Lost Surgon, paperwork, and need a revision after almost 10 years

Elana Dingler
on 3/3/08 2:31 pm - Athens, TX
My name is Lanie and I am having a problem.  I am having problems with my stomach.  I had my lap RNY surgery in 1999 in Hawaii with a military doctor( don't even remember his name now) and it was done at the military hospital.  the hospital only keeps their records for 5 years before destoring them after the spensor leavs the Island.  I am now needing a revision and their is no way to prove that I have even had the first RNY except by the fact I have my scars.  I need to get my revission done soon before I loose my insurance with the military.  any suggestions as to what I can do.  The Dr. that I called said that I had to have my records to get the revision.  Im scared now.
on 3/3/08 9:49 pm - Someplace, LA
Hi!  Can't the doc just order an EGD or upper GI to SHOW you had a bypass????  I never gave my records to my doc and he believed me about my RNY from 2002???!!!!  Why would somebody lie about having had WLS?  Just ask them to do a diagnostic procedure and THAT will prove it.  Plus, if the doc doesn't believe you, maybe you need to see someone who does.... just trying to help, good luck to you.  You deserve a great doc that will LISTEN to you! Lorri
RNY 5/27/2002
on 3/4/08 2:21 am - IL
A qualified surgeon who is well versed in bariatrics can perform tests (upper GI, CAT scan, endoscopy) to verify your anatomy and previous surgery. I did not have the records of my first surgery (they were lost somewhere too) but Dr. Herron of NYC just ordered up the aforementioned tests and could see not only the previous surgery but the problem that needed correcting.


S Andrews
on 3/4/08 8:23 am - eatonville, WA
If your husband is active duty or retired there should be a record some where of that  proceedure and it should have followed you to Texas. I have things in my records that go back 8 years and I know that they have more on the computor. You just have to go to the records office, give them the exact date of when you had your proceedure and they should be able to pull it up. If I'm not mistaken its against the law for any surgeon to destroy records before 10 years is up. They have to store it somewhere. I was just at our hospital records yestgerday and that was the information I received from them. Since its government I would think it would be the same every where. I apologize if I'm wrong. 
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