Anyone fail with lapband and RNY?

(deactivated member)
on 3/8/09 11:23 am - San Jose, CA
If you go to a Ford dealer, you are not going to be sold a Mercedes.  If the only dealership you're willing to drive to is Ford dealership, you'd better train yourself to not look at a Mercedes driving by, because after you buy that Ford, you may feel some serious buyer's remorse and disappointment, and wish you'd been more openminded in your search.

If a Ford is good enough for your purposes, by all means don't bother stressing about the Mercedes.  For many people, a Ford is just fine.

But not for me.  I was willing to spend the extra time and money to have the luxury, reliability and joy of having my Mercedes.
(deactivated member)
on 3/8/09 11:41 am - AZ
On March 8, 2009 at 6:11 PM Pacific Time, brandyII wrote:
Thanks Stacysmom,

I'm pretty sure I need the malabsorption and partially why I think it will be more effective than the band or sleeve.  As far as I know my team doesn't do the sleeve or DS so I'm pretty sure my only option at this time is the RNY.


I know you from another board and I agree with you, you are one that would do better with restriction AND malabsorption.

Maybe something you need to consider is your eating habits.  Are you 100% sure you can follow the rules of eating?  Forever?  Small bites, chew well, don't over eat?  If you can't then DS might be a better option for you.  If you can, perhaps RNY is a better option.

You are going to have to work hard at this, exercise, keep your body healthy and in shape, take your supplements, do bloody everything the right way.

I would suggest ONLY going to a doctor that does all the procedures.  Someone that isn't going to talk you into the surgery they do.  It's like going to a toyota dealer, he isn't going to push Ford, you know?  A RNY surgeon that doesn't do DS isn't going to push DS if that is your better option, he's going to push the surgery type he sells.

Go to someone who does all the surgery types, be bare butt honest with him.  Tell him absolutely everything that you believe matters.  Discuss ALL your options, think them through and make the decision that is right for you.

on 3/9/09 1:27 am
Thanks MWG,

I appreciate your honesty.  I had a few bumps with the band that would not have with the RNY.  I know ahead of time that I will have to chew chew because there will be no choice as there was with the band depending on the tightness of the band.  That was something that was inconsistent with me and what contributed to my failure.  I've watched my daughter and have lived with her through her RNY and am pretty sure I can handle it this time.   Before I had a fear of the permanence now I am looking forward to it if that makes any sense.

The surgeons in my area only do lap bands and RNY.  I'd have to drive 2+ hours north for DS and north here is like going from St. Petersburg to Siberia.  Sorry those who live there but I'm not big on driving in the snow.  Because my daughter has the RNY and if I am able to have it done we can go through it together and can support each other through it's ups and downs.  That is if I'm even a candidate and if my insurance will cover the revision and I get that ball started tomorrow.

Anyway thanks for the comments, brandyII.

on 3/8/09 12:11 pm
 If you do go ahead with the RNY, make sure that your malabsorption is tailored to your specific situation.   If you feel that malabsorption is the key to your personal weight loss success, don't just get the standard proximal RNY.    I've watched too many people get all excited with it at first, then fail with it, based on past eating habits and not being able to stick with the post RNY program.  It is actually the surgery that failed them, because it was not a strong enough "tool" for their particular situation.   You may be better off with the distal RNY as a primary RNY surgery.   LosingSally had that surgery and has been successful with it.  

Not everyone is in the position to travel for surgery and to self-pay to get the one which is their first choice.   Sometimes you just have to do the best you can with the choices you are given.   I hope it is effective and successful for you, because the post-RNY revision you will have readily available to you is not very effective if you are left with a considerable amount of weight left to lose.

I wish you the very best of luck and I'm sorry that your thread turned into an argumentative free-for-all.  

on 3/8/09 10:39 pm - Germany
Brandyll, have you considered asking at the DS forum how those who had their surgery out of town handled complications and aftercare?

Another thought is that you could certainly go to your local hospital if something`s wrong and can`t wait until you get an appointment with the Ds surgeon. That they have bariatric surgeons is great and should help with most if not all DS-related post-surgery problems. My understanding is that far most complications are not related to the DS surgery technique itself, but either common in all bariatric procedures (leaks, strictures, hernias, blockage) or can happen after all major surgeries (blood clots, wound infections, kidney stones ect.). And if there`s a problem, they can always phone the DS doc, send him the results of bloodwork ect.

Anyway, whatever you choose to do, I wish you great sucess!
on 3/9/09 1:33 am, edited 3/9/09 1:34 am
Thanks Stacysmom and JJ from Germany, I just am not up for the travel as I have a bit of an issue with it for a variety of reasons.  But feel safe with the surgical team I already have and don't want to go out of that team if possible.  I know others have/can but it's just now what I'm comfortable with.  But will ask about the different types of RNY brandyII.
on 3/10/09 1:55 am
I am 18 months or so out from a revision from lapband to normal proximal RNY and it was the best thing I ever did. I am at 106 pounds and a size 0 or 2 and couldn't be any happier with my RNY. I would not have wanted a distal or a DS because I am 51 years old and did not want to take non-essential chances with my nutrition as I get older, nor did I want to take chances with bodily function issues (and I know not everyone gets them, but enough people do that I just didn't want to risk it after such problems with the lapband). I am just thrilled with my RNY.
on 3/10/09 3:55 am, edited 3/10/09 3:55 am
Wow that's wonderful Charleston-mom!  I hope, if I'm approved that is that I will do well also.  I'll be 49 this year and since my band was removed I've put on at least 15 lbs and it's very discouraging.  I've tried the old tried and true metholds of wl and nothing seems to be working!

Did you revise at the same time you had your band removed and also did you lose on the band before it was removed?  Thanks brandyII.
on 3/11/09 9:15 am - St. George, UT

I have had 2 WL Surgeries. Gastroplasty in 1979 and RNY Proximal Revision in 1989. I will tell you that both of these surgeries worked for me. The first for 8 years until the stapling came apart, quite normal for that surgery at the time. And, the RNY Proximal lasted for me for 16 years. I never gained to a weight over 160 lbs. In that 16 year period and for most of the 16 years I was 140 lbs or less. Not a bad success rate compared to a lot of RNY's...

I personally feel that when it comes to the RNY revision, because you would be considered a Virgin RNY or a Virgin DS or a Virgin Sleeve, whichever revision you choose....please understand that the RNY is a very strong tool, so is the sleeve, DS is of course the cadillac tool. But they can all fail. I have over 30 years of WL history under my belt. Believe me, unless you work it for all it's worth, any surgery can be destroyed through horrible eating patterns and non-compliance. You don't see as much of that with the DS....But it does happen with all revisions. And you have great choices because of going from Lapband to a revision.

Do your homework, choose wisely...Read everything you can...If you have a choice on which revision you can have you are so much luckier than most. Not everyone can #1 afford the cadillac of revisions, #2 are a candidate for the cadillac of revisions, #3 are willing to take the risks. But they all come with risks. It all comes down to how bad do we want to be thin????

Good Luck Brandy,

I'll be following your decision and hopefully having my 2nd revision. 3rd WL Surgery.

on 3/11/09 10:03 am
Thanks JRolfson,

I still think there are inconsistencies with all WLS, maybe not DS from what I've heard but even with RNY there appear to be.  We can't all count on dumping syndrome for example but I think if I know that all ahead of time it will prepare me more to expect the unexpected etc...  I expected to lose with Lap band but didn't and that flew me for a loop.  For whatever the reason(s) it just didn't work.  I still have faith that I will do better with the RNY and I expect the weight gain eventually whether it's a little or a lot but that I will need to keep on top of it or work with my doctor when/if that happens.

Right now I'm just waiting on the approval from surgeon and insurance so I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed, thanks again, brandyII.
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