
on 3/23/09 4:37 am - TRENTON, NJ
I had the gastric bypass almost 6 years ago this coming august and started out at 258 (5'1 ht)and went down to 143 and as of today March 23rd I am 165 pounds.  I am so miserable and depressed!  I cant believe I let myself get back this way.  My knees are starting to hurt and I know that its because I put this weight back on.  I am hungrier than usual and I do make bad food choices.  So I am asking if anybody is this far out and feeling the same way and had thoughts of a revision?  Have you had a revision? Was it worth it? Will insurance pay for it? I heard of the ROSE procedure and started researching...since this is so new insurance wont cover it...I already called.  However, I am going to see my surgeon this thursday and I am a little embarrassed to see him.  I cant understand how some people can get down so small and stay that way?  Help me!

Thank you,
Amy Farrah Fowler
on 3/23/09 1:51 pm
Don't get down on yourself, there are many folks just like you. Going to see your surgeon is a good idea, and maybe will help. If you still think a revision is a good idea, do your research. There are not long term studies about Rose (or stomaphyx) yet, but I have yet to hear something good about them. There are many on the DS board that have revised from other surgeries, and that may be a good place to post some of your questions, as more people will see them there. Good luck.
on 3/24/09 9:50 am - MI

Hi bleachmama,

Your situation sounds a lot like mine did.  Don't get down on yourself.  Your being hungrier may be a sign that your stoma or pouch has streatched.  I agree with bearmom, the Rose and Stoymaphyx has not gotten very good results as far as permanent weight loss.  There are many reasons why some regain their weight.  RNY has a bounce back inherrently so you may be fighting some of this.  Also it was meant as a tool to aide in the loss but not a cure all.  This may be a good time to re-evaluate your eating patterns and behaviors.  I would also suggest writing down everything you consume during the day.  Bring this info with you to your doctors appt.  It could add useful information for him to help you. 

All insurances are different.  I would suggest contacting your insurance company or going on line to see what their requirements are.  My insurance paid for my revision.  Their requirement was that it had to be medically necessary.  I did not have to follow the original wls rules for approval. 

Starting with your surgeon is a good step.  If you trust him and have faith in him you two should be able to come to a decision of what is best for you and your situation.  Hopefully he will schedule you for a upper GI and an EDG to determine the condition of your pouch and stoma.  This information will also help with the insurance issue. 

I know one of the issues I ran into was that since my BMI was not over 40 when I had my revision many doctors would not even consider having me as a wls revision patient.  But stay persistant and keep a positive attitude and you will do fine.

Good Luck To You!


on 3/30/09 4:18 am - TX
Hi bleachmama,

How do you like your revision? On April 6 I am revising from a band to rny.  People on the revision board don't seem to be pleased with the rny mostly DS? What do you think?

on 3/31/09 9:16 am - MI
 Hi Donzelle,

I think you were addressing this question to me since I did receive it in my e-mail inbox.  ;-)  

I do like my revision.  It has done wonders for me both physically and mentally.  It was a good choice and I do not regret it.  

You are right.  But I think you will find that each wls has its share of advocates.  Some stronger then others.  That's where it comes down to making the right choice for yourself for the right reasons.  RNY can be a very powerful tool.   Just don't loose sight that it is a tool, like any wls and you will do fine.

Good Luck to you on your upcoming RNY.  I hope it is everything you need it to be.  Keep us posted on how you are doing.

on 3/24/09 12:11 pm
 Regain with RNY Is common.  Don't beat yourself up over it.  Why don't you take a look at these two research papers on RNY revisions that I have posted on the Revisions board.   They go into the types of revision and the successes and failures of each one, including the ROSE type procedures, surgical pouch reduction, Distal or ERNY revision and the DS.  Be prepared when you go and see your doctor.   Know the lingo so you can speak to him in his own language and know the different choices which are available.

and -RNY-revisions-from-Bariatric-Journal/
on 4/1/09 2:21 pm - TRENTON, NJ
Hi everyone...I just want to thank you for all the encouragement it really means a lot to me.   Thank you n keep me in your prayers!  This is a daily struggle n fight!


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