Stomaphyx Update

on 2/14/08 7:05 pm - Norwich, CT
Hi All,    I've been attending Behavioral Change groups every Thursday in Boston and they weigh you each week.  Last week I weighed 305.5 and last night I weighed 297....HOORAY!!!!  I did a stupid thing last night when I got home.  I had some frozen falaffel (little vegetarian balls) and I pulled them out and heated them up...I had 4 or 5 and for the first time since the procedure I had real discomfort and heaved a few times so I DO have restriction!!!  I am now motivated to move forward.  I happened to see the dietician as she was leaving and talked to her.  I can have tuna, egg salad, soft meats, canned veggies etc startring today...she cautioned me abou****ching my portions.  I believe that will be the key to my Stomaphyx success....PORTIONS.... 3 oz fish or meat etc.  I feel as though I am now officially on my way.  I have to go visit a client in a state psychiatric hospital today and my co worker are planning on going to a favorite vegetarian restaurant so I will have to choose carefully.   So far, I think I'm working out the kinks and feel very hopeful that I will reach my goal.  My first goal is to be 280 by the time I see Dr. Shikora on March 20th! Stay strong everyone and never lose hope!!!!! Shalom! Sue
on 2/15/08 7:12 am
That is so great, Sue!  I'm glad to hear its working like it should.  Wish I could have been in group to congratulate you in person but I am very sick this week.  Nasty cold/flu thing, been out of work 3 days. Hopefully I will be there next week to congratulate you on another loss! Amanda

on 2/15/08 9:14 pm - Norwich, CT
Hi Amanda,   Really missed you this week!! I  assumed that you were sick, it seems as though everyone is sick.  My hisband is just getting over a very nasty cold.  Group was good...I felt bad for ?Jennifer (the pretty young girl that sits with you)...she gained a little, but everyone else lost pretty well.  I went to that restaurant with my co worker and was very nervous...I ate 3 small tempeh cakes, some sauteed greens and a few stalks of well cooked asparagus and the thing that bothered me is that I probably could have finished the whole plate, but I really did try to listen to my body and stopped when I felt that I was satisfied...not full, but status quo. When I had gone for my first post op visit I ahd met the other woman who had Stomaphyx and she and I have become email and telephone buddies, which is reallly awesome because she and I are the only ones up there who have had Stomaphyx and it's really good having someone else to kind of bounce experiences off of. Be well...hope you're feeling better soon!!  I will definately miss going to Boston every Thursday and I'll miss the group.  We should make it a point to get together once a month and do something as a group..dinner etc. See you Thursday!!! Sue
S Andrews
on 2/16/08 2:53 pm - eatonville, WA
Sue, Your doing awsome! I can't believe you lost 8 lbs in a week- that is just so great. Its very inspiring. I hope this proccedure will work for me too. Please let me know how your friend does with this proceedure also. I have absolutely no one to bounce things off of and I want to know how its working for you guys!!! Have good nightr! Sharon
on 2/16/08 8:47 pm - Norwich, CT
Hi Sharon,     I think no matter what road we choose we HAVE to think of this as a tool that is in place to HELP, not CURE.  I do struggle at times but I then am afraid to mess this up, so I try to get up on that orse aain and go forward.  This weekend is the fiirst time with real food, and I don't think I did perfectly, but I tried.  Protein shake for breakfast, picked at chicken and scrambled eggs while cooking for lunch(should have weighed out portion!!!), and then went out to dinner and had a cup of chili (ate maybe 1/2) bite of fried fish(ow!) and 2 bites of son's hamburger (he wouldn't let me try the pretzel bun), and had one roll with 2 butters.  This was far from perfect, but this morning I am planning my day again...protein shake for breakfast, soup for lunch and I think fish and green beans for dinner.   Don't know how interested you are in my diet, but here it is!!!  Did you talk to your MD about stomaphyx??  What did he say? Does he have any data about how other patients have done? I too am hungry for info! Sue   
S Andrews
on 2/17/08 12:35 am - eatonville, WA
Good morning Sue, I did talk to the bariatric surgeon who will be doing this proceedure. I am scheduling my egd for this Friday to see where I am at with things in my stomache. It is a little nerve racking as this surgeon has done a lot of  WLS but he hasn't done any of the stomaphyx surgerys yet. I will either be his first or second. I think he said (and please don't quote me on this)that the inventor of this proceedure would be here when the proceedure was done to assist with it. I hope I didn't misunderstand him. I think thats something I need to clarify but he said something along those lines. I liked him and he seems to have a lot of success with his WLS patients. Its very new up here. Thats why I am so interested in data. It sounds as tho you are doing great. Sharon
on 2/17/08 3:02 am, edited 2/17/08 10:04 am - Covington, WA
Im not sure if this is the same procedure or not, I had the ROSE procedure with Dr Oh on Friday. No side effects to speak off oh except that whole truck driving through the throat feeling *laugh* Ill keep everyone updated on how it goes :)
S Andrews
on 2/17/08 11:11 am - eatonville, WA
I think the proceedures are a little different. How did you like Dr Oh. I know several people who have had surgery with him and he's pretty straight up with every one. Did your insurance cover the cost of your proceedure or did you have to pay out of pocket? If out of pocket can I ask how much it was. I'm just curious. I hope you do well and are back to feeling well soon. Please keep posting here with us. The more information the better.  Both my son and my daughter and her Dh both live up in your neck of the woods. your about an hour from me. Good luck! Sharon
on 2/18/08 12:02 am - Covington, WA
thank you :) Dr OH was really nice. The surgery went well as far as I know. The recovery was pretty quick I'm down since I started my diet and had the surgery to about 241 from 265. Insurance covered it, and it took forever for them to get it approved. Very minimal pain afterwards. My throat was the biggest complaint. I dont know how big that gadget they put into my stomach was but my throat felt like id swallowed a whole hog *laugh* Ill keep yall updated on my progress. Im going to try to make it to the St Josephs Support Group  in Tacoma tonight as well
S Andrews
on 2/18/08 1:40 am - eatonville, WA

Good morning! I heard the support group at St. Joes is very good. I had wanted tot go there myself but never made it . Perhaps I would have done better had I gone. Once I get  something done I'll show up for the meetings as I will need the support more than ever. Wishing you continued success. Keep us posted. Sharon

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