After DS...The Grehlin Hormone Question????

on 4/8/09 3:51 am - St. George, UT
My topic is this:  Grehlin Hormone.....I'm not sure how this works??? But, I've heard after revising to DS, or just receiving a DS, and shame on me I don't know more about this, as of yet...How is your body or stomach affected by less Grehlin...Is the Grehlin Factor for real, or is it not fully proven? How does it work?

Dr. Husted are you out there? This might be a good question for well as any others who want to fill us in....

Thank you,

on 4/8/09 4:36 am - UK

From reading on here (no, I'm not a scientist!) ghrelin is a hormone that your body produces that makes you feel the sensation of being hungry. I think there was some experiment where they gave it to mice and they ate and ate and ate...

Anyway, the hormone is produced by stomach tissue, so DSers and VSGers who have the majority of their stomachs physically removed by the surgery are left with less hormone producing tissue in their bodies. RNYers keep their stomach tissue (although most of it is redundant) so don't get this benefit.

I hardly ever feel rumbly-hungry now - possibly first thing in the morning, but that's it. So if your body was giving you signals of being hungry all the time and making you eat, getting rid of the grehlin might help.

Oddest thing about the DS though is it changed how I taste things - sweet things aren't as attractive anymore. I have no idea how that works...

DS revision from failed lapband

on 4/8/09 8:38 am - St. George, UT
Thank you for your input Sal...It's the DS'ers that would know this stuff, especially how each of you feels regarding the hunger pre or post surgery.

on 4/8/09 8:31 am - CA
 Hi Janie,
I can tell you that initially the thoughts is this hormone is a major key to hunger and somehow getting a large portion of the stomach removed results in less hunger. i can tell you for me intitially after the VSG (which i love by the way) I had little hunger. by the first year it started ceeping in and now i experience hunger the same way pre-surgery but I just cant eat as much ( thank God). But my head and my stomach are in constant  " I want to eat mode".
I remember reading that this hormone is partially produced in the stomach and partially elsewhere, cant remember where. I f that is true and most of my stomach is gone my grhelin hormone is alive and very active so the elsewhere is just a strong as it was before surgery.
(deactivated member)
on 4/8/09 3:10 pm - San Jose, CA
5.7 years out from my DS -- and I get HUNGRY.  Gnaw-my-arm-off hungry.  But it doesn't take much to satiate me -- and I DO mean a true sense of satiety and not just dammit-I-can't-fit-anything-else-in feeling bloated.  After a small normal meal, I am done eating, not wishing I could still eat.  I stop when I don't WANT anymore, not because I feel like I'm gonna puke if I take another bite.  This is a VERY different sensation from how I felt before surgery -- I was NEVER satiated. 

It isn't the absense of hunger as much as being able to be SATISFIED that is the biggest thing about the DS for me.  And when I'm hungry, I almost always want PROTEIN, not carbs -- also VERY VERY different from pre-op.  That's the result of the alteration of hormones, not just the stomach being smaller.  My metabolism has been fixed.

I hope you are still keeping an open mind about the DS.  Are you SURE about the ERNY?  Have you read the posts by people who are NOT doing well long term with that procedure?  How many revision chances do you think  you will get?
on 4/9/09 12:14 am, edited 4/10/09 8:32 am - St. George, UT
Hi Diana:

Appreciate your response. I think your explanation of how you feel full and satisfied after eating, coupled with the fact that you go after protein not carbs, is what attracts me so much to the DS. I have always wanted DS, but know that I would have to self-pay and unfortunately at this time, in my life, it's not in the cards.

I'm hoping to jump start some weight loss through ERNY, even knowing that I may experience problems and not reach the goals I'm seeking, which really aren't very aggressive. I only want to lose about 50-65 lbs. Could probably stand to lose a little more, but feel quite comfortable at about 150 lbs. so if I lost 50 that's where I would be.

I was actually a very successful RNY'er, I kept my weight off from 1989 to 2004 fifteen years. But I still dump severely, go after the carbs like crazy because it's easier to eat. I can only eat chicken and fish. Don't really care for pork or beef even before RNY.  I have to take lots of vitamins and I know I'm in for a whole lot more.

I wish DS was around when I had my first surgery in 79 because believe me, that's what I would have done, I hadn't even heard of it in 89 when I had my RNY Revision. Too bad for me.

Thanks again,


(deactivated member)
on 4/9/09 12:35 am - San Jose, CA

Are you seriously saying you are willing to undergo another surgery, and a dangerous revisional surgery at that, which you know is unlikely to work well or long term, to lose 50 lbs???  And with the knowledge that you are going to CONTINUE to suffer with dumping, being unable to eat meat, will have even more malabsorption and malnutrition than you are already having difficulty dealing with -- and will STILL likely have the SAME carb cravings??

This makes no sense to me.  I am flabbergasted.  I don't even understand how you could qualify for insurance-covered revision surgery with that little to lose.  Your rationale is faulty, in my opinion.

Perhaps you should read this:  You are unlikely to get a third chance at a revision.


on 4/9/09 4:51 am - St. George, UT
Yes Diana,

I suffer with 3 major co-morbidities...diabetes, sleep apnea, high blood pressure.

Sounds crazy I know, but I have -0- resources other than insurance and I have already tried to be approved for DS from Dr. Keshishian in Delano, CA....No go! The insurance I have is probably one of the worst in the nation and I haven't even received approval as yet from them on this procedure.

So I understand your amazement and questioning, and believe me I have read every thread, every article and talked to over 5 revision surgeons who do DS....I would love it, can't afford it, have no money at all!

So yes, here I am in my pathetic situation, with only 50 lbs to lose, going to move forward if I can with a surgery knowing full well all the issues will not go away and might even be compounded, because I can't stand this going up the scale and not down.

May even be back here in 6 months with the same issues. Also, I'm not getting any younger, I'm 54 years old and a little desperate. Do you know of another way to get approvals or financing?

Appreciate your concerns, I have them myself.

on 4/9/09 8:05 am - Layton, UT
Hiya Janie!
How are you doing?  It sounds like you are getting your ducks in a row for a very BIG step !

I may have misunderstood a post or two in this thread but I thought it was insinuated that Erny's can't eat meat?  I can assure you that not only CAN we eat meat but we should eat it and a lot of it !!!! for craving meat and not carbs?  I may have read that wrong as well but I have never seen any research nor have I heard others say that having ANY procedure automatically kills the carb monster lying within.  I am a gluten free buddy with a DS'er here in AZ and she's had a 50 lb regain.  She admits it's cuz she eats so many carbs and soft proteins!  Erny's AND DS'ers absorb sugars and carbs that become simple sugars.  Soooooo you'll have to train yourself to live low carb and high protein to be healthy and successful with your Erny! 

I can assure all that ANYONE can learn to crave meat/healthy protein and curb the carb cravings!  Low carb lifestyle is a fabulous and healthy way to live!  In fact, if McGrath's and Red Lobster had drive through windows then I'd own half of those companies!  I CRAVE fish!  It's crazy but I can eat myself through an entire kitchen til I finally grill some fish and satisfy my craving!  LOL!

As for your co-morbids and needing to lose "just" 50 pounds.  There's no such thing as "just" 50 lbs.  If even 5 pounds is effecting your health then you absolutely take whatever aggressive steps are necessary to battle those co-morbids.  I had "just" 50 pounds to lose with my revision but I had heart issues and diabetes looming in wait ready to steal my life!  Losing 50 plus pounds for me has been a lifesaver.

Erny for ME = High Mainteance!!!  Worth it?  Absolutely!

Good luck to you friend and "if" you still decide to go to Phoenix for your revision then you know you are welcome to stay in my little hotel!  LOL!  I know the art of slipping protein into everything that enters our mouth!!

Revision to Erny 12/26/07
At Goal
on 4/9/09 11:59 pm, edited 4/10/09 8:35 am - St. George, UT
Hey Joyce!

It comforts me to hear from you....And I have been approved, waiting to set the date with Jen. Hoping for 2nd week of May.

Yea, what's up with the can't eat meat thing....I can....Fish-Chicken I love...Don't like beef or pork anyway.

Thank you for making me feel like being aggressive for even a few pounds sake is the right thing to do. I think I've told you before I would love to have the DS, just not an option financially for me.

I'm really going to have to push the proteins. Have been doing so lately and honestly it's been going very well. Up to this year, I have lived on pretty much soft cals. But I'm trying to change both eating patterns and head patterns now, before the surgery.

Like you, I crave fish, fish, fish....I always have....Just have a hard time with steak or pork...Love it, but hard to eat it.

You always sound so positive and up! It's so helpful to me.

Thanks again,

On My Way.....

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