Anyone have stomaphx and more than 3 months out?

on 2/17/08 2:46 am - Columbia, SC
Several months ago there was quite a bit of people having the stomaphx procedure.  I'm wondering how the procedure went?  I have heard mix reviews and would like to hear from someone who is at least 3 months post-op to honest discuss their procedure (the good, the bad, and ugly).  Your experience can help us who are considering this procedure.  I appreciate anyone who can chime in and help us all who are in the consideration stage.
on 2/17/08 5:35 am - Norwich, CT
I am not 3 months out, but had stomaphyx on Feb 1st.  You've probably read some of my other posts under other topics.  i just started 2 days ago on meat, tuna egg salad etc.  No veggies except for canned because they're soft and no bread, etc.  I honestly feel that this is just what I needed.  I can certainly attest to the fact that even though I have some restriction, I don't really know how much because I purposely stop myself, listening to my body before I eat too much.  Even though this procedure is more specifically for people with 50 lbs or less to lose, I still chose it even though I need to lose 100lbs.  Am I happy with it?  YES!!  The reason is I paid dearly for this and I know that I can ruin it in a heart beat, and I also look at this as my 2nd chance.  We don't get too many 2nd chances in life and I don't want to waste any of it.  I will also look forward to others who have more experience than me, and I continue to post on various topics. Shalom
on 2/21/08 12:04 am - Johnson City, TN
You may want to ask the following member....

Jeremy Gentles, MA, CSCS
ObesityHelp Exercise Physiologist
on 2/22/08 8:32 am, edited 2/22/08 8:33 am
it doesnt say on her page (cathy1)that she ever had stomaphyx. also doesn't say the name of her surgeon. only that he was on GMA.
on 2/22/08 10:19 pm
I had my Stomaphyx done Oct. 24th with Dr. John Mason in Bryan, Tx.  I still LOVE IT.  I don't have the hunger that had plagued me starting about 5-6 years after my RNY in 2000.  I become full much sooner and my cravings are gone. I started at 215 and am now around 178. (BMI 32-26).  Dr. Mason and his staff is great and the procedure was worth every cent!!  Good luck with your 2nd chance!
on 2/23/08 3:07 am - Norwich, CT
I am going to thank you for that!!  It really is a 2nd chance, isn't it?!  Are you able to eat carbs (rice, pasta, bread etc) and still lose weight?  I was told (at least for the next 6 weeks) NO CARBS and I think that is what has helped me start to lose.  I had stomaphyx Feb 1st and I think I've probably lost something like 15 lbs or so.  I'm just curious about your diet.  What does a typical day look like for you?  Do you just stop yourself before you get full or do you stop when you feel the restriction of the stomaphyx?  Thanks for the info and continued success!!
on 2/24/08 1:36 am
I wasn't told to abstain from carbs but I do.  Although I haven't been able to attend many of the support groups, the ones I have attended were helpful.   I follow the original bypass rules.  Water, chew to mush, eat slowly, and no water with meals or 30 minutes after.  I evaluated foods for the protein content vs. carbs along with the ease to plan.  I calculated I require about 60 -70 grams of protien per day. Stephanie reminds we are on track if we follow a good diet plan 90% of the time.  I drink K2O all day long (about 4 per day) 20 gms of protein.  Absolutely no coffee or carbonated drinks.  I eat a South Beach meal bar mid-morning-20 gms of protien.  Lunch is some type of canned fish (my favorite are the new Bumble Bee flavor sensations) and a small can of vegetables.  Peel tops mean I can eat them anywhere as long as I have a fork   I have a mid afternoon snack of toasted soybean nuts (very filling) 10- 20 gms of protein.  Dinner is fish or chicken along with a non starchy vegetable -often edemame 20 gms of protein.  Bedtime snack is a sugar free pudding cup.  You probably were'nt interested in that much detail but there it is The key for me is ease to carry anywhere.  Also, I know that once I take that first deep sigh after the start of my meal I'm full.    I have eaten until I was uncomfortable and I'm glad to know that my Stomaphyx is working. Good luck!   BTW note of warning...since it is so easy to consume and carry fish, I make sure that I try to consume a majority of fish that is thought to be low mercury.  I followed an eating pattern similar to this after my bypass.  I ate a LOT of albacore tuna ( high in mercury) and ended up with an elavated mercury count along with a few mild symptoms of toxicity. 
on 2/23/08 11:21 am
Hi, I had stopmaphyx  . Monday, will be 2 weeks with Dr. Garber in NY.  Yes it was an expense out of pocket but I am glad I did it. I was a train out of control! I can't tell if I am hungry. I am not quite sure why some doctors so it seems from this board say fluids for the 1st couple of weeks. My doctor has  allowed me to eat mushy foods  right from the start and cooked veg's too.   I find sometimes that I am eating to fast I think, not even sure what fast is, but I am real scared of screwing this up. Does anyone have any adivse who has had it.  I can't tell if I am hungr, or ifit just habit. I am scared to eat to much and don't know what a normal portion is at this stage. I will say I lost 10 lbs in the 1st 13 days and that is amazing since I do have a thyroid problem. But I will also say that I am always thinking of food, could eat more than I am. I was told that the real test is 1 month from now, when the stomach grows together smaller.  I am praying for that and just so fearful that I might have burst a couple of these sutures by eating food a bit quick and not perhpas as mushy as it shoul be.   Did you find at 1st you were more hungry and when did your cravings leave? Will keep all posted. 
on 2/23/08 8:28 pm - Norwich, CT
I am now 24 days out from my stomaphyx.  I have (I think) figured out what will work for me.  I am totally staying away from rice, pasta, bread etc etc.  I eat tuna, eggs, salmon, chicken etc (usually as a salad with some light mayo).  Initially I think I experimented with things I shouldn't have.  I don't think we stomaphyxers have any where near the restriction that you get with gastric bypass, but I am grateful for any restriction.  I am definately listening (or trying to) to my body.  I stop when I am no longer hungry, but not totally full.  I think stomaphyx is a real help, but it is something you really have to work with.  It will not provide what we need to lose weight unless we are truly willing to give in and allow it to work.  I feel that I was rebellious initially, trying to "eat around" it just like I did with my gastric bypass.  I think I've sort of settled into a rythmn.  I also really try to eat slower.  I also think I have some real issues with food because I too think about it all the time.  many times I know without a doubt that I could eat more, but I stop myself. Good Luck!
on 2/24/08 1:47 am
I believe the fist couple of liquids served as a detox period.  A remember a couple of really bad days filled with cravings but I was very mindful of what I was fighting.  After I was through with those first 2-3 weeks I was much better but still worried that I might "split a stitch".  Once Dr. Mason Ok'd me to move on to soft food, I did so very slowly.  Good luch with your tool.  I hope you find a diet and lifestyle that suits you
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