Upper GI today
It's been a while since I've posted anything, but I had to let you know that I had an upper GI done, quick history I want a revision from lap band to RNY but I was denied from the insurance for bull sh*t reasons about this is an experimental procedure, sounds crazy. My doctor has since left the practice and moved to another state so I was dealing with another surgeon in the office who hasn't done anything to help me with appealing my case. So finally the NP scheduled me for an upper GI, which showed my stomach just leaning over my band not the way it should be.
So I finally I feel like I'm making so sort of progress with proving to the insurance that I need a revision. The one thing I hate about the whole mess with the band is if you don't lose the weight the way you should it appears that you're doing something wrong or your at fault which may not be the case. I just want this band out so desperately so I can feel like a normal person when I eat, and stop eating things that slide down easily to avoid pain. I got my band unfilled today and that has helped. Wish me luck
Thanks for listening
I feel your frustration! Dealing with these insurance companies and doctors offices can burn you out. It is hurry up and wait or you are being nickeled and dimed to death. You are basically at these peoples mercy and they know it. My advice is continue to play the game, stay persistent, and pray it through. Good luck.