I feel like there is no hope for me!!!
Sorry if this sounds a bit remeidial but if you lost weight the surgery worked? So if you now know the advice you was given was wrong but technically the surgery was performed correct! cant you make the adjustments to do things the correct way and begin again as teacnically the surgery is still working? its not sudden;t stopped has it. You have eperienced massive trauma losing ur father and the ill health of your mother. Not to mention the three house moves which cant be helped because of the nature of them. But as you do live under the Air Force lifestyle you need to be able to anage the stress of these moves as surly thats all part of the job. If you can sit back think and identify were you are going wrong make sufficent changes and perhaps get some help for the depression and stress I believe you can turn this arround. I have confidence in you if yu can just try and remeber how fantastic you felt when you was 125lb and how super fantastic you will feel to get there again this timeliving by the correct RNY rules rather than the wrong ones. Do it now while your 175 before you reach 180 or higher take back that control. Because technically the surgery is stil working you still have that eliment of malabsoorbtion and if you have been grazing you wont have streched your pouch too much so the surgery should be in pretty good form.