Revision from Band to RNY at same time
I am scheduled to be revised from Lap Band to RNY on Wednesday, November 19th. I have had my band since 10/2006. Has any one else had this done with one procedure? If you have, is there more of a complication rate? Was the healing process longer, was the pain worse than the first surgery? Any information that you can give me will be very helpful. Thank you.
I had the conversion from the band to RNY in July. My doc does it in one step. I had no complications at all. As someone asked 3 days ago, the doc did put on the consent form that there is a chance of leakage...he said small % but needs to disclose it.
I know a lot of ladies who have had the conversion --all but 1 are happy. 1 lady had a complication that the initial doctor didn't pick up until she went for a 2nd opinion.
As far as eating from the band to the is so much easier to be compliant. I eat chicken and turkey all the time...with the band I'de be choking and pbing at the first bite.
Good luck next week. I think you will be happy you made this decision.
I know a lot of ladies who have had the conversion --all but 1 are happy. 1 lady had a complication that the initial doctor didn't pick up until she went for a 2nd opinion.
As far as eating from the band to the is so much easier to be compliant. I eat chicken and turkey all the time...with the band I'de be choking and pbing at the first bite.
Good luck next week. I think you will be happy you made this decision.
I converted from band to rny in one procedure in September. I was having a horrible time with the band...regain, erosive esophagitis, unexplained vomitting, etc. My doctor was worried about erosion or heavy scaring so there was a risk of complications. When he opened me up my band was completely encapsulated by scar tissue growing around it. Surgery lasted a few hours longer than expected, but it was a success. The recovery pain was worse with RNY (about 10 days and more intense) , but he also had to remove part of my omentum, so that could be the reason. Other than that, I am loving my rny. I feel the fullness I lacked with the band, the unexplained vomitting is gone, the esophagitis has disappeared and I am losing at a nice steady clip. Was it worth the extra pain and risks??? YES yes yes.

day of surgery - 296 current goal - 195 highest ('98) - est'd 320
I just had my revision 2 1/2 weeks ago and I feel great. I was expecting to have a lot more pain than I did with the band but to be honest I was fine. My only issue was a reaction to the morphine, once they took care of that I was good.
I do have discomfort where the drain was, it is also the same area where my port was removed from. I wouldn't really call it pain, just really tender and bruised. I feel it when I get up and down from bed or the couch but nothing major.
I took 3 weeks out of work, going back Monday and I can't wait. I did sleep more after this surgery and glad I took the extra time. I only took a week with my band. I too had some of the issues you experienced, just no erosion. I have no issue with eating or drinking and especially no more vomitting.
Very happy I had my revision, best decision I made this year.
I do have discomfort where the drain was, it is also the same area where my port was removed from. I wouldn't really call it pain, just really tender and bruised. I feel it when I get up and down from bed or the couch but nothing major.
I took 3 weeks out of work, going back Monday and I can't wait. I did sleep more after this surgery and glad I took the extra time. I only took a week with my band. I too had some of the issues you experienced, just no erosion. I have no issue with eating or drinking and especially no more vomitting.
Very happy I had my revision, best decision I made this year.