I'm approved for the Rose Procedure
Hello Everyone,
I had my EDG done today. Although sedated.. I remember everything. It was a little unpleasant but nothing horrifying.
My throat is a little sore and I'm still sleepy 12 hours later. I've slept a lot today and getting ready to go back to bed.
Dr. Brengman was wonderful (and cute). I like his bedside manner.
He did tell me I was approved for the "Rose" study. They will start doing surgery in April.
I also got some pretty kewl (or gross, ever how you want to see it) pictures of my stomach and stoma. The inside of my stomach looks as big as a large grapefruit and my stoma looked almost as big as a egg. I also saw my stitches from my previous GB in 1993.
I will keep you updated..
Thanks everyone for the support
I am going to be part of a study. This one is being done in Richmond, Virginia.
Here's what I think I know.
My doctors are going to perform this surgery on patients who are candidates for the procedure even if they are not in the trial. The cost is $14,000 but the company conducting the trials is only paying $13,000 so my cost is $1,000. Since most insurance companies won't pay for this new procedure I am more than willing to pay this and do the follow ups, answer questions, whatever is involved in being part of the trial. I consider it a bargain since it is 20 minutes away and i won't have to travel several times for six months and pay for hotels and everything. I wish there was no cost like most, if not all of you, but I am just happy to be able to be a part of this. The Rose procedure is already FDA approved. I really want this and am just praying I don't get canceled like I did for the RESTORe procedure. I am not wealthy by any stretch of the imagination but I just really want this to happen for me and I've had time to save since January and I thought I had to travel six hours, etc. and it seems like I've been waiting FOREVER.

Go to http://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT00411489?term=nct00411489+AND+TP0165+AND+Endoscopic+Stomach+and+Pouch+Reduction+in+Patients+With+Weight+Regain+Following+Roux-En-Y+Bypass+Surgery&rank=1
and call or email the contact person and she will tell you the closest location to you/your mother.
Lap RNY 5/7/03
I lost 50+ pounds of regained weight with hCG drops.
I was told the procedure is going to be paid for by the Practice. However, today when I had my EGD, they did take my insurence card. I know I'm not paying for the surgery!
As for tryingt to get into a study, I would call the Dr.s that are doing them. You can find different names through the forum here.. My Dr. is Brengman in Richmond Virginia.
Good luck!