Advise Please!!!

on 6/8/08 1:58 pm - Sylacauga, AL

I am approved for a revision from a VBG to an RNY.I am 11 years post op, and did not have much success with my VBG. I found a surgeon that performs revisions in Nashville.  I live in Alabama, so it takes about 5 hours to visit his office.  Both visits, I have left feeling much worse than when I arrived.  This surgeon made me feel terrible about myself, stating that I failed the surgery, the surgery did not fail me. He was very short with his answers and "talked down" to me as if I were a child. This really made me feel very uncomfortable being around him, but he did agree to perform the surgery.  There are very few surgeons who will perform revisions, which is the only reason I went to him a second time.   His office manager emailed me about 3 weeks ago telling me I've been approved, and that the person that schedules his surgeries will be in touch.  Noone have called me to schedule. I have made a call and left a message, which has yet to be returned.  I have a feeling that he really does not want me as a patient, and may be a little intimidated about performing my revision.  He has only done VERY few, which is another reason I am reconsidering him    as my surgeon.  I was hoping for a DS, but he would not recommend me for this procedure. I know there is a surgeon in Anniston, AL that performs revisions, but all his revision patients are self-pay.  I cannot swing $25,000 for this surgery. Should I just toughen up and put up with his arrogant attitude just because he agrees to do this surgery?  Initially, I was so excited about the idea of having a revision, but after my visits with this surgeon he really made me feel lousy.  A person should not be in tears after visiting the doctor that is supposed to be helping you. Please give me your opinion.  Also, If there are surgeons who perform revisions to DS, please let me know.  I would prefer lap.

on 6/8/08 2:33 pm - Tickfaw, LA
My surgeon does revisions but he's in New Orleans, Louisiana. And if I were you I would NOT subject my body to a surgeon who is as arrogant and ridiculing as your surgeon seems to be. I would find someone else, most definitely. You don't want someone to mess up when they get in your abdominal cavity! Safety before anything else, remember that. Good luck!
(deactivated member)
on 6/8/08 3:20 pm - AZ
I would not go to your surgeon. He has a attuitude problem and is a jerk. He has not really done any revision I would not let him touch me with a 10 foot pole. My doctor is the complete oppisite( sp ) of yours. Please find another doctor. Do you have to go to Nashville ? I would check the boards more and post notes on line for revision doctors. I am so sorry your going thru this. If I could be more help to you email privatly. My friend lives in Nashville. She works as a coding conultant and works at alot of hospitals there. I could email  her and ask her who she reccomends. Dawn
on 6/9/08 1:26 am - mesa, AZ
Nurse  You need to explore your options better- dont take easy way out and settle for this Dr !!! Call the Dr in Anniston and talk to his office mgr - let them know your situation, your already approved and  see if you can work it out .. check your local board for Dr who do revisions,  By the way lap revision is not the way to go !!   You  will have better  results with an open procedure ( I know it scared the **** out of me too !! )  you want the Dr to see what they are dealing with !! 
on 6/9/08 3:05 am, edited 6/9/08 3:07 am - Tickfaw, LA
That is severely bad advise and I don't think people should read that. Laparoscopic procedures are safer and EASIER for the surgeon to see what is inside the abdominal cavity than the open procedure. At least give both sides of the story before you bash one procedure over another please.
on 6/9/08 3:15 am - mesa, AZ
Matter of opinion - wait till a friend of yours has a surgeon pull up the wrong limb and does some horrible damage!  maybe even dies from a procedure gone bad !!!  People post  for a variety of reasons !   they can choose to take the advice they are asking for or not ! 
on 6/9/08 3:20 am - Tickfaw, LA
It's definitely not matter of opinion. I understand that mistakes CAN happen, but with the lap procedure the camera allows the surgeon to view everything in a 3-D environment instead of just a wide open wound that they shove their hands in. And as far as the surgeon pulling up the wrong limb of intestine that's just an incompetent surgeon and by no means the type of procedure at fault.
on 6/9/08 3:40 am - mesa, AZ
Lance   Reading her post .. She already has surgeon who's  heart is not in it!   She needs to be open to  other options.  My revision was done open and  not only  did he shorten my common channel - but he was alos able to  remove
Deanne K.
on 6/9/08 7:08 am - Tucson, AZ
Hi Lance, I have to agree with Gena.  I have a friend who was having her first surgery which was a gastric sleeve procedure laproscopically and they should have done it open, they knew they might run into scar tissue.  The surgeon ran into scar tissue and tried to fix the problem laproscopiclly and they nicked the bowel without knowing it.  She died 6 months later of complications, they finally opened her up to fix the problem a week later.  If they had opened her up when they first encountered the problem she may not have died.  There are potential risks on both sides of the surgeries.  In some cases opens are appropriate procedures.  It all depends on the surgeon and your risk factors.  Ask your surgeon those questions before your surgery.
(deactivated member)
on 6/10/08 6:59 pm, edited 6/10/08 7:00 pm - AZ
Lance, I thought this site is used so people could communicate and give advice good or bad. We are adults here and can make our minds up for ourself. I never new about this great online support since last month. I wanted a DS and I was asking everyone what there opinions were related to this or getting a ERNY. I got some positive and neg concerns. But I  looked at all the opinions and reasons for doing certain proceures that came my way to review. I could never have laproscopic surgery because I am super obese. I had alot of open procedures. I can see where your coming from. Like a women has a c-section the first time and if the doctor and pt decide on a VBAC (Vag birth after c-section) thats up to them. But the patient asks our opinion and we give it and its not considered bad advice. There is alot to consider when a doctor decides which way to go open or closed. Thats my opinion working in medical records for 25 years reviewing op (operation) reports. 
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