pain!! That is what he did. Since I met him he would get attacks, stop eating for the day and get back to normal and he wouldn't worry about it. His family and I begged him to go to the doctor and he kept saying he had already gone and was told it was his gastritis, so that was that.

After reading so many studies and reports online after his death I have found out the best time to get diagnosed is as soon as the attack is happening. So all of you who do get the pain go quickly... don't wait until next week, or even the next day! Blood levels can go down and look normal after some time has passed, so the most critical time is as soon as it is happening. Just remember, he died in less than 24 hours!

I am still trying to cope with my loss, and I truly hope that none of your family members or yourself have to ever go through this because of this disease.



on 12/2/09 12:55 am - St. George, UT
Dear Mary:

Thank you so much for pouring out your heart...What a sweet, caring person you are...I have decided that the very next time I go into an attack I am going to emergency...I am tired of suffering with this issue and even though they have done test after test and say there is nothing there I know something is wrong...Pain is a warning sign our body gives us to let us know we are in experiencing problems...

Your advice and information has given me a wake up call...I'm so very sorry your Fiance's life was lost...How could anyone have known he was in such danger...But I will tell you you might have just saved mine...

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