I am doing ok. I belong to a weight loss group (and have for a LONG time
) and I continue to go. I'm losing 1-2 lbs per week and I'm eating mostly protein. I try to eat mindfully, chew well, slowly but it is still not always easy. I have to tell myself when I've had enough. I'm also going to the gym as much as I can muster up the strength and walk on the treadmill 40 minutes (1.51 miles). As far as restriction goes....I do have restriction but not nearly as much as I did after the gastric bypass. Am I happy with my stomaphyx? Yes!!! The reason why is because as someone else said in another post I was a train out of control. The stomaphyx has enabled me to be very, very afraid to bust my fasteners and even though I sometimes push the envelope I finally have some control. I believe more than ever that stomaphyx has to be looked at as that 2nd chance in a lifetime. A 2nd chance that a grateful person takes and really works with it (I am NOT always good, but the difference is I am really trying to work with it.)
It is for that person who is willing to put off to a certain extent instant gratification and commit to finally gaining control that this procedure will be a success. Believe me when I say that I struggle each and every day. I go back for my next follow up appointment on March 20th and I want very badly to be down another 17 lbs.
Hope this was helpful...if you have specific questions just re-post and I'll be more than happy to answer if I can!
Good Luck!!

I had my stomaphyx done on Feb 26th. I lost about 7 lbs right off the bat the first week. It has almost been another week & I haven't lost anything. I have only been eating cottage cheese, broth & protein drinks & can't understand why I'm not losing. Als, a this doesn't feel like it did when I first had my gastic bypass. With the gastric bypass I could barely eat 1/4 tio 1/2 cup of food in the beginning & boy....I knew when I was full. With this, I don't feel full so I am not sure when to stop. Of course, I haven't had any real solid food so not sure if it will be different once I do. I have been looking for someone that has also had it so we can compare notes! My doctor said it would be just like when I had ny gastric bypass but it's not.....which is scaring me. When I had my bypass in 2005 I lost 123 lbs. I then gained back 60lbs. Right now I will be happy just to get off those 60 lbs and would eventually losing a little more after that. How much weight have you lost since the stoma. Do you ever get sick or dump? What kinds of thinkgs are you eating? Do you drink Protein drinks?
If you want to email be directly my email is: [email protected]