I was humiliated AGAIN
"If at first you DO succeed- try not to look too amazed!"
"I am anointed. I can accomplish my dreams. I can overcome any obstacle. I am equipped and empowered by the Creator of the universe! I am able to live the abundant life God has in store!"
I WOULD HAVE CURSED A HER ASS OUT! Point blank! There is a way to handle everything and though my reaction would have been wrong from her response, she shouldve been more professional in what she said to you and more discreet when she went to make the call. Cause she had to have been talking loud enough for you and everybody else to hear her. I am so sorry that you had to go thru that and believe me we all have been there before. And who was the DOC that sent you there anyway, andwhy didn't he know that. And granted, she may have been thinking about her equipment, but in those policies and procedures books also talks about professionalism, mannerism, and the rights of the patients. Honey don't get me started. The LORD knows who to lay those problems and who would handle it best. Cause it aint ME!