on 3/3/08 2:01 am - St. George, UT
on 3/12/08 12:47 am - Webster, TX
Was wondering if you ever found out anything about that insurance?  I too am looking to buy supplemental insurance that will cover a revision.  Don't really know where to start..... Thanks, Teri M
on 3/12/08 7:40 am - St. George, UT

Hello Teri: I actually purchased the supplemental policy, but as yet I haven't heard from anyone on this board as to whether or not if will cover. My agent tells me, "as long as it is medically necessary and the first gastric bypass was beyond 5 years." He promises me that it will cover. This is a limited policy and only covers up to $50,000 which should be more than enough for a reivision, but all these insurance companies have their cop outs. On their exclusion policy I don't find anything that says they don't cover Weight Loss Surgery, but I haven't got my full policy in the mail yet. I have a 30 day cancellation if not satisfied once I receive the policy. This policy is $226.00 per month. I will let you know once I get it. Good Luck.

on 3/12/08 9:58 pm - Webster, TX
Thanks, I appreciate the info.  We are in the same boat.  Keep me posted and I will do likewise if I find anything good.  I had a VBG 14 years ago, never really worked, only ever lost about 20-30 pounds.  Never even thought about a revision until a couple of years ago - have just been yo-yo dieting since my first WLS.  I have really good insurance with United Healthcare but just found out that my company (Continental Airlines) has just added , effective Jan08, a new clause that states that you are only allowed 1 WLS per lifetime.   So now I am on the hunt......wish I would have thought of having a revision a few years sooner....but now I have to find a solution, no matter what.  I wish you the best of luck.   Teri
on 3/13/08 12:19 am - St. George, UT
Does your United Healthcare policy say that they will not cover a medically necessary revision? Because if it doesn't, then they have to consider a revision. If you're co - morbidities have returned and your chances of costing the insurance company more through those problems than if you have a revision, I would think they would want to cover it. I would try, try, try...these people sound like your best chance. Was it this insurance company that covered your first WLS? If so, you may fall into a category of pre-existing that could be good for your argument. Anotherwards, they covered the first WLS, so they could be responsible to cover 2nd, if that surgery failed. I have had (2) previous WLS'ies. First one in 1980 called a Gastric Stapling the 2nd in 1990 a RNY. The first surgery, the stapling came open and they revised to an RNY. The RNY was very successful for about 14 years but now I have gained from 140lbs to 200lbs. I know where I'm headed and I am scared to death. So yes, I hear ya...Good Luck on your qwest, you will be successful if your relentless. Document everything you do, everytime you go to a doctor, everytime you are on a diet. Document, Document, Document.  I'm sure it will happen for you, but once it does...choose everything you can on every type of revision...Some are much more successful than others. I'm sure you've heard that revisions aren't as good as the 1st. That can be true. Check into the DS, RNY, Lapband. Also, choose your doctor wisely, some doctors are much better at getting approvals than others! Look forward to staying in touch throughout your journey. Janie Roflson
on 3/13/08 1:13 am - Webster, TX

Well Janie, I might be caught between a rock and a hard place cause my policy now reads...."Benefits for Obesity Surgery are limited to one surgery per covered person, per lifetime, while covered under a Continental Airline Plan or have a BMI of 40 or greater and documentations froma physician of a diagnosis of morbid obesity for a minimum of five years, have a six month MD supervised diet and have a pre-surgery psychological evaluation." I have ALL of those BMI is 46.5 and I have documentation for days.  But they still denied my appeal saying I don't qulaify since I already had 1 surgery 14 years ago.  (I have been with Continental Airlines for 18 years)  I am trying to put together my second appeal now - but I'm not sure what more I can say - pretty much said it all in the 1st appeal.  I'm now wondering about getting a lawyer to help me write my second appeal...don't know if that could help.  Also, I am going to go to a different surgeron - one that I think will help me appeal to the insurance.  I don't have much hope though I am going to appeal as many times as I can.  but at the same time, I want to check out buying a supplemental policy - I want to get the ball rolling - tired of waiting! I actually started this whole journey last year in early FEB07.   Called my benefits dept and they told me that I needed to switch to United Healthcare because they would cover WLS and revisions.  So I started a 6 month doc. diet and began collecting all my paper work, etc.....changed my insurance elections in OCT07, had my psyc eval ...had all my ducks in a row when the new year rolled around.  Made an apt with my surgeon for 1/3/8 and sent in all my paperwork only to be told that the policy had been changed......... talk about let down...... I am so determined to get the help that I need that I will do whatever I have to - even if I have to take out a loan and pay cash.  Obviously that is last on my list, but I am really desperate.  I am so tired of this fat body.  And I am terrified of choosing another surgery that won't work.  Like you said, I am reading everything I can find and see so many people that are having success, but then I hear of others that regain the weight.  My cousin also had a RNY about 5 years ago and initially lost a lot of weight but then regained it all back.    Also, since it is so hard to get a revision, if I ever get approved, I have to make sure that the next one is the RIGHT one. You said that your RNY surgery was sucessful for about 14 years, do you know what caused you to regain the weight?  I really feel for you.  It is so frustrating and not many people understand the feelings of guilt, failure, frustration, hopelessness,etc.  ... even within the obese community.  It seems that other people that have had successful WLS can't understand why anyone would need a revision.....  sucks to be in that boat, but here we are, and we have to do something about it. 

I believe that where there is a will there is a way.  We just have to hang on to 'the will' until we find 'our way'!  Never say never!  We will get there!

Glad to know you and look forward to sharing our journeys!


on 3/13/08 3:45 am - St. George, UT
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