losing too much?

on 6/21/08 4:12 pm - Layton, UT
Soooooooooo.....I had a Revision.  Lost my regain.  Lost to goal.  Went below goal.  .......still going!  Yikes!  .......What d'ya think?  .....  I'm having this conversation with myself that reminds me that I've always regained after losing weight with every single diet and with the first WLS.........so my SELF tells me that it's o.k. to keep losing cuz I'll be very safe if I'm really below weight.  .......  My sort of rational SELF wonders out loud if I'm having some weird mental issues with the whole thing......and then at a support mtg today, good friends tell me I'm looking way to thin!  Hmmmmmm!  .........  I'm wondering how to put the brakes on the losing without totally sabotaging myself and regaining????  Pannic from past failures is a powerful thing!!!!  ......Right now I"m just eating as healthy as possible cuz I'm focusing mostly on having good labs......It just doesn't seem right to start stuffing myself with cookies just to stop losing weight...........HELP!!!  My conversation with myself is making me crazy!!!!!.................but besides that, I had a GREAT Saturday!    Hung out most of the day with WLS buds at a BOTOX party!!!!  Weigh 2 cool to see everyone's deep lines and wrinkels magically disappear!  LOL!  ......It would be a total blast if all of you could come to the Phoenix O.H. event in Sept!!!! .......We could do some serious chatting about our revisions and solve all the problems in the world til the wee hours of the morning in an awesome resort setting!  ....maybe even get the aesthetician gals to do a midnight Botox party for us in our hotel rooms! ?????  Ahhhhh.......wonder if I'll still be thin in Sept???  .........yup!  I"ve got mental issues!.........just babbling....babbling.....going off to sleep now! 
Rny 2/11/03-> ERny 12/26/07-> Duodenal Switch 5/12/2010   
     www.dsfacts.com , www.dssurgery.com , & www.duodenalswitch.com


on 6/21/08 9:35 pm - Springfield, MO
What type of revision did you have?

 E.J. ....sitting on the loser's bench!!! 

"People will forget what you said, people will forget
what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel"    Maya Angelou

on 6/22/08 6:39 am - Layton, UT
Hi E.J.! I had an Extended Rny (from Proximal Rny).  How about you? 
Rny 2/11/03-> ERny 12/26/07-> Duodenal Switch 5/12/2010   
     www.dsfacts.com , www.dssurgery.com , & www.duodenalswitch.com


on 6/21/08 11:49 pm - Somewhere, TX
Joyce, you know I love you and with that being said I should tell you that I am fighting with this little green monster on my left shoulder...he is not so endeared with your perdicament. LOL  I hope that I get to walk a mile in your shoes soon.  Have you spoken to Dr. S about your fear of being under weight.  There may be ways for you to be healthy but stop losing weight.  Think body-builders; they are EXTREMELY healthy but have to maintain a weight that is almost impossible given their work out regimen.  When is the event in September; pray that I can get approval before then. BTW, she had an extended RNY.  Dr. Schlesinger posted in early April and explained the differences between the procedures, see if you can find it.
on 6/22/08 6:48 am - Layton, UT
Shay!  You totally crack me up!!!!  Me thinks your little Green Monster may need to do battle with the little Red Devil that sits on my shoulder whispering naughty things about myself all day long!........Yup!  Dr. S is aware of my needs.  I work in the same Medical Plaza (my office is adjacent to his suite) so I brush shoulders with him daily.  He's wanting me to pump it up with the protein (pre-digested whey isolates).    Love those protein drinks but then I'm too full to eat the good stuff!  LOL!.......I'm crossing all of my body parts that you'll get your approval soon!.......Would love to have you and all the buds hang with me at the Phoenix Event!!!! ....and, BTW....I LOVE thinking of Body Builders!  *wink, wink*
Rny 2/11/03-> ERny 12/26/07-> Duodenal Switch 5/12/2010   
     www.dsfacts.com , www.dssurgery.com , & www.duodenalswitch.com


on 6/22/08 2:35 pm - Somewhere, TX

LOL, I would have answered you earlier.  I will pit my little green man against ur red devil; but I must warn u, my green man has a split personality or 5 he may show up as a 7 ft drag queen, .  I do remember the days when I would have to decide between protein drinks and real food...but u know as well as i do that after about 2 yrs that all goes bye bye...so maybe if u keep with the protein drinks u can stretch the time ur malabsorption will last...giving u time to get ur head together.  Not that I am saying that u suffer from the same thing that plagues my jealous behind, but sticking to a more strenous program can't hurt....and think of how good that 7th day will feel whe u do decide to have everything but the kitchen sink.  If u do what the doctor orders; i promise to bring u a treat when I come to Az after i get approved...hell if u stick to what Dr. S. suggest I will promise u that 7th day treat.  Just think of it this way.  You are undergoal today but there is still the 10% rebound.....

on 6/21/08 11:58 pm - mesa, AZ
Please tell me I was not the only one that said that ??  I do have to remember  you have a very small frame ..  even Smaller than Kathy ...   It was hearing your buying a size 4 that  threw me.   I can not put my head around  loosing so much weight that I would be under my goal .. The Botox party was great !!  I got to speak with a couple of the girls and have a facial planned for my next visit to  Dr .. Maybe even a skin peel??
on 6/22/08 6:51 am - Layton, UT
Silly girlfriend!  What's this about my "small frame"????  That is soooooooo funny cuz all my life people have told me that I have such a pretty face but I'm just in a "large frame"!!!!  .......I think frame size might have something to do with upsizing or downsizing....what d'ya think?..........Good for you getting all signed up for some oooooh lala treatment!  Facials, and massages should be part of everyone's routine!
Rny 2/11/03-> ERny 12/26/07-> Duodenal Switch 5/12/2010   
     www.dsfacts.com , www.dssurgery.com , & www.duodenalswitch.com


on 6/22/08 12:09 am
Hello Am new member. Had RNY 6 years ago and now gaining weight.  Considering revision.  What is ERNY? Any comments on stomphyx? Thanks.
on 6/22/08 2:51 am - mesa, AZ
extended  rny -  they shorten the common channel where you absorb food, nuts etc...
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