Upper Endoscopy done today
RNY 5/27/2002

Hi and yes I remember .... I am ok kinda groggy and my throat is sore from the endoscopy ....They found a hiatal hernia on my pouch ....and it is the size of my fist (Pouch is) he is gonna schedule me a colonoscopy .,.....and told me to make sure whatever surgeon I choose is respectable and has a good reputation. I am currently talkin to the girl at Columbia in NYC they have the Rose Procedure on hold ..but it isnt closed and she is getting me info on the Hiatal hernia and how it will effect the RNY Pouch. she said she has access to articles that I dont have access to ....and hasbeen so very helpful...... also have been talkin to Dr Weiss office in Georgetown KY ...they too are gettin ready to do the ROSE procedure trial .....have to fax info in to them ..they have some forms I have to fill out and fax and will take it from there ...This would be alot closer than NYC. Ohhhh Cigna told me at first that WLS was excluded but told today that yes it was but however if there is a medical neccessity then it would be covered 38.8 BMI Sleep Apnea ....Stretched Pouch ...Borderline high blood pressure ....Diet Controlled diabetes ....restless Syndrome....OSteoarthritis ..all over .....beginning stages of Osteoporosis....Think I qualify as Medical Neccessity .....Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh and the back pain and crap....and family history of major heart problems .... THanks for Responding ...all of you