Lap Band Revision Options

on 6/4/08 6:37 am - Cincinnati, OH
Laurel, My story is just about the same as yours.  Lapband in Dec. 2005. Initially lost 18 lbs but then the vomiting, sliming, etc started and no matther how many fills or unfills I had the problems continued and I was miserable.  I always felt like the Lapband Dr blamed me for the band not working.  I couldn't keep anything solid down, had a lot of pain when I swallowed anything solid, etc, so I began eating soft foods and the weight came back along with 10 more pounds.  So I was constantly in pain, heavier and miserable sol I started researching revisions.  I spent a year going on all the boards and listening to what people had to say about their WLS, successes and problems.  I came to the conclusion that the DS offered me the best chance to have a normal life and suceed in losing my weight.  The statistics on DS show it has excellent success rate and the chances of regain are minimal.   I found a great Dr to do the revision and had it done on Dec 18, 2007.  In the 5.5 months since I have had my DS I have lost 72 lbs and am feeling fantastic.  I was considered a lightweight to begin with so I was a little concerned that my weightloos would be slow or not as good as I would like.  But my worries were soon put to rest as the weight has just melted off with no effert on my part other than being diligent about taking my vitamins, drinking plenty and getting my protein and fats in.   I have had absolutely no problems, I eat like a normal person and still the weight keeps coming off.  It is such a wonderful feeling to finally feel normal.  The only time I have bathroom issues are if I eat too many simple carbs.  But then I know they cause this so when I eat them I know what the end result is going to be.  That one small quirk  is a small price to pay for such an enormous success. I encourage you to take your time and do a lot of research, ask questions, and consider each surgery available to you.  You will have to decide which one fits your lifestyle and needs.  I wish you luck on your journey and hope you find the success so many of us have found. G 

Surgery Date 12/18/07   Ht 5'7"  SW 268/ CW 179 / GW 160 

Laurel B.
on 6/4/08 9:18 am - Evans, GA
RNY on 07/21/17
Thanks to all that replied.  I saw the doc today.  He had xrays and had an upper GI done.  He said my pouch is a little dilated but that he has seen that in patients that aren't having any trouble at all and it really isn't something to be too concerned with.  He wants me to go back to the nutrionist for retraining on the things I'm supposed to eat etc.  I'm a little frustrated.  I feel something is wrong.  By the time they had me drink the upper gi stuff it was 3:30 in the afternoon.  I've puked up coffee in the mornings.  He said that is normal to have swelling in the mornings.  URGH! Thanks again to all the replied.  I love my doctor and will follow his directions.  I know I've been bad, but honestly I didn't start being bad in terms of what I ate until I started having all the problems.  I'll try his way for a little while and if I'm still having trouble I'll see what I need to do then. Laurel

5'8" HW:265 SW:235 CW:224 GW:160.

ROUX NY 7/21/2017

LAPBAND 8/31/2007

on 6/4/08 2:33 pm - Stanwood, WA
Do a search on youtube for lap band revision. There are a lot of Mini Gastric Bypass revision from lap band videos on there.
K B (Tucson)
on 6/5/08 1:56 pm - Tucson, AZ
You sound like you have a slip.  I did and ended up with band removal and conversion to vsg.  Same diet and eating expectations as with the band, but no fills and no horror when (if) you ever vomit.  I loved my band, but am much happier with the vsg as I will never, ever, ever have a slip again. 
on 6/6/08 9:58 am, edited 6/6/08 10:02 am
VSG on 11/10/16
I agree with the previous poster. IT SOUNDS LIKE YOU HAVE A SLIP.  I just got my lap-band repositioned because I had a slip.  This just happened on May 29.  I had your symptoms.  Restriction even with nothing in my band.  I bet you have a slip, I feel so much better after my repair.  I don't vomit anymore and no acid reflux like I had every single day with the slipped band  Please, be more persistent with this.  Sometimes you have to be EXTREMELY assertive in a nice way and insist what you are experiencing isn't ok with you and you need help.  IF all else fails, consult another dr.  Although your doc, sounds like he cares about your health.  He should be a little more of a detective and try and figure out what's wrong. My profile describes my lack of restriction in the beginning and then shortly before surgery my pain dissipated and I could eat anything.  I've been thru all the stages.  Please talk to your surgeon and insist your symptoms are not just behavioral, they are real and you need help.  


Revision to Gastric Sleeve Nov 10, 2016

Lap band Removed June 2016

Current weight is 172

Surgery Weight was 196

Goal weight aoround 145

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