Revision Approved and Scheduled

on 4/8/08 3:32 am - PIttsburgh, PA
Hi Everyone, It has been a while since I have posted, but I wanted to let those of you who I have spoken with over the past several months that my revision is scheduled. I actually have a gastro gastric fistula which has caused weight gain etc.  I first told the dr 7 yrs ago that I was able to eat too much and very fast etc.  He blew me off and told me I was beating the surgery.   So for the past 7 yrs I considered myself a failure and I have come to find out that the surgery failed me I did not fail my surgery.  I actually was down about 130 lbs from what I am right now, went above my original presurgery weight, but I have lost weight since last June. I can't tell you all the feelings I have experienced over the past several years, but always keep in my mind we need to be our own advocates and question our doctors and make them address our concerns.  I know everything happens for a reason and the past 7yrs have made me the person I now am. I am physically and psychologically ready to get back on track and will never be blown off by anyone let alone a doctor again. My surgery is 3/21/08.  I wanted to put this out there for anyone who might need support etc.  I have not been very active, but these forums have been a Godsend for me during this process. Danna
Cynthia Johnson
on 4/8/08 3:37 am
Hi, sorry to hear that you weren't treated well by your dr.  Were you having any pain your body at any time in the last seven years?
on 4/8/08 3:40 am - PIttsburgh, PA
Hi Peacejoy, I have had some pain, but I also have severe ventral hernias which I blame the pain on.  I even had an obstruction in 2005, went to the surgeon and asked about checking out what was going on, he said he could only do that if I was eating 2 x a day and losing weight. It was finally my pcp(who I love) who talked me into going back to a surgeon.  She knew somethign wasn't right. Don't be sorry about being treated badly...I am a different person now and I am done beating myself up.   Thanks, Danna
on 4/8/08 3:48 am - PA
I'm so glad that your revision was approved and scheduled. I'm also in Pittsburgh and looking to have a revision. What was your original surgery? Who was your original Dr.? Good luck to you and keep us posted.
on 4/8/08 3:50 am - PIttsburgh, PA
Well my original surgery was actually a VBG in 1997, then it was revised to the equivalent of a bypass in 1998.  The doctor said even without the fistula a revision could be considered. My original doctor has since retired, but his name was Zemmel. Thanks for your questions and good luck with the process keep me up to date. Danna
Karen H.
on 4/8/08 8:20 am
Hello, I am like you I had my Rny in 2004 and the surgeon who did mine, messed up. He spilled bile into my pouch during surgery, a year later I had to be airlifted to the hospital for emergency surgey due to a perforated ulcer. I have been able to eat very fast drink with my eating, and eat anything. I have gained all my weight back, and I have felt so bad about this, you know how people look at you after you have lost weight and gain it all back. But I know something is not right. I am having pain in my stomach and so much gas, and I haven't been able to eat hardly anything for the last 2 days , it makes me sick. I have an appointment Next Monday with my new bariatric Doctor, I think I need a scope done to see what is going on, because I know something is not right. What do you suggest? And what revision did you have?

..."Let Us Love The World To Peace"...

on 4/8/08 8:56 am - PIttsburgh, PA
Hi Peaceluve, I am so happy to hear from you.  I think you have had a better part of it much rougher than me, more than the physical the emotional has been horrible.  But no reason to dwell on the past.  My revision is scheduled for 4/21 and they will be revising me to an rny bypass.  This will actually be my third revision, but it is worth it to me.  When I saw the surgeon with about 5 pages of questions he did tell me that after weight loss surgery, once you start gaining major weight you are hungrier and your metabolism is different, so that even helped more. I suggest to have a history written down when you see the surgeon it makes it so much easier.  I actually typed and printed one and handed it to each doctor I saw during my clearance process.  I know they found my issue with an upper gi, but in your case I can see where a scope may be necessary. My best suggestion is when you go in there be prepared with questions etc and feel good about yourself.  People have more respect for you.  I can tell you that even prior to finding out about the fistula my self worth and self esteem have sky rocketed in the past  year.  After years and years of counseling I finally found the right psychologist and she has helped me find this place. I know people think that we are fat b/c we eat and we eat b/c we have no self control.  I believed that about myself, until last June when I weight was just another way I controlled.  Once I realized this I have lost weight without surgery and feel great about myself. Good luck next week and please let me know what happens.  I will probably be a little ahead of you in the revision process so I will keep you in the loop. Danna
Karen H.
on 4/8/08 9:44 am
Thank you so much...I really needed someone to bopost my moral. I know it has been one thing after another. Please keep in contact with me as I will you. You can also email me at [email protected]  Hugs, Karen

..."Let Us Love The World To Peace"...

on 4/9/08 9:54 am
congrats Jo
(deactivated member)
on 4/9/08 9:55 pm - TX

Gastro-gastric fistula is where the stomach pouch grows back and re-connects to the bypassed stomach. This can occur as a consequence of a pouch leak, where the resulting local inflammation from the leak disrupts the staple line of the bypassed stomach where it lies next to the pouch. More often though, gastro-gastric fistula formation is a result of a less acute, slower process. Regardless the cause, gastro-gastric fistula allows food to pass from the pouch to the bypassed stomach, effectively partially reversing the Gastric Bypass. Revision surgery for this condition may consist of closure of the fistula, restoring the original surgical Gastric Bypass anatomy. Conversion to a Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy based procedure is an option as well, especially if there are reasons other than mechanical failure to explain the patient's weight gain.,11441/mode, content/a,cms/


Which is why I chose the DS for my revision.  I didn't want a 3rd surgery.

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