Banded in Mexico 3/2007

on 7/3/08 6:37 pm - Somewhere, KS

I was banded in Mexico in May 2007.  I have had 7 fills, one complete unfill, and a barium swallow study done.  Mind you I am paying all out of pocket.  the docs say my band may be too high since it does not show much of a pouch and could be the problem of my slow weight loss....I have lost 12 pounds.  I am at my wits end, live by the banster rules....anybody been through this?  Did you go back to your original band doc?

on 7/3/08 7:46 pm
You will get more answers if you go on the lapband forum. Has the dr. looked at it under X-ray to see where it is or if it is to high?
on 7/4/08 12:27 am - Fort Worth , TX
I completely understand. Between the surgery and the fills I have spent around $14,000 over 4 years...for nothing basically since I am back up to my pre band weight.  Read my profile and you will see why I am getting a revision to RNY.

I went from lap band to RNY on Aug 1 2008.
                SW    CW  GW
5'2"     205/133/ ?


on 7/4/08 9:11 am
I got my band April 07, I am getting the band taken out.  I get stuck daily and throw up often.  I am now unfilled and I am so thankful!  The band sucks in my eyes, everyone is different but that is my opinion.  I would contact your original surgeon to see what he recommends, if you are self pay then decide when the time comes for a revision.  I would find a local doctor if you decide to have RNY due to the aftercare.  Good Luck!
on 7/4/08 9:20 am
I was banded on June 17, 2006 and I lost a total of 30 pounds-- 20 of which has come back.  I NEVER felt restriciton or made it to that "Sweet spot"  that they all talk about on the lapband forum.  I have either been unable to hold anything down... or able to scarf down the whole kitchen..... no imbetween.... and it is those times when I can eat the whole kitchen, tht I almost do because i am so hungry from not being able to eat anything, that I try to make up for it the minute I am able to eat......  And we are not EVEN gonna talk about those days, when my band will only allow mushy food past it, so the only thing that i can chew to mush is a COOKIE (or 6) or mashed potatoes ... you get the point ... high calorie stuff!!!  But I happend on this board and i started researching some stuff and i found out that 37% of the people who get the band are UNSUCCESSFUL.. and tht I was not alone... and that NO I dont have to live with this the rest of my life.... Thus, i am getting a revision on july 28th in Mexico with dr alvarex to the sleeve......  no port pain,.. no fill with big pb's (lapband language), no malabsorption, no worrying about if my husband can feel my port when we are intimate or if we are gonna shake something loose...(LMAO)  ........  I guees you are on this forum looking for an alternte.. and this is a good place to start..... visit the VSG site as well... they ROCK over there....  (not that the rest of you   Keep us updated.....

(deactivated member)
on 7/4/08 3:02 pm - AZ
You had an experienced band surgeon.  I seriously doubt your band is too high. I have a hunch you are like MANY banded people, you just have no sweet spot.  My band wasn't too high and I had the same exact problems as you.  I had no sweet spot. "Just follow the rules and you'll lose weight" is a load of horse **** for people like us, if you have no sweet spot you have no restriction.  I was either able to eat anything or I couldn't keep my own spit down (as I told you in an email either yesterday or today, I'm Bipley).  It's a miserable existence and one I wouldn't wish on anyone.  Most of my banded life was with no fill in my band at all and I white knuckled it the whole time.  Between that and mega exercise that is how I did it. I'd just suck it up and get a sleeve.  Today was my first day on solids since the post op diet and I finally felt true restriction for the first time EVER.  I have been on liquids for 4 months due to band problems, liquids for over 3 months prior to surgery and then the post op diet.  Today was day #1 of solids with a sleeve and I am totally impressed.  You know what?  With a sleeve feeling "full" feels like it did before I ever had any WLS type.  Full is full!  I had decided that since I haven't eaten solids in 4 months I was gonna eat all day long.  No such luck... it took me 2.5 hours to eat a single chicken leg, 4 tbsp of mashed potatoes, and 2 tbsp of baked beans.  I was planning on eating, waiting for my stomach to empty, and eating again.  HA!  Yeah, it didn't work that way.   THIS is what restriction is supposed to feel like.  I am totally impressed! I wouldn't get bypass, check out sleeve stats.  Five year stats for weight loss are about the same as bypass and no malabsorption, no stomach stretching, no anemia, intestinal problems, no complications, no dumping, and fewer risks than with bypass or banding.  It's a much easier journey all the way around.  Check out revision boards, it's all RNY and bands getting revisions.  Check out band, sleeve, and bypass boards... sleeve boards have more happy people and fewer complaints.  Just scan the thread topics, you'll see what I mean. I don't know what Rod charges for revisions but check around and see what the good docs charge for revision from band to sleeve.  Your quality of life will improve drastically.  It really is drastic, I had forgotten what it felt like to have a normal life. Yes, I went back to my original band doc and I'm glad I did.  You can't go to just anyone for a revision.  VERIFY stats!  Don't just believe what the docs claim for stats.  Do it the right way and get a revision.  Get your life back.
on 7/6/08 9:26 am - Somewhere, KS

Hi Bipley,

Thanks for all the info...thing is, at least you are at goal!!! I have gone by the band rules, walking, biking, the whole thing.  Just so frustrating,  thing is I don't think I can afford doing 7800K again.  Or more for that matter.  Barbara the patient coordinator is supposed to call me on Monday to "go over any mishaps".....I know the band rules, I am sick of starving...because like you said, it is either it goes down, or not at all.  The only feeling I get to stop is when something is stuck......Never get that full feeling.  Who was your doc?  How much was your revision?  I will get back to you and tell you what they say tomorrow......Thanks so much again!


on 7/6/08 10:01 pm
Hey there, I was banded a year after you the same exact Dr. I go in for my first fill tomorrow.....but sometimes I worry if I'll be one of them does not have success w/the band. I know that my first few days I had restriction but since then...nothing.  I have had to do everything else on my own.  Luckily I have not gained what I have lost back....but it is always a "gut feeling" that something isn't right.  Maybe I am paranoid....but if you could....please keep me posted as to what your outcome is. Tomorrow w/this doc I met here who has taken my case on....I am going to ask him to take some x-rays to make sure that in his opinion my band is where it needs to be.  Anywho....good luck!!

*~Da Chunkster~*
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