Enlarged Pouch???

on 3/18/08 11:41 am, edited 3/18/08 11:47 am - Richton Park, IL

Hi Everyone,   It has been awhile since I have posted, but I read the boards often.  In my original post I was trying to find out about Revisions for RNY.   


I have still been trying to get good solid information about  if and what type of revision to consider.  I went to see Dr. Alveredy,  here in Chicago and he hasd considered doing the revision, but will only do a lap band.  Based upon what I have heard about the revisions from RNY with a lap band over it, it does not seem to promising.  They (his team) even told me that if I did not want the lap band, there wasn’t anything they could do for me because my BMI was not high enough for the DS ( must be at least 50, mine is 39.5)  and that was the only revision he would consider, but he wanted me to get an Upper GI done to make sure there wasn’t anything wrong with the pouch itself.     


I had my Upper G.I. done on 3/17/08 and was surprised by what the MD that read the images said.  She told me, l “This really must be corrected, we will see you back when you come for surgery”, should I get happy or not?     The report says that my pouch is at 4.1 x 4.3cm, and that the contrast (the yucky stuff) flows freely and quickly through the pouch.  The report states, "The gastric pouch appears enlarged".  Can anyone tell me how this will or may help with my revision?   


Has anyone looking for a revision had this happen and what exactly is a “pouch dilation”, this word kept popping up in the x-ray room.
(deactivated member)
on 3/18/08 8:52 pm, edited 3/18/08 8:57 pm - NJ

 Do they have the StomaphyX in your area? If so, it's a good alternative to revision surgery, especially since it’s not a surgical procedure. It’s used for bariatric patients whose pouch enlarged, experienced weight re-gain or for those who didn't lose as much weight as they were hoping for. You can have it done repeatedly and their are no complications from it. Hey, I just came from another post and learned that the StomaphyX is the same as the ROSE procedure... (I didn't know that)

Angela M.
on 3/18/08 9:53 pm - Vicksburg , MS
Revision on 06/24/10 with
Have you considered getting a new surgeon?


Monique H.
on 3/19/08 1:21 am
Will they by any chance bypass more intestine for you. From what I've been reading the distal rny is the closest thing you can get to ds. That is what I'm considering if I can't get myself approved for ds.
WHEN LIFE KNOCKS YOU DOWN TO YOUR knees, JUST REMEMBER THAT YOU ARE IN THE PERFECT POSITION TO PRAY. HW 395, RNY 4/2/07 345, Lowest Weight 248,  Revision to Distal RNY 1/13/09 278,Revision to DS 10/15/10
on 3/22/08 11:00 am - Richton Park, IL

Marlene,  I was told that my pouch was 2.0 cm and at the average size of the pouch now at the time of surgery is 1.5 cm.  I am not sure what that means as far as oz though.  According to my records, the rny was done distal.  I will let you know what my dr says when I visit him on the 27th.

on 3/19/08 8:27 am - DE
Hi! I would be curious to know what is the average size of a pouch and if 4.1 x 4.3cm is considered dilated or enlarged.  Does anyone know?

VBGMOM-Marlene ~ Just jeep moving forward~
Lourdes Medical Center of Burlington County: 609-835-2900 
Surgeon: Dr. David F. Greenbaum- 1-609-877-1737
Surgery Date: To be determined

Cheryl Gebbie
on 3/19/08 8:55 am - Knoxville, TN
I know the surgeon told me te average is the size of a large egg .....however big that is ...my pouch is 10.2 X 5.1 cm
on 3/21/08 12:22 pm - Loveland, OH
I had Stoma Dialation not pouch. the Barium would shoot thropugh like a bullet never stopping in my stomach. This dialation happened when I was pregnant and was forced to Drink when I ate to get enough hidration. I am going to have Lap over RNY and the Dr is take my pouch back to 1oz and my stoma is being filled to the original M&M size.  My stomach is still normal it is the size of a large egg but the stoma is dialated so I am always hungry because there is nothing ever in my stomach. Check to see if it is stoma dialation or pouch stretching they both can be fixed with Lap over RNY but if its just stoma they are stating clinincal trials for cologen fills in the stoma sense there are 20% of RNY's that have stoma issues. Hope this helps.
on 3/22/08 11:33 am - Richton Park, IL
I was told about the LAP or RNY, but I was nervous about that.  When are you scheduled to have this done?  I am sorry I haven't learned all the boards yet so please forgive me. I did decide to go to another dr .  Dr. Alveredy i ts an excellent dr, but his nurse leaves alot to be disered.  They are curt and rude, not mention th ey don't keep up with your records very effectively. I am going to see Dr. Paul Guske, and I must say his staff, was excellent and I haven't even met them yet! Would you mind giving me a few questions that I should ask? Thanks
on 3/22/08 12:00 pm - Loveland, OH
I have to get my EGD done on 04/07 and once that is done My Dr will finish submitting to my insurence and then schedual me hopefully b4 may1st. Some questions are like: Is my Stoma Dialated too? Will you be fixing both the pouch and they Stoma? I have heard there is a Biliopancriatic Diversion which caused more malobsorbtion, is this what I need or would a Lap over RNY work better for me? Plus tell the Dr your dieting habits weather or not you followed it the 1st time this will help him to know if you need the BPD RNY, DS, Lap over RNY, or a stoma fill. My mom is the stoma fill for cologen and I need Lap over RNY plus stoma fill. I was the kind who follows diet to the letter my mom is too however she is not as extreme in dialation of the stoma as I am. Both of us are going back to a 0.5-1.0 oz pouch and M&M size stoma like the begining of RNY because we have no problem following diet plan with liquids. My cousin Needs DS because she cant control her cravings for unhealthy stuff like donuts pizza hambergers and a such very well so mal obsorbtion is the way to go for her. My friend follows diets but falls off the wagon now and again and she like being able to have larger portions so she is the BPD RNY. also most insurences require you to have EGD, Blood work, UGI series, Nutritionist, Phych eval, and support group . So if you plan to have a revision you may want the tests done as early as possible because summer is a hot time to try to recover from a revision as well as a hard time to get enough peopl not to take their vacations so you can get approoved sooner.  If you dont like the hunger feeling at all and still want to beable to eat a little larger portions maybe you can ask about revision to Sleeve. I concidered it but my pouch is not even big enough to make a Sleeve . Take care.
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