question about insurance
I am in the process of researching a revision. I have an appointment with a surgeon in July. I had my RNY in 2002 and have gained back 80 pounds. I had my surgery in Iowa and now live in New York. The insurance company said it is a once a lifetime beneift. Does it matter that I had my surgery and another insurance company paid for it?
My BMI is back over 40, I am well over 100 pounds over weight and have some medical problems creeping back up on me.
I had a Upper GI that showed my stoma is large and everything goes right through withou filling up the pouch. Today I started eating only one cup of food per meal with the majority of it being protein and started to try to get back on track. I figured if I can show the surgeon I am serious about it that might help my case when I go in.
Any one know anything about this.