Yet ANOTHER question about candidacy

Lisbeth K.
on 3/7/08 1:54 am - Landing, NJ
Hi everyone, new to this forum and site... I really have read all the topics on this, but since every situation is different I thought I'd write anyway. My situation is as follows: I had lap RNY in July of 2002 at about 270 lbs (I'm 5'3). I lost down to about 201 (I know this because I was NEVER able to cross the 200 lb mark, grrrr!) and maintained until mid-last year, when I had a molar pregnancy (basically a non-viable mass in my uterus) terminated AND had a miscarriage of another pregnancy a couple months later. My eating habits have not really changed since having the surgery - they're moderate - I treat myself every once in a while and just eat sensibly, and still pretty small portions. I could probably get a little more exercise of late, but I'm basically a pretty active person. Follow-up to my procedure was pretty much nonexistent - my surgeon retired shortly after my operation and I was kind of in limbo, so never had much support there. My problem is that I've gained about 40 lbs within the past 7-8 months, and I can't figure out why. My clothes are not fitting anymore and it's terribly depressing. I have tried dieting but can't get the weight off again. Question: does this sound like I may be a candidate for revision surgery? I never made my goal weight and only took off about 70 lbs overall (40 of which have come back). Does it sound like something might have gone wrong? I've been beating myself up about this for the past year - I never even heard of revision surgery until this week. Can some kind soul advise? Thanks very much!
Just Valena
on 3/7/08 3:08 am - Nunyabizness

It definitely sounds like for whatever reason that your surgery was not effective. I'm sorry that you were essentially 'thrown to the wolves', having no follow up care.

As a first step, I would suggest that you find a local surgeon to talk to. They will probably want to do an EGD or some type of study to check the mechanics of your surgery, to see if your pouch is overly enlarged or if your stoma has enlarged. From what I have read, that is the very first step.

I wish you all the best.




Lisbeth K.
on 3/7/08 5:05 am - Landing, NJ
Thanks for the reply, Lena, and congratulations on your own maintenance! I forgot to add that not once did I have any dumping or vomiting post-surgery, which seemed kind of odd to me at the time, but then again I was losing weight so didn't question it. Only now do I realize the value of follow-up and support groups. I have already made the first step and contacted Dr Bertha here in New Jersey, so hopefully I'll get some kind of answers.
on 3/7/08 7:03 am - Manteca, CA
Lisbeth, I had RnY in 2005 and I never had dumping or vomiting or any problems. I was always able to eat all kinds of food with no ill effects. After 8 months I was on a stall for over a year. The I started gaining weight and have gained 40 pounds. Something was wrong. So to make a long story short, after my local surgeon suggested I have a lapband over the RnY, I found the DS forum and that is where i call home. I will be having my DS soon and wish I had known about it back in '04 before I had RnY. It seems like the best surgery for me and my way of living. You can eat more variety and gaining weight is not a premium. Well anyone can gain if they partake in surgars and carbs. DSers malabsorb 80% of fat so fat is our friend. I wish someone had steered me to the DS board, but alas I never ran into anyone who said anything about it to me. Just the fact that you have gained weight is a reason to check out a revision according to my doc's PA. I do have to travel for the DS and pay out of pocket a certain amount, but I am gung ho ready for my new life.




Check out  and
 for all the accurate information on the great DS, and find surgeons in your area or around the country or out of the country.

I couldn't have done without all the great peeps on this board.

SW: 234.5     CW: 157   GW: 140 - ish 


on 3/7/08 10:36 am
Hi Lisbeth, I am in the same boat -- lost 70 lbs. after surgery but never hit goal, then I plateaued for a year and was having trouble feeling full. I called my Dr. and they said I had a hernia which was causing the problem. When I got that repaired it tightened up the area around my pouch, so I lost a little more weight (like 10 lbs) but I still never made it to goal. In the next two years I gained 30 lbs, found I had a second hernia and had that repaired, but no weight loss followed. I got very discouraged last summer and went on a massive diet and exercise plan (500 - 900 calories plus 4 hours of exercise a day) and lost 25 pounds, and I have gained back 15 pounds in three months!!! I eat well and exercise regularly. Something is wrong. I had a DS eight years ago and my pouch has stretched so much that I can eat two bagels when i used to feel full on half. I never feel full anymore. I constantly battle hunger pangs and am considering a non-surgical solution. I have researched several procedures that are done through the mouth. They go in and shrink your stomach by fastening it from the inside. There are no abdominal incisions, no lap incisions, and very quick recover time. The cost is about half that of revision surgery (between $7 -$10K) and the risks seem to be much lower, but it is a new procedure. They've been doing it successfully in Europe for awhile. Most patients lose 20 lbs in three months. Check out my other posts in the revision forum. It's called the StomaphyX procedure . Lili
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