Going to see Dr. Barker tomorrow - list of questions

on 2/25/08 11:06 am - Mansfield, TX

Hey all! With your help, I've come up with a list of questions for Dr. Barker tomorrow. I'm a revision from another doctor from 2000 - so here's my list.  Any suggestions of things to add would be great.

How are we going to determine what “happened” to my surgery?  Am I a proximal or distal? Less than 100cm? Is there psychological counseling/testing required? Is there required dieting?




  • Concern: # of open revisions (less than one open per week, only 1 revision per week)
  • How to determine best options?
    • “tighten” RnY? (risk of leaking)
    • Duodenal Switch (extensive, high-risk)
    • Converting to highly malabsorptive RnY (ERnY?) “moving the ‘Y’ downstream”
    • BPD? (do I even have the distal remnant?)
    • Don’t want the lap – very concerned about problems with it

Thanks so much to all of you who have helped me with this process. Sarah


on 2/26/08 1:27 am - Dallas, TX
My apointment is Feburary 26 withe Dr. Barker and I have have a list of quetions I am post op and have gained a lot of weight also!1 Good luck
on 2/26/08 1:34 am - Mansfield, TX
I'll be there at 1:15 - black outfit (of course!) curly hair, cowhide purse. say HI to me!
on 2/26/08 1:45 am - Dallas, TX
My appointment is 2:15 I will have on a bright yellow sweater!!
on 2/26/08 10:24 am - Dallas, TX

I would like to chat with you tommorow to see how things went.

on 2/26/08 11:50 am - Mansfield, TX
Wanted to let everyone know how the appointment went! Got there at 1 (appointment was at 1:15). I was called in around 2:15, met with Bobby (Dr's assistant), who answered a LOT of questions. I found out that Dr. Barker does revisions LAP-style! I'm soooo jazzed; because I really didn't want to get cut open again.  Dr. Barker was great; answered all my questions, drew diagrams to explain everything. If I understood him correctly, he's done several revisions of RnY's from the doctor who did my surgery. He'll "tighten up" the pouch, narrow the stoma (maybe even put a (non-adjustable) band on the stomach, remove the distal pouch (the part of the stomach that was closed off during the RnY, and if necessary, "move the Y downstream". I'm going in Monday at 5:30 am  for a EGD to see how/where the "mechanics" of my surgery are. After that, Dr. Barker will submit a request for a revision to my insurer (Cigna), and we wait. Once approved, he's scheduling a month or so out. I have to advise everyone USE THIS BOARD to understand what you're getting into - - ASK QUESTIONS! Research everything, ask, ask, ask. Dr. Barker isn't "chatty", but he seems more than willing to make sure you understand what's going on. THANKS again to all. CHERYL it was great to meet you  - you can email me directly, if you want: [email protected].
on 5/19/08 12:44 am - Somewhere, TX
I am a little confused.  I have consulted with both Dr. Barker and Dr. Stewart.  Have you decided which one to go with and what surgery to have?
on 5/19/08 4:41 am - Mansfield, TX
Shay, I'm going with Dr. Stewart. I'm having my RnY revised to a BP/DS (essentially a Duodenal Switch)

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on 5/19/08 8:03 am - Somewhere, TX

I went to consult with him on the 6th of this month about the same procedure.  Do you mind if I PM you with some questions?

on 5/19/08 8:26 am - Mansfield, TX
no problem. you can email me at [email protected]

"You can make a life, or you can make excuses, but you can't do both."
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