Has anyone had a STOMAPHYX procedure? Anyone???

on 3/7/08 11:02 am
I'm researching the Stomaphyx and have found a Dr. in town who will do it for $7000 all inclusive. I'm a self pay, so this price is great news. But I want to talk to some people who have already had the procedure before I book it. I could book it within a matter of days so, please write to me if you're out there! Thanks. Lili
on 3/7/08 12:00 pm - Manteca, CA
Oh my, is Dr. Keshishian the one who will do the stomaphyx or is he your original surgeon? What did you have done already, RnY ? or the DS? I would think with a ds already, you should not need the stomaphyx. Please I want to hear your story.




Check out
www.dsfacts.com  and www.duodenalswitch.com
 for all the accurate information on the great DS, and find surgeons in your area or around the country or out of the country.

I couldn't have done without all the great peeps on this board.

SW: 234.5     CW: 157   GW: 140 - ish 


kathy P.
on 12/28/08 7:01 am - frederick, md

Can you tell me more about Restore procedure?  I live in Maryland and my open gastric bypass did not work.  I am looking for an alternative. 

Betsy C.
on 3/7/08 8:00 pm - Efland, NC
The easiest way to find people who have had StomaphyX is to do a search on this forum.  You'll find lots of threads on it.  I just had the RESTORe procedure last week.  They are similar.  Good luck!  Betsy

Lap RNY 5/7/03
I lost 50+ pounds of regained weight with hCG drops.

on 3/9/08 5:25 pm
How do you do a search of the forums? Ive been trying to figure it out. thanks.
on 3/8/08 1:41 am - Norwich, CT
I had stomaphyx on Feb 1st.  As Betsy has posted, read through the posts as I have been posting fairly regularly.  I've probably only lost about 15 lbs since the procedure...have been stuck the last 2-3 weeks with weight not moving.  I am still on soft protein diet: cottage cheese, eggs, tuna, chicken, etc.  no carbs or veggies.  Restriction is I think minimal although there somewhere.  I go back for 2nd post op visit on 3/20.
on 3/8/08 2:41 am
Thanks for writing back. Are you feeling full? My thing is that my pouch stretched out a couple of years ago and I never feel full anymore and that's why I'm gaining weight. After my DS I used to be full on half a bagel. Now I can eat two bagels before I feel anything. How many pleats did they put into your stomach? Do you know? I've heard they sometimes do up to 20. How much did yours cost and how was your recovery?
on 3/8/08 6:23 am - Norwich, CT
Full????I don't know.  I know I am not full after 3 oz tuna salad, or chicken salad or cottage ceese, but it is what I eat during the work week.  My main problems are evenings and wekends when my time is not as structured.  I won't really be able to tell the whole story for a while because I am still restricted technically to what they want me to eat.  I had 8 rows of pleats...the girl done just before me had 20.  I don't think there's any rhyme or reason, I guess it just depends on each persons anatomy, but I sure wish I had had 20 rows of pleats!! Recovery was minimal...right back to work.
on 3/12/08 5:05 am - Nitro, WV
Can you tell me who did your Stomaphyx.  I live in WV and there is no one here so I am going to travel.  Did insurance pay? Thanks Michelle Winters, MSN, MBA/HCM, RN, NHA, LNCC
on 3/8/08 2:11 am
Thanks for responding. I have been searching this forum for a week and haven't found anyone who has had the procedure. I wasn't getting much response to my inquiries so I've done a lot of my own research on the internet and posted the info on the fourm. Dr. Keshishian isn't the one I'm going to for the stomaphyx. I live in Reno and I want to have the procedure done here. Here's my story: I'm almost eight years post op GRDS. I was a lightweight to begin with but I do suffer from obesity, I just hadn't gained all my weight but I was on my way up quickly. (My sisters both weigh over 300 lbs. and I many several obese relatives) Although I had "only" 85 lbs to lose, I never got there. I lost 55 lbs in the first six months but by November I'd called Dee at Dr. K's office to discuss why I had plateaued and why I didn't feel full. I told her there was a protrusion in my abdomen along my incision line. She said I might have an incisional hernia, which would affect my ability to feel full. A local cosmetic surgeon confirmed the hernia and we did a corrective surgery. Afterward, I felt full again and lost a little more weight (about 10 lbs). but I was still 20 lbs over my goal weight of 115 (I'm small boned and this is a normal-looking weight for me.) I stayed at 135 for several years and considered my surgery was success because 135 was much better than 200. I was relieved and grateful for about a year -- until I started gaining weight for the first time since the surgery. I gained back 35 pounds over six months, which is half of everything I'd lost. I felt horrible. When I realized I had another hernia I thought that was why, but when I got it fixed, I was surprised when I didn't lose anything. I've been 30 lbs overweight for 2 1/2 years. I've gone back to dieting and counting calories, and last summer I actually lost 25 pounds over 5 months (500 - 900 cals a day + 4 hrs of daily exercise) but I gained it all back over the past 7 months. It is so discouraging to be yo yo'ing again. My pouch is stretched and I am always hungry. Satiation is the only reason I was able to maintain my weight loss. Without the restrictive portion of the procedure I never have satiation -- EVER. The psychological effects are devastating and I'm looking for a solution. Dr. K's office might consider a revision to resect my stomach and shorten my intestines again but I don't want that. It's too invasive, too risky, too expensive, and i've already had two huge surgeries since my DS. I just want the restrictive portion my tool to work the way it's supposed to. A stomaphyx is the best minimally invasive solution I've found. I didn't go through all of this surgery to end up overweight. Yes, I'm not morbidly obese, but I'm still overweight. My goal is to be in the low end of "normal", not the low end of "overweight". What are your thoughts on my dilemma? Do you think I'm crazy for wanting to be 135 and not 160?
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