Anyone had luck WITHOUT revision?

on 5/15/09 10:49 am - Gloucester, MA
I've gained back about half the weight I lost with my RNY, but I kindof am loath to do a revision, because I want to get pregnant some day and dont' want to compromise health... am scared of some of the vitamin regimens of people with very distal or DS operations.

I can eat quite a lot of soft foods like pizza or bread, but I still fill up good and quickly if I eat healthier protein foods etc. 

I'm tempted to look into a revision because I really could use a new start and a bit of an update, but I'm not sure if there's really anything wrong with my current operation, so I wondered if anyone had decided AGAINST doing a revision and had success... or alternatively if anyone had doubts and went for it and is happy they did.

Thanks to everyone and have a great evening!
(deactivated member)
on 5/16/09 12:32 am - AZ
On May 15, 2009 at 5:49 PM Pacific Time, longroad wrote:
I've gained back about half the weight I lost with my RNY, but I kindof am loath to do a revision, because I want to get pregnant some day and dont' want to compromise health... am scared of some of the vitamin regimens of people with very distal or DS operations.

I can eat quite a lot of soft foods like pizza or bread, but I still fill up good and quickly if I eat healthier protein foods etc. 

I'm tempted to look into a revision because I really could use a new start and a bit of an update, but I'm not sure if there's really anything wrong with my current operation, so I wondered if anyone had decided AGAINST doing a revision and had success... or alternatively if anyone had doubts and went for it and is happy they did.

Thanks to everyone and have a great evening!

Even with revision you'll still have to change your eating habits.  If you don't, you'll regain again.  Since you have to do it anyway what if you try that first?

Cut out all white carbs.  Keep white carbs to 20gms daily.  Eat anything else you want.  Try the low carb version of the 5DPT, 2 days of protein shakes (again, not going over 20gms carbs per day), then 2 days of soft proteins, 1 day of solid proteins.

That gets you off the evil carb cycle.  As long as you are eating pizza  and bread you will regain and certainly not lose.

on 5/16/09 4:59 pm - Gloucester, MA
 It cracks me up how they censor pizza. I think I have to be censoring pizza too.

Sorry what's this 5DTP? I am definitely riding the 'evil carb cycle.'  

So I'm trying this Medifast thing that is a month of 5x 100-calorie shakes a day, and one meal of veg and protein. On your 5DPT plan, on the last two days are you doing JUST protein foods?

Does all rice count as a white carb or just white rice? The Medifast diet recommends avoiding most fruits and starchy veggies, but from my experience plant life carbs (or whatever you'd classify them) just don't affect me the way that white flour does. 

Why does my body think these things that are bad for it are so delicious? ;-)

I guess part of what has been hard is realizing that I will never be 'normal' -- all my friends who seem to be able to eat what they want (i.e. -- the other half of my pizza) and keep their weight under control... life's not fair, but I've got other things going for me, so ah well. 

I also have a vicious sweet tooth, but most of the time artificially sweetened things give me headaches (especially NutraSweet, not so much with Splenda)... it's hard for me to eat healthy things like strawberries without wanting to dip them in some lovely brown sugar... doh!
(deactivated member)
on 5/16/09 7:38 pm - AZ
On May 16, 2009 at 11:59 PM Pacific Time, longroad wrote:
 It cracks me up how they censor pizza. I think I have to be censoring pizza too.

Sorry what's this 5DTP? I am definitely riding the 'evil carb cycle.'  

So I'm trying this Medifast thing that is a month of 5x 100-calorie shakes a day, and one meal of veg and protein. On your 5DPT plan, on the last two days are you doing JUST protein foods?

Does all rice count as a white carb or just white rice? The Medifast diet recommends avoiding most fruits and starchy veggies, but from my experience plant life carbs (or whatever you'd classify them) just don't affect me the way that white flour does. 

Why does my body think these things that are bad for it are so delicious? ;-)

I guess part of what has been hard is realizing that I will never be 'normal' -- all my friends who seem to be able to eat what they want (i.e. -- the other half of my pizza) and keep their weight under control... life's not fair, but I've got other things going for me, so ah well. 

I also have a vicious sweet tooth, but most of the time artificially sweetened things give me headaches (especially NutraSweet, not so much with Splenda)... it's hard for me to eat healthy things like strawberries without wanting to dip them in some lovely brown sugar... doh!

Who is they?  They don't censor pizza, we do. ;o)

5 Day Pouch Test.

You can do the Medifast diet but all it will do is give you a jump start.  When you quit if you continue eating white carbs you will continue to gain.  You have to change your diet and begin exercising.  It isn't wise to want a revision surgery when you haven't gone to basics yet.  There is no WLS type where you can eat a white carb diet and lose weight.  It doesn't work that way.  It sounds like you are trying to depend on the surgery to do it for you.  It's just a tool for YOU to change your own eating habits.

Why do you even need brown rice?  Instead of looking for ways around the white carbs, why not just cut them out?  You shouldn't be eating enough food that you have room to spare for garbage.  Not that brown rice is garbage but there are better food choices.

Try the Medifast diet.  Get off the carb cycle.  It's okay to deny yourself  something.  Give yourself permission to not treat yourself 20x a day to sugar and pizza.  Sometimes you just have to tell yourself no.  Don't count calories, count white carbs.  Cut out potatoes, peas, corn, and even carrots in your case (you don't need the extra sugar).  Don't count fat grams count protein grams.  See what happens.

None of us got fat from eating broccoli, we got fat from white carbs.  You really do become used to it.  It becomes a way of life.  You have to get a photo of yourself when you were thin, or get a photo of someone else who is thin.  When you want pizza take out the photo and be honest with yourself, do you want the pizza or do you want thin.  If you want the pizza then accept life as a fat person.  It's not a sin, it's a choice.

You don't like exercise?  Tough.  Do it anyway.  We have a lot of reasons for eating the way we do.  There is only one reason for not exercising.  Lazy.  Don't be lazy, force yourself to get out there and move 30 minutes a day... at least.  I really believe you have to want it.  If you don't want thin bad enough it just isn't going to happen.

This is an entire lifestyle change.  Try to redirect your focus from food to something else.  We obsess over food, I think we all do.  Treat the obsession, my doc gives me Luvox and it kills a lot of my head hunger.  I don't think about food non stop when I'm taking it.  I don't have to take it all the time just when things get out of control.  I probably take Luvox 2-3 months out of the year, not all the time.  Retrain your brain, eat foods you don't like and eat them daily and son it becomes habit and something you crave.

I used to eat an all "fast food" diet.  I'm talking 100% of my diet was fast food and garbage.  Check out my profile, that is how i eat now because I like it and I crave it.  It certainly didn't happen over night, it took time.  If *I* can do it, damn near anyone can.  Thing is, I wanted thin bad enough to do anything.

So cut out the white carbs, get your butt out there and start exercising.  It's okay to hate every bloody minute of it.  You probably don't like cleaning the toilet either but you do it.  Same thing with exercise.  Remember, the more white carbs you eat the more you will crave.  One pizza is too many and 100 isn't enough. HA!  Weird, yet true.  It's not an addiction, it's an obsession.

Just try it.
on 5/16/09 8:27 pm - Norwich, CT
I have found good success with the Plateau Buster's Diet, which is 99% protein.  When I stay focused on it I find tha I don't crave carbs.
 "The Joy of the Lord is your strength."  Nehemiah 8:10

START:  330         CURRENT:  274.5 lbs         GOAL:  190          TOTAL:  55.5 lbs


on 5/18/09 7:03 am
RNY on 03/08/04 with
I just really have to applaud your straightforward honesty about this. While to some you may seem abrasive and negative, I see you as inspirational. No matter how much weight we've managed to lose as a result of our initial surgeries, we are up against the odds in keeping it off. Our metabolisms are way out of whack, not just the way we absorb the nutrients from the food we eat, but more importantly, the way our bodies use up that energy. In my case, I am eating less than 1,800 calories a day and I am at least moderately active - yet I continue to GAIN. This is not normal. It's malfunctioning metabolism and I need to know what to do about it. Can this be fixed? I dunno. But I DO know that the journey is about choices, as you say. Exercise is a choice. To not exercise is a choice. Eating a salad for lunch instead of a burger is a choice. Self-love and self-care are choices. Self-neglect through abuse of food is also a choice.  None of this is easy - and none of it can be solved by a cheery attitude... although staying positive is important, in all aspects of being alive. Anyway, thanks. I get you 100% Maureen
(deactivated member)
on 5/18/09 7:55 am - AZ
On May 18, 2009 at 2:03 PM Pacific Time, reenieb wrote:
I just really have to applaud your straightforward honesty about this. While to some you may seem abrasive and negative, I see you as inspirational. No matter how much weight we've managed to lose as a result of our initial surgeries, we are up against the odds in keeping it off. Our metabolisms are way out of whack, not just the way we absorb the nutrients from the food we eat, but more importantly, the way our bodies use up that energy. In my case, I am eating less than 1,800 calories a day and I am at least moderately active - yet I continue to GAIN. This is not normal. It's malfunctioning metabolism and I need to know what to do about it. Can this be fixed? I dunno. But I DO know that the journey is about choices, as you say. Exercise is a choice. To not exercise is a choice. Eating a salad for lunch instead of a burger is a choice. Self-love and self-care are choices. Self-neglect through abuse of food is also a choice.  None of this is easy - and none of it can be solved by a cheery attitude... although staying positive is important, in all aspects of being alive. Anyway, thanks. I get you 100% Maureen
HA!  Thanks, not many 'get' me at all! ;o)

I needed a dose or reality here and there when I was losing.  People were kind enough to give it to me.  So many of us are in denial in the beginning.  I honestly used to believe that the reason I was fat was because I ate too much fast food and the fast food wasn't my fault, I was working a buttload of hours at the time.  Besides, I have hashimotos, slow metabolism, etc. etc. etc.  All the same word for denial.

It was my fault, I was gaining and I knew it and I knew why.  I could have eaten steamed veggies at the hospital, instead I spent 3x as much buying fast food.

Finally I got the dose of reality I needed from my fellow fatties and then I was able to realize my issues and decide if I wanted to change it or not.  Did I want thin or did I want fast food.  I wanted both but after time I realized it didn't work that way.

Never want to go through those head things again.  Not ever!

on 5/18/09 7:33 am - Gloucester, MA
"One ****a is too many and 100 isn't enough. " what an interesting, true point!

At the moment, though, I have to be a little gentler to myself... right now if it's a choice between never having pizza again and being thin, I'm not sure I would choose being thin. I know how crazy that sounds, but I actually dont' want to never overeat ever again, I want to be more like my friends, who might overindulge some times but manage not to be obsessed with it every day.

Right now I'm not indulging, of course, but I'm not saying never. Even if it's just a psychological trick, right now I have to tell myself that I won't spend my life without having pasta pesto again. Every time I make the conscious choice not to indulge, it makes me feel better than if I were treating myself like a prisoner.

I know I'm going to get flamed for this, but that's just where I'm at at the moment... :-)
(deactivated member)
on 5/18/09 7:48 am - AZ
On May 18, 2009 at 2:33 PM Pacific Time, longroad wrote:
"One ****a is too many and 100 isn't enough. " what an interesting, true point!

At the moment, though, I have to be a little gentler to myself... right now if it's a choice between never having pizza again and being thin, I'm not sure I would choose being thin. I know how crazy that sounds, but I actually dont' want to never overeat ever again, I want to be more like my friends, who might overindulge some times but manage not to be obsessed with it every day.

Right now I'm not indulging, of course, but I'm not saying never. Even if it's just a psychological trick, right now I have to tell myself that I won't spend my life without having pasta pesto again. Every time I make the conscious choice not to indulge, it makes me feel better than if I were treating myself like a prisoner.

I know I'm going to get flamed for this, but that's just where I'm at at the moment... :-)

Nope, not buying this. ;o)

I never wrote you can never have pizza again.  You read it that way but I sure didn't write those words.

You don't want to eat like your friends, you want to eat they way that got you fat because that is what you know and that is what you enjoy.

You don't have to be thin, there is no rule that says you have to lose weight.  But there is a rule that says you can't have it both ways.  You can't eat a white carb diet and lose weight.  You are living that life now and it's not working.

I'm not knocking you for choosing food over health/good diet/fittness.  It *really* is a choice that we all make and you have clearly made yours.  All I can do is wish you luck in your future.

on 5/18/09 9:35 am
RNY on 03/08/04 with
No flaming here, that's not what our boards are about! I really understand what you're saying; I used to write a column for WLSLifestyles Magazine called "Living Normal" - I stopped contributing when I started gaining and although I've not gained more than 20 lbs., I didn't want to be a sham in the industry. "Living Normal" for me is embracing my life through physical fitness and movement. Despite my weight regain, I'm moving every day and that remains a miracle for me! I now own a beautiful friesian mare, she's everything to me - and I'm riding every day! Before my surgery, it was a fantasy. I weighed nearly 370 lbs. then and I'm still maintaining my weight loss and hovering at 160. The key is redirect your energy away from food and toward passionate living - Give Yourself Away! To other people, to causes that matter to you, to simply extended yourself into your community every day. Stop and say hello to someone who looks lonely; do the grocery shopping for your elderly neighbor. Take a kid to the park. If you are "using up" your energy this way, you will have far less of it to direct toward thinking about and eating food. This is what I continue to try to do. But I am saddened by the regain; and I don't understand it. And I'm scared. So find your "Living Normal" - embrace it, go with it - but don't hurt yourself with lousy food choices and not moving your body through space. It's a miracle for me! Still. Be well, Longroad! (I hate when I don't know your names, people!!!) Maureen
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