Strike Two

NO Brenda you didn't fail. YOU DID NOT FAIL. Your surgery failed you. Which is why I chose the DS for my revision. At age 54 I didn't want to go through the entire process and risk another surgery with a high failure rate.
Yes, the surgery I chose is riskier and the most complex. Yes, it works and has the best stats for getting the weight off and KEEPING IT OFF.
You did not fail. I know the feeling of being so hungry every hour or so. I remember it all too well. Please look into your other options.
Come to the DS board and learn how happy we all are, knowing we've got the best chance at being free from obesity for good.
I am sorry you are scared of the smelly poo's. They're totally controllable, either with diet or with meds. I do not smell, nor do I have unusually smelly poo. when I low carbed it, it wasn't an issue and now that I'm at goal and can eat what I want, I found the poo was stinkier than normal and I did a round of Flagyl and it worked very well.
I don't have diarrhea nor poop myself. These are all overblown and not the experience of most DS'rs (or even people for that matter)
Yes, I do take a lot of supplements. I do eat 100 gr of protein daily. I do drink a lot of fluids. I'm not hungry nor do I have a stoma that could enlarge. I have a normal functioning stomach.
Good luck to you in finding a way to beat obesity. I'm thrilled that I did and have a normal life. Actually, I would say it's better than normal, because there aren't many people I know who can eat like I do and not gain weight.