(deactivated member)
on 5/9/08 12:03 am, edited 5/9/08 1:13 am
Hi Everyone- Well, my 6 months are completed for the RESTORe trial. As I originally thought, it was confirmed yesterday that I did in fact have the procedure on November 6.  I would have been very surprised if they told me I had the sham. Many of you know my history. I had RNY in 2000, started at 325 and lost down to 217. Since then I have had 2 children and regained to 268 by the day of the RESTORe procedure. Yesterday I weighed in at 212, so I've lost 56 pounds!!  This is the lowest weight I've been since about age 21 and now I'm 39 years old. So, the question everyone wants to know the answer to: Does the procedure work? In my experience only, I have to say that it might work short term, but not long term. My stoma was 3 cm in diameter at the beginning of the trial, and now it's approximately 2.5 cm per my EGD. According to Dr. Chand, they got it down to 5 mm (.5 cm) which I was surprised to hear. I forgot to ask where I was at my 6 week EGD, but somewhere along the way, the fasteners "broke." I still have 1 fastener left. I noticed a definite change about 2 months ago with the amount that I was able to eat, but still I fought the urge. Here's the bottom line: With MOST revisional procedures (unless there is malabsorption involved), you MUST make the right food choices. Whether it's stomaphyx, RESTORe, or ROSE (EROS), you pretty much have to diet. Relying on restriction alone is not enough for a significant weight loss. Here is where I finally understood that any WLS is a tool only. Sure, we all lose weight on the liquid diet, but after that, it's completely up to you. If you choose to start incorporating carbs into your diet early, you will have a steep hill to climb to lose weight. In my experience, the more carbs I eat, the hungrier I am and the more I crave. STAY AWAY FROM THEM!!!! DETOX!! For most of this 6 month trial, I was compliant with my eating. I made my eating HABITS-a routine. For breakfast I usually had 2 eggs with fat free cheese and ham. For lunch I would eat huge salads with chicken and FF cheese, blue cheese dressing on the side (dip your fork in the dressing first, then take a mouthful of use VERY little dressing that way). Snacks were items like light string cheese, fresh fruit, light n fit yogurts, no sugar added fudgesicles, 100 calorie bag popcorn. For dinner it was turkey chili, or lean meats, vegetables and a few bites of starch only. I would take 3 or 4 bites of protein to 1 bite of starch and my goal was to have the starch left over after I filled up on protein. This WORKED for ME. One more very important point I want to make. I think what also helped me be successful in getting my "head" right is that shortly before the procedure in November, I went to see a psychiatrist about my anxiety/depression and he prescribed Lexapro. Lexapro, like many other similar drugs, is an SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor). This drug may have HELPED with my eating "disorder" in that I may be an emotional eater. Many of us have undiagnosed depression, and I would encourage you to seek help if you think you may have a problem. I went on for years thinking that because I was able to get out of bed in the morning and take care of my family that I must be fine, even though I felt otherwise.  I was diagnosed with something called "dysthymia" which is a low-grade depression that goes on for years. I am THRILLED that I had this opportunity and in my heart I can honestly say that I made the most out of the chance I had. Yes, I'm still FAT, but much less I am DETERMINED to lose another 42 pounds and go for the plastics I so much want. If you are waiting for an endoscopic procedure or have recently had one done, please go into it knowing that to be successful you MUST make good food choices. Don't expect the procedure to do the work for you. Good luck everyone!!!! !!!!! Sandy
on 5/9/08 1:18 am - conway, AR
Sandy, First let me say you are not alone on the gaining weight issue. Congrats on the weight lose. I also have depression and when I get really down I overeat and the foods I want are carbs!! I went to my surgeon and he said get back to basics and thats what I have done .I started on this monday and so far down 2 lbs. I know thats not alot but to me its a whole lot. Goodluck Sandy on your journey to that ideal weight. Hope I make it with you. Malinda
on 5/9/08 4:31 am
RNY on 03/08/04 with
Hi Sandy. I had the Restore procedure on April 16 and it has been a dismal failure. Of course, I lost weight the first 10-14 days as I was on nothing but 3 liquid protein shakes a day. I felt some restriction and I was not overly hungry so I was encouraged. As soon as I started to eat semi-solid (soft) foods, however, my hunger returned with a vengence; it was (and continues to be) a very painful, relentless hunger and I feel like I'll go crazy if this doesn't stop. I have gained all the weight back that I lost in the liquid phase and I am terrified there is no end in sight. I am horrified by what I went through to get this procedure only to have it backfire on me as a complete failure. I don't know what to do. I'm very scared, and I feel very, very alone. I would not recommend this procedure to my worst enemy. Maureen
on 5/9/08 8:49 am - Norwich, CT
Hi Maureen,    I had stomaphyx on Feb 1st and feel the same way youdo.   I initially lost 17lbs and once I started to eat solid (mushy) foods I started to increase the amount I ate and I too have gained that 17 and I'm sure much more.  I want to eat all the time.  The more I eat the worse I feel about myself.  I was going to cancel the nexst appointment I have with my doctor out of shame, but have decided to keep it and see if he and I can figure it out.  So not only did I fail, I have 2 more years to pay for this mistake.
(deactivated member)
on 5/10/08 1:30 am
(deactivated member)
on 5/9/08 11:58 am
on 5/9/08 1:15 pm - syracuse, NY
hi Sandy;thankyou for your assessment of your experience and some helpful hints for all of is greatly appreciated.You have done a great job!!! good luck to you!! Patsy
on 5/12/08 12:23 pm - PA
You were right! I am sooo glad for you. Congrats and continued success. Most of all keep posting your ups as well as downs. You are such an inspiration to many of us! {{{Hugs}}}
nan c
on 5/14/08 3:14 pm - Brooklyn, NY

Hi Sandy,

I read your post and I agree - WLS is a tool and we have to watch what we eat for the rest of our lives. I too am addicted to carbs, and not a day goes by when I'm not eating it, or thinking about it and the carbs I can eat are limited (some of them make me sick) but of course I've experimented until I found out which carbs my stomach can tolerate. I'm scheduled for the EROS next month, and I'm now trying to wean myself off of carbs now, so maybe I will do better after my revision. You did very well, and I congratuate you, most people don't seem to lose that much after their revisions. One doctor told me that it appears that revisions like stomaphyx, ROSE/EROS, & Restore will be never be paid for by many of the insurance companies, because they don't seem to such a large consistent weight loss. Seeing how much you lost gives me hope that maybe the revision and a new and determined mind-set will help me achieve my goals.


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