Is Gastric Failure common?
I had a Gastric Bypass in 2000. I did lose approx. 75 lbs. I have since regained.
I am disgusted that I allowed this to happen.
I need to point out the weight gain began within 18 months of my bypass. I feel
as if I put myself and my family through a nightmare for nothing.
But I still am not ready to give up.
Unless I find that I am in fact one of a very few that has failed. Then I will accept that It is me and not a combination of the sugery failure and me.
You are not a failure. I had it in 1998. Started at 349 got down to 210, and with in 3 years was back up to 329. It cames back on so fast and easy. It was like overnight. I have been beating myself up for years until I got on these website and seen I'm not the only. I'm looking to do a revision>. I need a doc and insurance approval. Wish me luck, and you are not the only. I feel your pain everyday.