Revision ??

(deactivated member)
on 6/20/08 12:55 am
I had Lap RNY in Dec of 06,  I started at 252 lost about 90 pounds during the first 6 months, since then I haven't lost.  I've gained.  I'm now at 180, which I know isn't terrible, but I feel like I have failed, and I want to lose another 40.  I can eat what ever I want, I never get sick, nothing ever gets stuck, I do get full when I eat, but sometimes I can just eat and eat.   How long was it between your original surgery and your revision?  What makes a Dr consider it a "failed" attempt?  Tell me your stories. 
on 6/20/08 9:09 am, edited 6/20/08 9:10 am - UK
Hi I had my op in Nov 2006 and after 6 months stopped losing,at around 9-10mths began investigating why ... could have had a revision at any time after this point,but couldnt afford to pay ,so had to go the NHS route (live in the UK) this has taken another 6 mths and still dont know when or if I will have it done..The doctor I  saw thurs said I need to go back to the dietician and go on an eating plan  :(   .........yes well I was able to do that pre-op thats why I stayed slim all my life ...NOT ,am truly p****d off at the moment ,even though they have seen by my barium that the pouch is way too large and the outlet is also way too large they now want me to go on a diet !!!!!!!! ARGGHHHHHHHHHHHH
on 6/20/08 9:28 am - Chicago, IL
Hi Paula, I had open RNY June 03.  Lost 170# but had needed to lose another 40.  I stopped losing after 9 or 10 mos - I tried everything to start losing again and nothing worked.  Then after 1-1/2 years I started slowly gaining - no matter what I did/do I can't stop gaining.  To date I've gained 40 pounds.  I knew something was wrong and started doing some research.  I had read an article about revisions but then not too many were having them done.  So 2 years ago went back to my bypass doctor and asked about revisions - he said absolutely not (he didn't do revisions) - told me to go home and enjoy my weight loss!  I told him I was so upset I was gaining but because I was up only 10 pounds he didn't think anything of it.  For the past 2 years I've been miserable - watching my weight slowly escalate.  And my appetite increases daily:  some days I can't stop eating - feel hungry constantly and could snack all day if I let myself.  Back in March I was part of the ROSE clinical trial in Ohio but they couldn't do it - said my pouch was too small for the instrument to clear.  But my stoma is wide open.  It must have been wide open for a long time because like I said it's been 2 years when I noticed the change in my eating habits, my constant hunger and weight gain.  So I went back to my bypass doctor - he now sings a different tune:  2 years ago he "pushed me out of his office" saying more or less implying I was ridiculous.  Well you can tell he now knows people have problems the further out they come - he did an upper GI last week and said he would do a band over bypass.  I see him again next week.  I'm just stuck because I would prefer a malabsorption revision (ERny or DS) but he doesn't do those.  So I have to make a decision.  I don't know yet if insurance will cover it.  I can't afford to have it if they won't.  I'm just keeping my fingers crossed.  So, you should go back to your doctor and ask for an upper GI (EGD) to see if there's anything wrong w/your stoma or pouch.  Start there.  If so, ask him about revisions.  Good Luck.  Let me know if you do anything!!  Take care.  It's a road I never thought I would have to travel again.  Carolyn 
on 6/20/08 9:56 am - Norwich, CT
I too am having a band over my old stapling.  I am now waiting for approval from the insurance company.
 "The Joy of the Lord is your strength."  Nehemiah 8:10

START:  330         CURRENT:  274.5 lbs         GOAL:  190          TOTAL:  55.5 lbs


Janelle S.
on 6/20/08 9:59 am - Metairie, LA
5 1/2 yrs ago my stoma was overdilated by an inexperienced MD. My pouch is very small but my stoma wide open. I was not a candidate for Stomaphyx or EROS or a LAP band because my pouch was so small. My surgeon went in laparoscopically and placed stitches around my stoma tightening it up. It's been 2 months and I have lost 32 lbs!


on 6/26/08 9:59 am - Chicago, IL
IMy stoma is wide open but my pouch small.  My doctor suggested a band over rny but I was leaning towards a more malabsorption procedure (ERNY).  I feel the same way, my pouch is already small what good would it do to put a band around it?!  After reading yours maybe I'll ask him about putting stitches around my stoma to tighten it up...  Are you still doing good?!   I never thought of that!  Keep me posted on your progress please!  Thanks!  And I wish you all the best - 32 lbs already - yeah!!!  Keep it up!!  Carolyn
Janelle S.
on 6/28/08 7:29 am - Metairie, LA
I consulted with several docs. One suggested a lap band. I was afraid that with my pouch being so small, the band would be more likely to slip. My surgeon said my pouch was even smaller once he got in there than he thought when he scoped me. He doesn't even think there would have been enough room to place the lap band. Everyone is different and you just have to go with your gut and put your faith in the doctor and procedure that you feel is best for you. Good luck!


on 6/21/08 11:57 pm - Somewhere, TX
Paula, be proactive, go to either your initial surgeon or whomever you feel comfortable and have a GI series.  See if there is a problem.  We all want a magic bullet; however some of us have to search it out.
on 6/24/08 2:27 am - WARE, MA

Paula:  I'm having the same problem.  Had RNY in Sept. of 2003 (almost 5 years ago).  I feel great, but I've gained 40 lbs.  I have the same situation in that I eat and eat and eat and it takes a while for me to feel full.  I almost eat what I did prior to surgery.  My surgeon had CAT scan and others tests and the results were that my incisions are great and all my other internal body parts are also great.

Great!  He said for me to make an appointment and he'll talk about weight loss.  He briefly referenced lapband over the RNY prior to my tests being done.  I'm at my wits end.  I want to lose that 40 lbs, plus the 25 more that I wanted to lose.  My dad and husband are currently seeing physicians for various surgical procedures and I'm waiting for them to be done before I call for an appointment.  I don't want to be out of work the same time as my husband for money would be reduced and that would not be good.

Does anyone have a suggestion for me to pursue?  Should I go for the lapband over the rny? 

I need help and this forum is truly the place to obtain it.

Have a great day.

Kathy P.


on 6/24/08 4:13 am - Canoga Park, CA

Hi everyone -  So I'm back again.  I had my RnY on Dec 30, 2002.  I was very successful having lost 60 lbs in my first 30 days, my first 100 in 6 months, and a total of 215 lbs in 18 months to the beautiful weight of 150.  Well, here I am 6 years out and about a year ago the scale started creeping up on me.....and I've but on 40 lbs.  I am approaching the 200 lbs mark and I AM TERRIFIED.  I have tried everything, as well all do before we started this, exercise, even unhealthy ways of losing weight.  All to no avail.  I am seriously considering either a mini-bypass or a lap-band.  I'm leaning towards the band only because it can be adjusted -- it I lose to much, we can loosen the band; if I don't lose enough, tighten it up.  All I know is that something has to give.  I can do this to myself or my family again.   I do finally have my plastic sugery consult on July1, and I know that will drop about 25 lbs on the spot!  I don't know; maybe that's the motovation I need to REALLy push myself to drop this weight. How difficult is it to get a revision approved by insurance?

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