I've been avoiding ObesityHelp for some time... I'm back!

Marie Kruse
on 2/22/08 1:21 pm - Pine Hill, NJ
Hello fellow revision people! The title pretty much says it all.  I had Open RNY in 2003 at a BMI of 84 and about 540 pounds. I went with the first surgeon who could get me in and do the procedure because I was so sick at the time.I did pretty well with my surgery for the first 14 months, and got down to 340 and then pretty much stopped losing. It was pretty heartbreaking because everytime I would go see my surgeon he loves to use this blanket statement about not being happy til his patients are shopping off the regular racks, which for a person starting @ the weight I did with the procedure I had was a really unrealistic and misleading thing to say to me. Fortunately I didn't take it to heart. When the weight loss stopped I went back to see my original surgeon and he basically told me to go see a Psychologist. I walked out of that appointment and never went back to him.  In 2006 I decided I would travel to NYC and consult with a surgeon who I read online had some good experience with revisions. I did all the preliminary tests they wanted and ventured up to the City. (I live near Philly) That meeting went horribly! Apparently at the time, the Dr was VERY focused on recruiting patients for the Endoscopic Revisionsal studies that were being conducted. Unfortunately I was informed that I was excluded from that study because I was TOO HEAVY. (I was 380 at the time.) The Doctor told me that 40 pound recividity (regain) was not an abnormal amount of weight regain and he really couldn't help me. So I traveled the 100 miles back home and cried most of the way because I was so frustrated. I pretty much gave up my pursuit at this point and just lived my life. With the weight loss from the first surgery, I did regain better quality of life and at my lowest weight I began my pursuit to obtain a Doctor of Pharmacy degree. (I'm now 3 years into a 6 year program.) So time has passed, and the pounds have crept back, I now weigh roughly 420 pounds and I can feel my body rebelling against me. The herniated disc pain is returning, I just feel crappier, plus I have been severely disappointed and depressed. I decided that in order to complete this degree AND to be able to USE my degree, I had to repursue the possibility of getting a revision. I have done alot of reading, I belong to many Revision lists etc, I knew my options.  I also had spoken with my sisters surgeon and he recommended that I consult with his partner Dr. David Greenbaum about revision options.  I saw Dr. G this past Thursday and I thank the powers that be that he came into my life! He reviewed all the things I brought him, examined me and then took me into another more comfortable room to sitdown and speak with me with regards to his suggestions. He was completely encouraging and supportive and at no point did I feel the horrible feelings that I have felt while consulting with my original surgeon and the Dr. in NYC. At 5'7 and 420 pounds, Dr. G recommended the RNY-DS revision, completely informed me of the procedure itself and what they would have to do to my existing bypass to convert it over to DS, (he even drew it out for me personally), also the characteristic side effects of this surgery with regards to different food intake,  and of course he shared with me all the possible and additional risks affiliated with revisional surgery. Honestly with all the reading I have done, this seemed to me to be the best option considering the large amount of weight I still need to lose to be functionally healthy and I was quite relieved that this was his first suggestion and his opinion with regards to the success and the longlasting results from this procedure coincided with the impression I had gotten from reading online.  So I'm back here, I'm no longer frustrated for the moment, I'm not embarassed to admit that I have regained any longer, and I HAVE HOPE!!! What I need from you, my fellow obesity help people, is support, experiences, advice, etc with regards to RNY to DS conversions, and living with the DS surgery. Any and all contact will be greatly appreciated! I look forward to hearing from you!  Big Hugs!  Marie
on 2/22/08 4:04 pm - MS
Welcome back!! Congratulations on your determination to finish your degree and get a revision. We have alot in common. I have been a pharmacist for 14 yrs. I worked retail the 1st 7 yrs and now hospital. I like hospital pharmacy so much better. Anyway, I had RNY in 2002 and lost to goal. Over the last 2 yrs I have re-gained 40 lbs. I may eventually need a DS myself. But, I am going to try to take back control of myself and start walking again and making better food choices. Easier said than done, right? Good luck with everything, Laurie
on 2/23/08 2:59 pm - Manteca, CA
OH Marie, thank God I found y ou. You have made a bright decision in having the RnY to DS revision. Many of us are in that same boat. I will be having that revision some day out here in California. Dr. Greenbaum is the bomm. I know several people have used him and are truly greatful. You MUST come to the DS forum here on OH. You will meet many in your boat. Did you know that the DS was original for people with high BMI like yours.? Now it is for everyone. You will have a so much better chance of getting your weight off and keeping it off with the DS. Also check out duodenalswitch.com for a lot more info on the DS. I am so glad you are back to OH, just broaden you sites on other forums. You will do great.




Check out
www.dsfacts.com  and www.duodenalswitch.com
 for all the accurate information on the great DS, and find surgeons in your area or around the country or out of the country.

I couldn't have done without all the great peeps on this board.

SW: 234.5     CW: 157   GW: 140 - ish 


on 2/26/08 9:03 am
Dear Marie, you may be my light at the end of the tunnel! I believe that I may have to have the same surgery as I have not lost much at all. I was always considered a "lightweight", but I have had cancer as well as heart problems. I lost 30 lbs which brought me down to 185, but for a woman under 5' with other health conditions, the dr. said that I should have lost at least 100 lbs (my mother was always 105, which was a healthy weight for her 5' frame.) I am going to talk to my doctor again about helping me get this revision and see if this will help me lose the remaining 75-80 lbs. I have been depressed as I have seen people 300+ pounds who are now 125 and here I am still struggling. I hate to tell people that I had the surgery as they look at me and say "Why are you still overweight?" I am sure you have gotten some snide remarks as well. So if this can help me, I'll go for it. Thanks again for giving me faith to try again. Hugs, Dee
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