Where are all of my people having surgery September 2, 2009?

Teena A.
on 8/21/09 12:53 am, edited 8/21/09 2:51 am - Mesquite, TX
Well you guys we now have 11 days left to go.

I just wanted to write to let you all know that we can and we will do this.

I am not sure about any of you, but I am on a 1200 calorie liquid diet now (meaning I can only eat one real meal a day of healthy food and the rest of my food is all liquid protein shakes).

I am limited in what I can and can't eat as far as my veggies go so I am getting really bored, but it is OK.

I remember how this all went down the first time around in 2002 with my original Lap Gastric Bypass Proximal Surgery so I was prepared and know what is to come.

I am having a revision to Distal and  repair to a gastro gastric fistula and correction of some abdominal issues I have going on.

I know a lot of you have never had WLS surgery before so this is all new to you and you are so nervous and anxious.

I remember how it was and I feel your pain and anxiety.

I just wanted to let you all know to just breath and be sure to follow your doctors orders and do not try to take any short cuts what so ever thinking your doctor will never find out.

A slip up I can understand, but blatant ignoring of your pre op instructions is a definite no no and could be putting your body at risk.

Even though you may question your doctors pre op instructions I promise you there is method to their madness and your pre op instructions have their purposes.

I have been here done that and have the tshirt, shot glass and reconstructive surgery to prove it..


I just wanted to offer you all some words of wisdom and let you know that we are almost there and we can and will do this.

YEAH Team Sep 2, 2009 - Let's kick some ass in the weight loss and reaching goals department!!!!!!!!!

Stay in touch.

P.S. Today at 12:30 pm I am heading to Baylor University Medical Center for my pre admitting (Chest Xray, Blood work, EKG, and admission paperwork, and hospital copay of $100.00)

Have an absolutely fabulous day and weekend everyone.

Teena Adler
Facebook Contact Info/Email address:Skyedan[email protected]
10/09/09 - Distal Gastric Bypass (ERNY) Revision - Common Channel 90

"Never Let People,Places,Or Things Stand In Your Way Of Fulfilling Your Goals And Living Out Your Dreams." Teena Adler
on 8/21/09 1:04 am - St. George, UT

You go girl! You will be on the other side and feeling good before you know it...I'm 3 months out as of yesterday, have lost 33 lbs and feel better than I had in over 15 years...

We'll be watching your success!

Do you know what length cc your surgeon plans to give you?


Teena A.
on 8/21/09 1:20 am - Mesquite, TX
Thanks girlie.

Yeah the feeling good part is what I am waiting for more than anything else.

Due to all of my gastro gastric fistula and abdominal issues eating and drinking anything is a nightmare for me and has been for a while.

A lot not all (or I would not have gained some of the weight back) of what I eat or drink comes out either upstairs or downstairs in 2-5 minutes after I ingest it so needless to say I do not eat out in public ever as it is not so sexy.


Congrats on your weght loss.

I did ask him about the length during my consult, but on top of my many other questions I did not wrte it down and do not remember, but I was happy with his answer.

I am just ready and am counting down the days.

Thank you once again for your support.

Teena Adler
Facebook Contact Info/Email address:Skyedan[email protected]
10/09/09 - Distal Gastric Bypass (ERNY) Revision - Common Channel 90

"Never Let People,Places,Or Things Stand In Your Way Of Fulfilling Your Goals And Living Out Your Dreams." Teena Adler
on 8/21/09 1:35 am - St. George, UT
You've been a member here for a long time...Your insite and opinions are inspirational to me...

I know you will be a success....Success radiates from you when you write and speak...

Teena A.
on 8/21/09 2:42 am - Mesquite, TX
Thank you very much for your kind words Janie.
Teena Adler
Facebook Contact Info/Email address:Skyedan[email protected]
10/09/09 - Distal Gastric Bypass (ERNY) Revision - Common Channel 90

"Never Let People,Places,Or Things Stand In Your Way Of Fulfilling Your Goals And Living Out Your Dreams." Teena Adler
on 8/21/09 2:04 am - Pittsburgh, PA
My surgery, revision from band to RNY  is on Monday.  I have been on an 800 calorie all liquid diet for 8 days... I am a little jealous of yours!! 

I am excited to be on my way.  My family isn't sure if they are supportive or not, but I just know that now is the time.

Please offer up a prayer or two on my behalf if it crosses your mind!

Every Day Is A Blessing
Teena A.
on 8/21/09 2:40 am - Mesquite, TX

Liquid diet for 8 days at 800 calories wow... I would really be moody and hungry.


I will be sure to pray for you.

You are doing what is best for you and your health so that is what you should focus on.

I know that having your family behind you 100 % would be great, but you are a grown woman and have to do what you feel is best.

I promise you when they see the positive benefits that you receive after you get over the intial post op healing after your revision they will come around and be supportive or jealous.


Just to give you heads up if they do not support you now it is best to keep all the complaining about all the semi negative effects of the surgery to yourself or at least to a minimum.

The reason for me suggesting that is because if they already think negatively about the surgery and you have not even had the revision yet the negative thoughts and comments you make to them will make their negativity increase based soley based on your complaints.

You have all the support you could ever have here on Obesity Help.

I wish you well on your journey and I will be checking up on ya.

Good Luck.

Teena Adler
Facebook Contact Info/Email address:Skyedan[email protected]
10/09/09 - Distal Gastric Bypass (ERNY) Revision - Common Channel 90

"Never Let People,Places,Or Things Stand In Your Way Of Fulfilling Your Goals And Living Out Your Dreams." Teena Adler
on 8/21/09 3:32 am - Pittsburgh, PA
That is SO true.  One sister is going with me and my husband is going, but he's just nervous that a:  I'll be laid up a long time and b:  once I am lighter that I'll dump him... which I think is funny since he accepted me fat... so I think that he, of all people, see's "ME."

Did you know that you can chew jello?
Every Day Is A Blessing
Teena A.
on 8/21/09 10:09 am - Mesquite, TX

Well at least your husband and sister will be there with you at the hospital

There are some people out there whose families will not even go to the hospital just based solely on the principal that they do not agree with the surgery.

Consider yourself very blessed that they will be there.

All men seem to get that you will dump me when you lose weight syndrome for some reason.

Sad thing is they feel that way because a small percentage of people do end up having relationship issues post op.

I am no pro, but I have been in the WLS community and on these boards since 2002 and I attribute the breakups and divorces to not having a strong enough or healthy relationship in the beginning or they already has issues from the get go.

DON'T WORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Take off your worry cap and breath and smile.


Yes... I see you are so thrilled with your 800 calorie diet that you have even discovered new and exciting ways to eat jello.

I  just know you will be just fine.

Teena Adler
Facebook Contact Info/Email address:Skyedan[email protected]
10/09/09 - Distal Gastric Bypass (ERNY) Revision - Common Channel 90

"Never Let People,Places,Or Things Stand In Your Way Of Fulfilling Your Goals And Living Out Your Dreams." Teena Adler
on 8/21/09 11:22 am - Pittsburgh, PA
Your posts are so encouraging!!  Thank you!  I just hope that I can keep this momentum going for the next... say... life time!  haha

My husband is going to be great because he does rise to these things... but I still hate putting him in a position of taking care of me.   I told him the big payoff will be when I show up at his office in some pretty red number... ha
Every Day Is A Blessing
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