Gaining weight..
BUT i still dont eat large portions of course..
i went from a size 28 to a size 12 to a 18 now..
Im terrified, because nothing is working.. and if i dont eat i get really shakey and im forced to eat something sweet to stop the feeling...
I feel like i failed myself.. Im so depressed which doesnt help..
I know i need to excerises but because of the weight gain i am just mortified...
did i fail my surgery???
food just feels like it goes right through me.. something just isnt right.. :(
I sincerely know your pain and it doesn't necessarily have to be you who failed...what type of surgery did you have?
I am in a similar boat as you. At my lowest I was in a 12/14 and now am a 16/18 and quickly going out of my mind. There are all kinds of opinions on here and only you know the truth; for instance I regained all my weight in this last 10 months; life has been stressful and I have fallen back into some old habits as well as not being able to exercise like I am used to because of a back injury. The part in which my surgery failed me was until I started looking into a revision I had never heard of the term "bounce back." I did not know that it was possible for my pouch to stretch and accommodate more food. I didn't realize that it was possible for the first section of small intestines to act as a "stomach addition". I think that oft times it is a combination of things, a amalgamation of events even that trigger the weight gain...if you think back that may have been something similar in your past that got you to your pre-surgery weight.
Feel free to hit me up BL and we can talk...I think you are close to me in distance.

Second- you need to be evaluated to see if there is a mechanical failure and if there is, then you should seek out other options.
Third-Yes, evaluate what you have been eating. If you have low blood sugars, like I do, Dr. Schlesinger told me to eat protein or an apple or pear that they are low on the glycemic index and will sustain your blood sugar longer. makes things worse. As has been said, try to eat protein as this is dense and should fill you up quicker with smaller amounts if things are working correctly. Protein should also keep you fuller for longer too. How about timing your eating so you don't leave it too long between planned pre-prepared portion controlled snacks?
Sorry if I've got completely the wrong end of the stick. I hope you find something that works for you, and above all, YOU ARE NOT A FAILURE. You may be experiencing some difficulties right now or you may be making some unwise choices right now, but that is NOT YOU, that is the cir****tances. You as a person are not a failure. You are a person needing some help and support right now.
Hugs, Ruth
High sugar/high glycemic foods will also give you terrible gas as well as the hypoglycemia. When you drink fake sugar drinks, you are also setting yourself up for insulin dumps because your body is expecting food and dumps insulin into your system thinking it needs it, then when there's no real sugar to process, your body demands real food and will get it any way it can, by convincing you that you need to eat, again. Keep doing what you're doing and it will be a never ending roller coaster ride.
And yes - eating easy slide foods will cause you to eat more and yes, I believe that the first part of our intestines can become our second stomach.
Everyone needs to figure out where their tipping point is for changing behaviors. I ate three donuts through the course of the day today - and I hate myself for it because I'm sweating and hungry and sick and gassy all at the same time. Yes I'm miserable - but you know, my next meal is a chance to get back on track; not tomorrow, not next week, not at New Years, because that doesn't work for me either. My next meal will be a good place to change because I know how it feels not to be sick, nauseous, sweaty, hungry and gassy and well, it feels a whole lot better than after those 3 donuts I've had today.
Figure out your patterns are and then try to change one part of the pattern at the next meal. It's not an all or nothing at this point, it's just 'do something' at this point, because what we've tried in the past sure isn't working.
I am down 35 pounds from my highest this year and it's because I started with my next meal, because it was the easiest for me to do and to conquere - the fact that I have another 200 pounds to lose is too overwhelming for me to think about and would cause me to be hopeless and give up - but my changing and being aware of my next meal is certainly obtainable and easier to deal with.
Small steps, one thing may not work, another may work - we all have our own tipping point for change.
Live, love and laugh,
Best regards,